Lithotherapy stones to strengthen your metabolism
Metabolism is the set of chemical reactions that take place within a living being to enable it to stay alive , reproduce, develop and respond to stimuli from its environment.
Some of these chemical reactions take place outside of the body's cells, such as digestion or the transport of substances between cells. However, most of these reactions take place within the cells themselves and constitute intermediary metabolism.
Due to their subtle energies, stones have virtues to balance and strengthen your metabolism . Here is an overview of the best lithotherapy stones that will allow you to acquire its benefits.
Strengthen your metabolism
Slows down blood clotting, activates fat metabolism and cholesterol breakdown, thereby preventing calcification of arteries and tissues and widening coronary vessels. Helps prevent heart attacks. Its dehydrating properties are known, accelerates weight loss, strengthens the respiratory organ, will relieve stomach ulcers and avoid constipation, it will be a good aid in healing the prostate, and will calm sinus pain.
Its effect is calming. Dispels sadness and oppression, helps resolve problems by promoting collaboration between understanding and intuition. Regulates metabolism disorders (liver) , relaxes, strengthens the nerves and helps in certain brain diseases. Harmonizes the pituitary and thymus, as well as the neurovegetative system and internal organs. Relieves heart pain due to grief.
Works in disorders of the stomach, spleen and kidneys as well as in skin conditions due to the functioning of the liver, bile and metabolism , helps with joint problems, strengthens the mucous membranes, supports the healing of wounds and makes teething pain in young children more bearable.
Activates personal empowerment and spiritual will, transforms negative energy into a peaceful spiral of positive energy. Useful for overall well-being and longevity, cellular metabolism , depression, pain, osteomyelitis, osteitis, and tinnitus, awakens energy and cellular memory, stabilizes the pulse and overcomes degenerative disorders, supports the skull, inner ear, lungs and limbs.
Heals bones, joint problems and rickets, suppresses the feeling of hunger and speeds up metabolism, encouraging healthy eating, regulates glands, meridians and organs, controls hypertension, balances the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. As well as the chakras calming hyperactivity and stimulating the body.
Beneficial for the thymus, connective tissue and nervous system, blood pressure, stimulate metabolism , lowering cholesterol levels and preventing arteriosclerosis, anti-inflammatory heart attacks, calms skin rashes , allergies, alleviates migraines, soothes the eyes, treats the adrenal glands, lungs, sinuses, heart, muscular system and urogenital system relieves skin disorders.
Symbol: Overcoming difficulties. Anchored in present reality. Stabilizing stone with high energy, excellent for restoring vitality and motivation, for stimulating creativity, for spectacular goals, purifies other crystals. Stimulates metabolism activates the root chakra, influences the organs, treats lower back problems, rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia and depression , especially in the elderly, regulates body fluids and kidneys, accelerates healing of bones and ligaments, tubal problems, relieves digestion and reduces diarrhea, restores energy to the liver-bladder couple, eliminates toxins from the kidneys, stops hemorrhages, improves the absorption of vitamins and minerals and ensures a good blood supply to organs and tissues.
Reduces energy leaks and develops self-confidence. Reinforces the sense of tradition. Ensures stability, rebalances explosive or violent feelings and brings satisfaction. Promotes simple, pragmatic thinking. Helps you easily achieve your goals, stimulates common sense. Activates the metabolism of calcium and magnesium . Therefore stabilizes health. Relaxes and eliminates cramps.
Regenerates the body, stimulates metabolism , treats spinal and cellular disorders. Is the stone par excellence for crisis situations. Strengthens the inner flame, the desire to come true. Eliminates energy blockages, harmonizes the composition of organic fluids, particularly blood, stabilizes circulation, purifies and recharges the blood, heart and lungs with energy, regenerates DNA, strengthens the immune system, facilitates the absorption of vitamins and minerals in the intestine and accelerates the healing of internal and external wounds.
Has a tonic effect, heals and regenerates tissues, strengthens metabolism and helps with skin problems, helps the heart, thymus, lungs, gallbladder, spleen, intestinal tract, ulcers, strengthens vision.
Helps in case of cardiac arrhythmia, kidney and gastric disorders. Rebalances excess acidity, stimulates gastric metabolism , relaxes cramps and alleviates menstrual and muscular pain. Eliminates parasites, promotes the absorption of calcium and magnesium, treats hypoglycemia and diabetes.
Strengthens skin, hair, nails, strengthens connective tissues and bones, the latter by activating calcium metabolism , supports immune reactions in the blood and body fluids, activates the lymph nodes, spleen and lung . Also activates cell metabolism and division, helps wounds heal, avoids scar formation and prevents aging, improves the elasticity of blood vessels and exerts an anti-inflammatory action.
Balances metabolism , alleviates calcium deficiencies , purifies the lymphatic system and organs, activating the immune system, fights damage caused by radiation, heals the throat, vocal cords, larynx, useful for hoarseness and digestive disorders, lowers fevers and blood pressure, stimulates the absorption of fluids in the body.
Ability to adapt, promotes flexibility while maintaining one's point of view, helps to work on accumulated experiences and use them to grow, cleanses the liver and tissues, develops intestinal flora, stimulates metabolism and elimination .
Promotes health. Helps digestion and fights anorexia, restores the sense of taste, strengthens the nerves, stimulates metabolism . Acts like a battery, which recharges spiritually and physically, strengthening faith and optimism.
Purifies the blood, stabilizes blood pressure and heals the heart, regulates metabolism and hormone production , increases fertility. Ward off depression and seasonal depression.
Other stones for metabolism :
- Aquamarine
- Amethyst
- Apatite
- Aventurine
- Chrysocolla
- Chrysoprase
- Carnelian
- Garnet
- Hematite
- Jasper
- Labradorite
Below you will find complementary stones taken from the works of lithotherapy experts, having the same virtues to respond to your problem. You can therefore choose them according to your preferences (colors / chakras / energy....).
The stones recommended by Judy Hall : Amazonite, Amethyst, Apatite, Aventurine, Chrysocolla, Carnelian, Diamond, Garnet, Jasper, Rhodolite.
Stones recommended by JM Garnier : Xenotime, Pyrolusite.
The stones recommended by Bioschério : Aquamarine, Chrysoprase, Diamond, Diopside, Hematite, Labradorite, Tsavorite.
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