Your well-being guide to spending the holidays at home

Your well-being guide to spending the holidays at home

dans At home

There's no denying that the concept of being "home for the holidays" has a different meaning this year. From travel and gathering restrictions, to canceling and changing plans, to virtual meetings, to spending time primarily inside our homes, there are many differences in how the 2020 holiday season unfolds compared to previous years. Whether you can't return home or have been stuck at home for too long, it's more important than ever to take stock of your emotional and mental health, as well as the health of your current environment.

Whether you realize it or not, the challenges and changes of this year can make you feel all kinds of emotions, and these emotions can be stored in your space. And since we're all going to be spending a lot of time at home, the "health" of your space can play a huge role in your mental, emotional, and physical health.

This guide will give you the tools to keep your space and mind elevated and positive. From a space clearing ritual to healing crystal recommendations for emotional well-being and a practice to help you rise above lower vibrations, we hope these tips help make your vacation at home a little more special.

Step #1: Emotional Well-Being: Crystal Clear Recommendations for 10 Common Emotions

The holidays can be stressful under normal circumstances, but when you add in the other aspects of the 2020 holiday season, it can be much more emotionally taxing than usual. If, like many of us, you are a mix of emotions, you may not know exactly what you're feeling or what you can look for to help you through this time. Luckily, you don't have to go it alone. Healing crystals are the perfect tool to help you overcome the different emotions and feelings you are experiencing at the moment. Here are some crystal antidotes to some of the emotions you may be feeling this holiday season:

  • If you feel alone: ​​Angelite. Angelite offers supportive energy and reminds you that your angels are all around you.
  • If you feel anxious: Lepidolite. Lepidolite contains lithium, which is often used in medications that stabilize mood. The composition of this stone gives it a unique ability to soothe anxiety and help you return to a calm state of mind.
  • If you're feeling disappointed: Pink opal. Pink opal is a powerful stone for emotional healing. It helps resolve painful experiences that leave you feeling disappointed or disappointed, and reminds you to find joy instead.
  • If you're feeling stressed: Blue lace agate. Blue lace agate gives off a gentle, celestial energy that puts your mind, body, and soul at ease and helps you detach from reality.
  • If you're feeling overwhelmed: Smoky Quartz. Smoky Quartz helps ground your energy when you feel overwhelmed and helps you come back to your center.
  • If you're feeling sad: Amethyst. The high vibrational energy of amethyst uplifts your spirit and helps you tune into the violet light to connect to a higher frequency.
  • If you're feeling frustrated: Hematite. Hematite pulls you out of the frantic feeling of frustration and reminds you that you can only take care of your own energy, here and now. It provides an energy of security and stability that helps you free yourself from the grip of frustration.
  • If you feel emotionally exhausted: Citrine. The bright, sunny energy of Citrine recharges your energetic battery when you feel drained and exhausted. It gives you a source of light that you can connect to.
  • If you feel angry: Rose quartz. Rose Quartz connects to your heart space and fills you with the highest vibrations of love and happiness, helping you free your heart of any darker emotions like anger.
  • If you feel fearful: Tiger's eye. The courageous and empowering energy of tiger's eye acts like a cheerleader, encouraging you not to let fear take over your life.

Step number 2: Environmental Wellbeing: How to Clean and Elevate Your Space

While working through your feelings and emotions can be powerful, it's also important to remember that these vibrations stay in your space long after you've released them from your mind. To ensure you have fully cleansed the energy of your home, follow this space clearing ritual and finish with some strategic crystal placements to raise the vibration of your space.

Cleanse and purify with this space clearing ritual

  1. Open all windows and doors.
  2. In each room, move everything from the corners to the center of the room.
  3. Light a sage stick.
  4. Recite the following “purification prayer”: Great Creator, the four powers of the universe, and all my relations and the good spirits of nature. I come before you in a humble manner and ask for your help. From what I understand, you have been putting this medicine on Earth since the beginning of creation to help human beings. This medicine is used to purify our mind, body, soul, aura and environment where I am currently located. So I ask you to accept this medicine and purify me (and everyone near me, such as family and friends). I ask you to eliminate all evil spirits, all bad forces, all ghosts and dead people, or all evil entities and negative energies. I ask you to remove all fear, pain and sickness. And don't let them come back.
  5. Starting at the front door, walk around your home clockwise with your sage, assessing the energy. This process helps you develop a deeper connection with your space, so you can learn to "read" the energy.
  6. As you burn sage in each room, devote a little more attention to corners and crevices, energy often builds up in these small spaces.
  7. After you've cleared your space, play our Clear Your Space playlist or other mantras and 432 Hz music to clear any stuck, stagnant, or heavy energy that remains.

Strategic placement of crystals

Now that your surroundings are clear, you can raise the vibration by placing crystals in specific locations. Here are some of my crystal recommendations to set your home up for the holidays:

  • Grid your space with light by placing a selenite wand or a selenite point in each corner of a room or on the windowsill.
  • Place shungite cubes in the corners of your rooms to harmonize and neutralize negative energies, including EMFs from technology and electronics.
  • Place a rose quartz point in the living room, kitchen, bedroom or any other room you want to fill with love and warmth.
  • Bring natural Citrine into your common spaces to uplift energy and bring happiness.
  • Place a black tourmaline near the back door or at the back of the house to act as a “trash can” for negative energies that seep into the house.
  • Place an amethyst cluster in any rooms where you spend a lot of time to act as an energetic air purifier.

Step number 3: Your practice with your crystal

Even if you do all of the above (clearing the space, emotional healing, etc.), difficulties will arise and you may lose your temper at times. For these difficult times, come back to your breath and your intention with this crystal practice:

Hold a crystal of your choice above your heart and follow the following breathing pattern for healing: Inhale for 7 counts, hold your breath for 7 counts, and exhale for 7 counts. 7 is the number that represents healing. Repeat this breathing pattern until you feel calm and centered.

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