The 15 lithotherapy stones that relieve spleen pain
The spleen is a soft organ of the lymphatic system . It plays a determining role in immunity and the blood cell renewal process .
Its role is to filter the blood and purify it .
It mainly works on the destruction and recycling of used red blood cells (the iron is used again, for example, for the production of hemoglobin).
Like the liver, the spleen also serves as a blood reserve for the body.
Here is an overview of the best lithotherapy stones that will provide you with positive effects on your spleen.
Relieve and strengthen the spleen
In lithotherapy this stone is used to fight against chronic fatigue and degenerative diseases, stimulate digestion , the spleen , the pancreas , the thymus and balance the thyroid . Yellow stone which promotes emotional balance , soothes anger and incites joy . Citrine corresponds to the 3rd chakra , the chakra of emotion, desire and the power of manifestation.
Balances the nervous and glandular systems , soothes inflammation and neck muscle tension . Supports the pineal and pituitary glands, spleen , pancreas , male reproductive organs and neurological tissues . Brings together very contracted qualities, promoting intuition , clairvoyance and mediumship as well as a strong will, spiritual greatness and personal magic. Intensifies the perception of images. Makes dreams, inner images, feelings and desires more precise, refines the perceptions of the imagination. A symbol of royal power, an effective guardian , this purifying and reviving stone supports longevity and is believed to induce a joyful inner transformation . Supposed to bring luck in love and confer grace and elegance . Rebuilds self-respect and awareness of one's own worth. Harmonizes masculine and feminine energies and promotes tissue regeneration.
Works in disorders of the stomach, spleen and kidneys as well as in skin conditions due to the functioning of the liver , bile and metabolism , helps with joint problems , strengthens the mucous membranes, supports the healing of wounds and makes teething pain in young children more bearable. Allows you to act as a good manager of your life . Allows you to overcome the difficulties created by your peers. Promotes new businesses. Frees from constraints and dependencies. Stimulates the joy of living and relationships , diverts resistance and makes you aware of possibilities, but be careful, nothing will be done without action. Anchor stone for higher energies, very linked to the earth, powerful healer and purifier , absorbs discomfort from the body and promotes the revitalization of tissues. Makes you carefree , happy , joyful , peaceful and confident .
Heals bones , promotes the formation of new cells and the absorption of calcium , is useful for cartilage , bones , teeth and motor skills, relieves arthritis , joint problems and rickets , suppresses the feeling of hunger and accelerates metabolism, encouraging healthy eating , relieves the spleen , glands , meridians . Allows you to see beyond success and take actions for the next day. Releases stress and anger which lead to heartburn or inner tension. Stone of manifestation which promotes the humanitarian attitude , is in harmony with the future , develops psychic gifts and spiritual attunement , promotes communication and personal expression on all levels. Increases motivation and builds energy reserves. Useful for hyperactive and autistic children. Stimulates creativity and intellect , eliminates confusion and helps access information that can be used for individual and collective good. Alleviate grief , apathy and anger , reduce irritability and overcome emotional exhaustion , dissipate frustration . Calms hyperactivity and stimulates the body. Used in combination with other crystals it is easier to obtain results.
Eliminates cellulite , heals the liver , pancreas , gallbladder and spleen . Inhibits appetite . Eliminates toxins , activates the solar plexus , extracts stagnant energy, treats chronic fatigue , apathy and depression . Overcomes lack of concentration and poor digestion .
Supports legs and feet , heart , skin , nails , hair , motor nerves , muscle strength , spleen , lungs , prostate , sexual organs , endocrine and digestive systems . Balances the pancreas . Beneficial for cellular memory , stress - related conditions , calcium deficiencies , circulation , headaches , and fluid retention .
Promotes the assimilation of calcium will be beneficial for the spleen and pancreas , in some cases eliminating tremors . Accelerates the development of the person, gives stability , self-confidence and constancy , acts against laziness and makes one capable of surpassing oneself , develops the ability to put one's ideas into practice, improves discernment and memory , makes one active and leads to success . Will calm suffering (heart chakra) favorable for all intellectual work where significant concentration is necessary. Strengthens memory .
Stimulates lymph circulation and metabolic processes, revitalizes and recharges the exhausted body and mind with energy, purifies the blood , detoxifies the liver , intestines , kidneys , spleen and bladder . Beneficial to organs highly irrigated with blood. Regulates and maintains blood circulation . Reduces pus formation and neutralizes excessive acidity. Enhances abilities, develops intuition , allows you to mark the energetic territory. Allows you to refine the tolerance threshold , is recommended for all people advocating universal love without applying it. Excellent blood purifier , confers the ability to banish evil and negativity . Good for anchoring and protection , keeps away unwanted influences. Calms the mind , dispels confusion and strengthens the decision-making process, revitalizes the exhausted mind , promotes adaptation to unusual circumstances, helps anchor the energy of the heart, reduces irritability , aggressiveness and impatience . Can heal the ancestral lineage. Purifies the lower chakras and realigns their energies.
Has a tonic effect , heals and regenerates tissues , strengthens metabolism and helps with skin problems, helps the heart , thymus , lungs , gallbladder , spleen , intestinal tract , ulcers , strengthens vision . Stimulates the liver and bile , and helps with skin problems , including warts .
Protective against bad energy . Reduces jealousy , resentment , envy , anger and reduces stress . Sharpens the intellect , banishes apathy , helps you take responsibility for your own life and free yourself from the influence of others . Helps us recognize our faults and forgive them , makes us aware of our shortcomings and encourages us to repair the damage caused. Placed on the abdomen, facilitates childbirth by strengthening muscle contractions and reducing pain. Delivers from the weight of self- blame , bad conscience and feelings of guilt , helps to unload accumulated resentment and anger .
Supports the functioning of the spleen , blood cells and the digestive and immune systems . Stone of transformation that protects the heart chakra and energy depletion. Promotes adaptation to new situations and the development of a more flexible personality . Stress reducer stabilizing energies, alleviates exhaustion and reduces fears .
Detoxifies the body , blood and lymph , treats fevers , infectious diseases and blood circulation. Very beneficial for the heart and circulatory system . Stimulates the adrenal glands , kidneys , reproductive organs and spleen . Awakens loving energy from the physical to the divine. The raw ruby symbolizes wealth , but also anger , allows us to perceive what we usually no longer perceive. Good energy stone . Confers vigor , energy and balance . Stimulates the heart chakra and balances the heart . Encourages the pursuit of “ extreme happiness .” Powerful shield against psychic attack and heart energy vampirism . Promotes positive dreams . Stone of abundance , helps maintain wealth and passion .
Strengthens skin , hair , nails , strengthens connective tissues and bones , the latter by activating calcium metabolism , supports immune reactions in the blood and body fluids , activates the lymph nodes , spleen and lungs . Also activates cell metabolism and division , helps wounds heal , avoids the formation of scars and prevents aging , improves the elasticity of blood vessels and exerts an anti-inflammatory action . Also strengthens the sensory organs . Makes you warm , stimulates inner well-being which makes you less dependent on external pleasures and more effective against fear , hyper-emotionality and exhaustion . Gives good internal stability and makes you determined. Helps us to get rid of our fixed ideas and open ourselves to inspiration and new ideas.
Increases the ability to understand love , promotes tact and communication, sociability and extroversion , heals and charges the sacred chakra with energy and intensifies creativity on all levels, offers vigor, vitality and endurance, detoxifies , heals the heart , the digestive system , the blood vessels and the reproductive system , stimulates blood circulation , the functioning of the spleen and liver , repairs the veins .
Activates the liver and spleen , very effective in reducing gout attacks and sciatica , helps to strengthen in trials, useful in fighting serious illnesses . It is a very powerful stone , recommended for soothing all allergies, asthma and skin rashes ; soothes pulmonary disorders and chronic bronchitis problems . Soothes brain diseases and helps us in our desire to be more virtuous . Allows a communion of our different etheric bodies (mental, emotional and spiritual) and will allow us to blend into universal harmony more easily.
Detoxifying , neutralizes excessive acidity and reduces inflammation , strengthens the immune system , regenerates cells , treats the heart , spleen , pancreas and lungs . Transforms negative energies into positive and connects to spiritual realms . Helps manifest one's own self instead of being influenced by others or trying to conform to the norm. Allows you to realize your own ideas and positively transforms destructive desires. Dispels apathy and brings repressed emotions and feelings to the surface in order to express them. Creative stone , brings the mind back to its objectives after an interruption. Encourages recovery after serious illness or stress.
Other stones to soothe the spleen:
Below you will find complementary stones taken from the works of lithotherapy experts, having the same virtues to respond to your problem. You can therefore choose them according to your preferences (colors / chakras / energy....).
The stones recommended by Judy Hall : Alexandrite, Amber, Apatite, Azurite, Chalcedony, Citrine, Jade, Jasper.
The stones recommended by JM Garnier : Agate, Fossilized wood, Calcite, Garnet, Heliotrope, Onyx, Peridot, Pyrite, Rhodocrosite, Ruby, Topaz, Zircon, Zoisite.