Sagittarius Ascendants
Sagittarius Ascendant Aries
Sagittarius Ascendant Taurus
Sagittarius Ascendant Gemini
Sagittarius Cancer Ascendant
Sagittarius Ascendant Leo
Sagittarius Ascendant Virgo
Sagittarius Ascendant Libra
Sagittarius Ascendant Scorpio
Sagittarius Sagittarius Ascendant
Sagittarius Ascendant Capricorn
Sagittarius Ascendant Aquarius
Sagittarius Pisces Ascendant
Sagittarius Ascendant Aries
The character of a person with the Sun in Sagittarius and the Ascendant in Aries seems to those around him full of ideal strength. They are always independent, strive to achieve high goals. They face a difficult experience that everyone claims for their time. They learn quickly, love their teacher, are athletic and are interested in literature; they want to be first, but don't all push elbows unceremoniously.
But if they have a strong opinion about something, they can't be convinced. This should not be confused with the prejudices they often harbor; Here, they quickly adopt a different point of view in order to appear gentle and receptive. When they have overcome prejudice, their character can then be relied upon.
Sagittarians with Aries Ascendant are like a rock in a surf group; their experience of life is not an illusion. They surpass themselves, they pass on their experience with passion - painfully afraid that their advice will not be accepted. This seriously hurts them; they can turn inward and, after a few years, hit the world with new knowledge or a new point of view, which they preach with passion.
They want to change the world, to educate it, to rid others of false paths. They are usually sincere and ready for fair competition. They know how to lose, although it is given to them with great difficulty - at least to serve as an example.
These two signs are controlled by the elements of Fire, so a person born under this combination of signs is distinguished by activity and fervor. Fire burns in your eyes and in your blood. You are energetic, aggressive and mobile - you are a person with a quick temper. You have a big generous heart, you're brimming with confidence and optimism, but you also have a super sensitive ego and you're very touchy. Even the slightest difference in opinion or approach to something can be perceived by you as a manifestation of contempt for your personality. You are energetic and athletic, in spirit you are a true pioneer. You need physical activity to burn off your energy. You do not lack popularity, because people are attracted to your warmth, and they like it when you organize and lead them.
The time you spent pursuing your studies will not be wasted. You will also benefit from a long journey. You will probably live abroad, perhaps after marrying a foreigner. You are probably the only child in the family. As a child, you will experience many difficulties due to your parents' unfinished business, and your father may disappear, leaving his family without a means of support. Relatives do not favor you, and relationships in the family are marked by tensions. You like height, mountains are your element, so you can go mountaineering.
The hidden face of the sign
Although you are very energetic and full of enthusiasm, you do not have the patience to hang on for long. You jump into everything and finish nothing – the initiator, but not the finisher. You don't think about your mistakes and are barely able to learn from experience. You swing like a seesaw from self-humiliation to exaggerated, boastful arrogance. People find you very unstable and can't stand your aggressiveness. You thrive in an atmosphere of argument, and when all your family and friends turn away from you, you easily start ranting in front of strangers. God help you, if you have someone like you.
The need to give away your sexuality is more pronounced in you than in most people, although your perseverance is tempered by your inherent romanticism. At the same time, your selfishness becomes evident and your own infantilism comes to the fore, especially when romantic relationships are not there. You are probably getting married early and hastily. Later you repent of it, and it may even result in divorce. This combination of signs does not promise large offspring, so the children will be small or not at all. You will travel a lot for family business and depending on your state of health, and perhaps to avoid misfortune.
Travel, politics, military affairs, education and sports are the fields where you can succeed. You are ambitious, but many difficulties await you and you will have to muster all your determination to overcome them. Your fortune is changeable. You will become rich if your business is related to real estate or industry, or if your spouse turns out to be a very rich person. You will often change your place of residence and make long trips, carrying out certain missions. You can become a pioneer in the field of intellectual knowledge, as well as in military affairs. Financial gain will bring you courage and travel. You may be interested in work related to mineral exploration and exploitation.
You are prone to flatulence, colic and inflammatory diseases of the internal organs. There may be injuries to the eyes, hands and feet. As Aries controls the head, it is likely that you may suffer from migraine attacks. But their cause may be an allergy, so you should take the trouble to find out the origin.
Sagittarius Ascendant Taurus
A man with the Sun in Sagittarius and an Ascendant in Taurus loves everything in life that has at least some meaning. Nothing escapes them - there is no pleasure, no pleasure, and they can be everywhere, but at the decisive moment they step aside to do something, to create something real, lasting and viable.
But in the end, they return from their isolation with the work accomplished, and the game begins again. The world often underestimates them. Snobs hope to resonate with them, but as a rule, they are calculating. They can be very diligent, they can wait a long time for success, if only it is worth it.
Sagittarians with an ascendant in Taurus are curious both about others and about things far away. And there, in the distance, or if they are entrusted with a serious mission, they are emotionally seized, their desire to help can reach obsession, they help the oppressed, defend the innocent condemned.
When they don't have a valid cause, they talk about it; This may sound like chatting, but it all depends on the level. They happily receive guests who listen to their conversations, show slides, and the more people they are interested in, the more generous they are. But they are generous, in fact, still at the heart of it all.
You have both the idealism of Sagittarius and the practicality of Taurus. Therefore, you are able to complete most of your projects. You are not as active as a regular Sagittarius, and prefer to walk or take leisurely strolls in the garden. However, you like to breathe fresh air. You don't hesitate to indulge in a half-hour walk to your favorite restaurant, but the gym or running isn't your style.
You are sociable and have a wide circle of friends, which includes interesting people. You like to exchange ideas, although there are times when you defend your beliefs too stubbornly. But those who have known you for a long time do not pay attention to this, considering it a feature of your behavior, and are happy to participate in a lively debate.
You rarely lose your temper, but when you do, others should be wary. The ascendant in this sign implies that a person comes from a good family and that his father has weight in the community. The sources of problems are loved ones, especially brothers and sisters. Basically, you live a peaceful life, although you may struggle in your reluctance to accept impending changes.
The hidden side of the sign
Combine Sagittarius' lack of tact and Taurus' excessive self-confidence, and you'll have a serious headache. You are in love with the sound of your own voice. You probably would have become a great politician, since you never listen to others. Having met an eloquent intellectual face to face, you put blinders on your eyes, lower your head and puff up. Seeing such an image, people begin to look for a more accommodating and intelligent person in society. You are so absorbed in yourself that you probably don't even notice your loneliness. Your family often refuses to argue with you, realizing that it would just be a waste of time. Instead, they prefer to disappear from your life, making it literally impossible for you to establish a deep relationship with someone. But that shouldn't scare you either. In the end, after all, it's only you who's important, right?
Your proprietary attitude toward everything extends to your partner, as if he or she were a new set of pots or a car. You are charming, you quickly become attached to people, and you suffer deeply if you discover that your loved one is not entirely yours - but he will certainly belong to you. The marriage will not be very successful and may end in divorce. Problems can be associated with a love affair on the side. As a child, your offspring will need special care. In particular, the eldest child will need protection even before birth and during the first two years of his life, especially if he is a boy.
You can do very well in research, banking, finance and insurance, working in a large company. Additionally, you enjoy science, gardening, and gardening. You are a diligent worker and pay close attention to details. You will certainly be successful in life, even if you can survive the difficulties associated with litigation, unemployment or love intrigues. You suddenly smile at luck, you help someone's love or friends. In youth, the situation in life will be unstable, although later your affairs will improve thanks to successful acquaintances and your dedication to work.
You enjoy all the benefits of life and are interested in issues related to diet and health. You very rarely get sick. However, the fragile organs are the spleen, liver and kidneys. You may suffer from diabetes, throat diseases, tonsillitis, especially when you are upset or in a state of stress. Learn to relax and you will stay out of trouble.
Sagittarius Ascendant Gemini
People with the Sun in Sagittarius and the Ascendant in Gemini are preachers of unity, they see the whole world and are responsible for it. Their appeal to their neighbors must be taken seriously, their statements are almost religious. They want to teach others, to give meaning; so they often seem pretentious.
But they can adapt well to others, seemingly agree with them, but then all this is carried into the work of persuasion. What can be filled should not remain empty; What needs to be said - it needs to be said! They have one advantage: the ability to learn from their experience and mistakes.
At first, they are prone to exaggerated estimates, but when their goals are not achieved, their judgments become more severe and harsh. However, their sentences are always well formulated and thoughtful, they are often small masterpieces of literature. This manifests their particular talent, which can evolve into poetic creativity.
Sagittarians with an ascendant in Gemini are good at associating with others, sometimes with apparent arrogance, but at the same time they are friendly and supportive, no one is irritated, no desire to insist on their orders. They can set a good example, but understand the importance of reward, praise and generous compensation. They glorify life and enjoy it; Likewise, they can indulge in ecstasy, but not for long, because they want to participate in everything.
You are eloquent and happily talk to anyone who is willing to listen. There is nothing that can give you more pleasure than an interesting conversation. You find this passing moment more exciting than sex, which you don't care about. Being an intelligent and lively person, the public rarely fails you. Your kindness and friendliness attract people to you.
You have an insatiable thirst for life and a desire to experience everything. It is difficult to imagine you alone, you love society and feel free and easy in any company. Love is a kind of game for you, and such an attitude towards it contributes to the fact that you lead an interesting, but difficult life. You are a good companion, you can always sympathize and find a reasonable solution to other people's problems.
You need constant movement, change, new impulses to action, perhaps to protect yourself from boredom. Your luck is changeable, representatives of the opposite sex can greatly influence your life. In life you experience periods of abundance and poverty, and in your family there are many secrets and problems. As a rule, your relatives are doing well and have connections in the highest circles of society. Your brother or sister will achieve great success in life. You can't always get along with your father. Ultimately, you are the cause of your failures.
The hidden side of the sign
You are diverse, complex and there is always confusion around you. You are so cunning and always choose such circuitous paths that your right hand does not know what the left is doing, and your friends have long since given up hope of making you keep your promises. Your external charm attracts the opposite sex, and at any age you are able to get carried away by a new face that has appeared in your environment to test you and your charm, and break a multitude of hearts in your life journey. The longer a person confronts you, the more energetic your efforts. If this person is married or has children - nothing, so even more fun. You are unreliable and only know how to break hearts, which is why you deserve most of the experiences and problems you encounter in life. Unfortunately, we also have to suffer for your loved ones, but they will definitely come together one day and leave you alone with your wickedness.
You are not particularly emotional, but you are able to express your feelings in love letters, which are definitely worth saving. A tendency to flirt can cause turmoil in your romantic or married life, or lead to the fact that you will have several romantic relationships at the same time. Your luck depends more on the opposite sex, and there are many secrets related to your romantic relationships and hobbies. In some cases, as a result of these intrigues, the child may suffer. You will probably get married twice. Your spouse may be a foreigner or you will live abroad for a while. You will not have many children, they will be talented people, lucky in life. Their abilities can be expressed in the visual arts.
You can succeed by working with a partner, as an agent, manager or lawyer. You are also capable of succeeding in fields related to art, science or travel and tourism. You are inventive and full of original ideas on matters relating to law, negotiations and commerce. You will take a good position in life and you will probably have two professions at the same time. You will encounter many obstacles and difficulties on the path to success, and in most cases they will be related to law enforcement officials. The danger lies in your propensity to disperse your interests. Probably, you will inherit land or real estate.
Try not to strain your sensitive nervous system, which can suffer from stress. But your sturdy body is always on your side, because this combination of signs gives a person truly youthful energy. Vulnerable organs: lungs (susceptible to disease, especially if you have dark hair), gallbladder. You easily catch a cold when traveling. There is also a tendency towards poisoning. Fresh air, proper nutrition and exercise will keep you strong and cheerful even in old age.
Sagittarius Cancer Ascendant
The character of a person with the Sun in Sagittarius and the ascendant in Cancer is too emotional in comparison with others, which does not correspond, in fact, to his inner, spiritual core. They therefore often live in conflict either with themselves or with others. If they behave in a good-natured and affable manner, they then find themselves uncomfortable; if they make demands, they encounter resistance.
Sagittarians with an ascendant in Cancer often behave like a king, protecting the weak and the old. But they emphasize this point too much. It’s different when they assume something; they can then take it with them. When they manage to find the right tone, they are on the razor's edge.
They want to do everything more or less thoroughly, do not like to be directed; they want to learn from the best. They often hurt themselves, focusing on the mind and soul, and then feeling their own dependence on spiritual dreams. The subconscious makes itself felt, often manifesting itself in prejudices and hasty judgments with which the mind must then deal; but, alas, the subconscious then turns out to be largely right.
This experience remains in their memory, so that with age they become skeptical, suspicious or authoritarian. They want to raise people above chatter, do not want to succumb to mental depression, which constantly covers them. They struggle for the future, but do not know how to seduce those around them, whom they constantly touch.
No doubt, you have often wondered why you do not match your astrological description. You pride yourself on your sensitivity, rich imagination, and artistic abilities - traits that are not unique to Sagittarius. But these characteristics are not expressed in you as much as you try to convince us. It's just a convenient facade that you show to the world. Although you care about your own feelings, you can be extremely indifferent to the feelings of others.
Additionally, you are not as welcoming a person as you like to portray yourself to be, and if you are in a bad mood, you are not considering the feelings of those close to you. Without a doubt, you are a difficult person, one of those who love unknown places and adventures. Depending on the circumstances, you can be bold and shy. You generally retreat from physical danger, but you demonstrate great courage in your views and opinions. You will inherit some property, although after many obstacles. From parents with whom you often have disagreements, you can expect problems. Therefore, you can get closer to another family.
The hidden face of the sign
You are an untrustworthy messenger, although you are not an absurd person. You don't have the slightest idea of what you want in life, and so you always avoid making serious commitments. You give yourself entirely to the mood of the moment, but another person comes to replace it, and you take back your words. You are deceiving yourself and others who see you as an unbalanced person with whom you can only have superficial relationships. If you really want to succeed in life, you should take advantage of the opportunities given to you and put an end to this affair.
You tend to get bogged down in domestic matters and refuse to have fun even if you can afford it. You are a moody person, and you should take care that this quality does not harm your relationship with your loved one. You are often disappointed in people, which pushes you to seek new acquaintances. This combination of signs does not favor a cloudless marriage. You can get an inheritance, but only after litigation. Your children will create many problems for you, although in old age they will become your best support. The eldest is likely to succeed in medicine, chemistry or an art-related profession.
Your life will be accompanied by many ups and downs, but you will achieve some fame and success. You are able to compile old material well and present it as new, so you will make an excellent imitator. You are able to negotiate and strive for a good position in society and well-being. Although on your path there will be many problems, in adulthood you will prosper. Your friends, especially women, will support you and give you financial help. However, one of your friends will cause unfavorable changes in your life. You should fear backbiting.
You are subject to constant anxiety, which you keep within yourself. This negatively affects the digestive system and can lead to the appearance of a stomach ulcer. You need to watch your lungs; you are prone to rheumatism and sciatica. There is also some risk of injury from falls, especially when you are abroad. Positive emotions will help you to always be in good physical shape.
Sagittarius Ascendant Leo
People with the Sun in Sagittarius and the Ascendant in Leo are spiritual leaders, if their level is high enough. But in one way or another, they all care about education, about inner development. Here you can meet teachers who work on inner conviction and who, even on vacation, continue their studies. There can be preachers of the faith, who inspire society.
Sagittarians with an ascendant in the sign of Leo seem to many too convinced, sounding prophetic, they carry away with their speech, instill confidence and assurance. Personal relationships often depend on them for similarity of worldview.
They preach tolerance, but, inflamed by the debate on democratic elections, they only sit at the table with those who have the same opinion as them. They don't let themselves be diverted from their path. They are even stubborn: by fixing something, they will execute it! Their conviction impresses, they are courageous and, wherever possible, they are followed by a following.
If moral principles must be defended, they can reach an unhealthy tension, but faith in a just cause leads them to recovery. The traditions are in good hands here, the heritage is appreciated; The transfer, although modernizing, is not interrupted. Their behavior is noble and deliberate; In the way they remain calm even with some excitement, one senses self-possession.
This is a very active, sporty and creative combination of signs. You have a wonderful sense of humor and know how to please yourself. Your warmth, generosity and optimism have attracted many people to you, and you can always use popularity. You get along well with children and animals, there is something of a child in you. You need to give free rein to your creative energy, if it is not in the profession, it is in the hobbies. But your sensitivity interferes with your ability to express yourself.
In love, you are romantic and delicate. Despite the disappointment that grips you, you maintain confidence in people. You are very sociable and feel at home around people, especially if you are the center of attention. Your ego is your Achilles heel, which must be constantly maintained and protected. You are very touchy.
Father will have a great impact on your situation in life, but if your manners are scattered, it can even harm your success in life. You are waiting for conflicts related to obtaining an inheritance or a long trip and living abroad.
The hidden face of the sign
You like to surround yourself with flatterers, and this determines your choice of friends and loved ones. Anyone who dares to criticize or disagree with you is excluded from your circle of acquaintances. Your self-righteousness crosses the line, but it's hard to imagine how you could have thought you had something special? You're just a selfish, puffed up, arrogant guy. In you maybe and there is a charm, but people quickly understand who you really are.
It is not easy for you to maintain emotional relationships with people, and you need to be careful when you are in constant communication with someone. You need someone you can respect and admire. You are a faithful and loyal wife and you express your feelings openly. However, that doesn't stop you from letting yourself be carried away by love while playing cat and mouse.
This combination of signs implies two marriages, and in both cases there will be children. You will have many children, and the first child will need special care before birth. You can have twins, especially if you are a woman and your spouse is Aquarius. Unfortunately, as children grow up, disagreements can arise between them.
Art, theater, sports, children and animals - this is where all the possibilities for your development lie. You have versatile abilities and prefer to work in the field of art or pursue a career as a civil servant. You like theater and poetry. Well-being will come to you thanks to your efforts, but also thanks to the help of parents in good standing. Problems may arise due to unimportant health or family issues. Income can bring you trade in goods, such as food or clothing. Your profession will bring you a lot of joy and will be associated with frequent short trips.
You rarely succumb to depression, but you can really collapse when it finally hits you. Discouragement can have the most harmful consequences for your health. Although in general, a person born under this combination of signs is notable for good health. Diseases can affect the back, heart, bones and circulatory system. You may suffer from rheumatism. But when illness arrives, you usually do not give in to discouragement, which makes it easier for the doctors and for your body, which in this case will easily cope with all the failures.
Sagittarius Ascendant Virgo
A person with the Sun in Sagittarius and an Ascendant in Virgo feels well prepared to live with others. She knows that she cannot attack anyone, that she will never lecture, she seeks a compromise in order to save something. “All or nothing” is inappropriate here, too many things are at stake.
Sagittarians with an ascendant in Virgo demand that others respect the rules of the game. They work persistently at persuasion to implement their principles. In their eyes, sparks of inner spiritual passion often flash.
Their interests are drawn to literature, but also to practical help to others. They are almost idealists. Once formed, the image of the world determines the rest of life, so this character radiates peace, which he often does not have; because peace is accepted stability.
However, sustainability is often even more necessary, because only it can create peace. Their spiritual activity is remarkable and offers new possibilities for ascension. They lead by example. Which everyone can strive to follow, because they do not move the achievement to an indefinite distance, but leave them completely human.
Virgo's criticism combined with Sagittarius' tactlessness creates obstacles in maintaining close relationships with such a person. However, you are sincerely involved with people, and therefore they forgive you the tendency to point out their weaknesses. You love family life very much and you are proud of your home. Hopefully, your parents encouraged you to spread your wings and live an independent life. Otherwise, you risk remaining an incorrigible housewife. You can become a person who is affected by the little things in life, but who believes that life's important problems will resolve themselves. This happens sometimes, and if it doesn't, the result can be drama, chaos and panic.
You have a cold, clear mind and a developed sense of justice. You are a good friend, but also a ruthless enemy. You are difficult to anger, but if you do, you are not quick to forgive. If you are treated politely, you may be convinced to apologize for any wrongdoing. Relatives and neighbors do not favor you. In general, a pretty cool relationship is maintained between you and your family. There are probably some secrets in your family, and your father might marry twice. Friends will be fickle, or changes in your life will cause you to break up with them. However, you easily form new relationships.
The hidden face of the sign
You're extremely good at discussing why this or that thing can't work, which is why people tend to think you're a little shy. Sometimes you want to seek advice, but you are afraid to do so. You feel awkward and embarrassed when you are given an opportunity, and this state lasts until you find a reason, turn it down, and then complain that you are still unlucky. You are your own worst enemy, although you hardly agree with that. At the slightest problem, you seek refuge in family, hoping that they will protect you from this terrible world. You don't even think about fending for yourself. Like a leech, you are stuck to your loved ones, and one day they will run out of patience, and you will have to face your failure, whether you like it or not.
It's not always easy for you to express your feelings as vividly or passionately as you would like. This is explained by the distrust you feel towards people. Disappointments are possible, and you risk marrying twice or having a love affair in secret from your partner. In a marriage there will be problems, your spouse may have a secret of some kind that will force him or her to lead a reclusive life. The first child will need special protection even before birth. You will have few children and it will be difficult to take care of them. Your children will not marry early or easily. Probably, you will experience constant hostility from a certain person, connected with a love affair in which a child can play a role.
You enjoy gardening, market gardening and farming and are particularly inclined to master the practical skills of working in these and other areas of knowledge. You will achieve some prosperity in life, but only by working hard. Even then, you may still have problems, especially during the first half of your life. You can be a good banker or a businessman, but you should not play the stock market. Property-related transactions can provide an additional source of income. Beware of spraying your interests, this can lead to unnecessary complications. By overcoming a series of difficulties, you will achieve success and position in society. You will change your field of activity more than once and make numerous business trips.
You are subject to constant anxiety, but you try to suppress it, which harms your nervous system. You are also characterized by hypochondria. Stress can lead to disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract, skin diseases, allergies and stomach ulcers. Free yourself from your emotions, and you will get the relaxation you need.
Sagittarius Ascendant Libra
People with the Sun in Sagittarius and the Ascendant in Libra love those around them very much, at first glance they are immediately attracted to them. They have skillful tact, and do not show their ambition. When admitting to work, it seems that they are only interested in the business, and not the position.
Inside, they are looking for exactly the position, even if it was important, because they know that you have to have the power to get it. Having taken the same high position, they treat subordinates with all kindness, guide them well and protect them if they make a mistake; they know how to forgive, and they care for those who trust them and to whom they are loyal.
Sagittarians whose Ascendant is in Libra are also attentive and responsible teachers, able to approach weak students and organize a special lesson for advanced students. They are just, and not only for the balance of the world around them, but also because without justice they cannot. It is impossible to develop if you constantly behave unfairly, children already know that!
They have an innate life wisdom that allows them to move forward successfully. Naturally, they command respect, and approval is very important to them. They are ready, if necessary, to work for free, but this must be recognized. They are of great magnitude; Their inner fire bursts.
This is a delicious combination of signs. The person born under this combination possesses an irresistible charm. You are always on the move, ambitious and ambitious. You have a wide range of friends, and your daily schedule is filled with invitations. You are unlikely to be interested in sports, as Libra makes you somewhat lazy. You have a pleasant and gentle character; you are sensitive, have good adaptability and you easily fall under the influence of the environment. You are frank and honest, sometimes optimistic, and sometimes prone to melancholy. When you are engaged in an activity that interests you, you are completely absorbed in it, although your hobbies usually do not last long.
You have many brothers and sisters, or you will marry someone from a large family. There are disagreements between family members, and even a lawsuit is possible. A father may be a source of grief or loss for you. There are obstacles and restrictions associated with it. One of your parents was married twice.
The hidden face of the sign
When a stranger on the street asks you for directions, you immediately inquire about the likelihood of a romantic date with him. You have many needs, so you don't miss an opportunity to get to know each other. Security is a very important issue for you, second only to security. If you find a lunch coupon in the dining room, you'll never take it out of your hands. You are a superficial person, and life with you is like living with a newfangled electronic toy. Having started communicating with you, people immediately begin to get bored and think about how to escape from you. You mumble, turn away from the topic and can't get through to the end. People find it difficult to communicate with you, because you like to talk, but you rarely listen. If at the time of your tirade the house is burning, even the smoke and flames cannot distract you from speaking the pearls of wisdom. We can't say that you are a worthless person, but you are really annoying!
The big problem for you is that you fall in love with love itself. The need to find a partner is so strong in you that you recklessly rush into the whirlwind of love, as if not recognizing a person. A partner may find you too frivolous. You will not have a cloudless marriage, you may even live separately from your spouse, but he will be a rich person and you will receive an unexpected inheritance, perhaps from a wife. Your children will be lucky in life and will be a source of satisfaction for you. Of course, they will be your best support in old age.
Advertising, communications, media and transportation - these are possible sources of income for you. You are creative and have the ability to design and work as a designer. You are very attracted to maritime navigation, and you can succeed in anything related to liquids. People born under this combination of signs become successful liquor traders, chemists, surgeons and sailors. You will work with people and take a lot of business trips. Beware of instability, which constantly threatens you, and try to save for a rainy day. Lots of income will bring your transactions with the property.
You are an optimist, but you cannot stand loneliness at all. Your character suffers, and you may even get sick. Vulnerable organs - liver, kidneys, veins and intestines. You are also prone to infections that affect your feet. In a calm and harmonious environment, you will feel good.
Sagittarius Ascendant Scorpio
A person with the Sun in Sagittarius and an ascendant in Scorpio sets high goals, which require energy. They work tirelessly towards comprehensive development. They fight wonderfully for common interests, however, it is not uncommon for them to proclaim it even more.
The discussions about the programs are very high and seem elitist. Great need for meaning, although they say it not without a smile. They tolerate illnesses poorly. Often they are blessed by life, and then they are unwilling to allow change. It's not possible, but they are trying to make it happen.
Sagittarians whose ascendant is in Scorpio are generous in their spending, often even spendthrift, they hate prudence, in general, everything petty meets their opposition. They are willing to make sacrifices and expect the same from others. Therefore, their thinking is very subjective, so they cannot be too fair mediators, their prejudices and preconceptions are too great. However, their desire for research is insatiable, they write with passion, put forward theses, and stylize them according to religious texts.
They appreciate ancient and historical cultural values. They are ready to delve into the ruins, take part in excavations, they hope to retrace the stages of development. They defy the outside, on occasion they are ready to achieve mortification of the flesh, or, figuratively speaking, to publicly burn themselves. They are limitless, immense.
It is unlikely that you learned from the descriptions of Sagittarius offered by astrological literature. Scorpio ascendant makes you more passionate, tense and warlike than regular Sagittarius. You are a materialist and a bit miserly by nature. Financial security is very important to you, and you are afraid of going into debt. You have talent, you know the price and you take care that your work is recognized and appreciated. You rush headlong into work, and into leisure, and in everything, you are prone to excess.
You have strong likes and dislikes. You have a highly developed capacity for criticism, you are sarcastic and ruthless towards your opponents. You have a rich imagination, you are impatient and quick, although your anger does not last long. A strong will does not allow you to back down from obstacles. You have few siblings, or you may be the only child in the family. You have a good relationship with your father, but he can be affected by failures that can affect you. Your loved ones are usually interested in your well-being and do everything in their power to support you.
The hidden face of the sign
Few obstacles stand in your way on the road to success, because you have a secret weapon, so secret that you can't even find it. You take great pride in any power you manage to obtain, and you have probably ruined several people's lives to gain influence. You are sarcastic, sharp and selfish. You also have a frightening ability to penetrate the thoughts of others, while remaining distant, and maintaining an inscrutable expression. But for you, the fact that the warehouse of your mind is very inconvenient for others remains an absolute mystery.
You always want to win. Your evil mind is capable of hatching unthinkable plots, and it is easier to get the tank off the road than to make you talk. In love, you resort to illegal methods and use intimidation where there is no seduction. Not only do you deprive others of the presence of mind, but you yourself are frightened by your unbridled emotions. In the role of a lover, you do not succumb to flattery, you are critical, jealous, you act like an owner and are inclined to manipulate a partner. You can easily make even a quiet mouse think about how it could kill you while you sleep. If you want something, you will always find a way to get it, but you never manage to keep it.
You express your emotions through sex. In a romantic relationship, you suffer from uncontrollable jealousy, although you love passionately and faithfully. If you are not satisfied with your sex life, it will be very difficult for you to fill this void in your life. You probably don't marry more than once, and this combination of signs results in many children, including twins. Your children will marry early, and with one of them you will have some secret sorrows. In nothing else you will be able to find the same pleasure as in love.
You are ambitious and with time, no doubt, you will achieve a good position in life. In your youth, your life's path is not strewn with roses, but in your mature years you will achieve prosperity. You can achieve success through travel, legal matters, marriage, and also through the help of your loved ones. Probably, you will have two sources of income and two completely different occupations. Your profession may be related to military or naval affairs, government service, as well as accounting and banking. No matter what path you choose in life, you will succeed in all areas.
You devote yourself passionately to work and pleasure, which is why you are responsible for most of your ailments. You are prone to gallbladder diseases, inflammatory diseases of internal organs and poisonings, fevers and injuries resulting from careless handling of hot or sharp objects. The right hand is particularly vulnerable, and the eyes can suffer following illness or accident. In general, your health is in your hands, so try to develop your sense of proportion.
Sagittarius Sagittarius Ascendant
The person with the Sun in Sagittarius and the Ascendant in Sagittarius strives to bring meaning to their environment. She defends justice, she is respected and appreciated for her strength of persuasion. However, they are more respected than appreciated, because they always observe the distance, carefully demarcating possessions.
Although they behave cheerfully towards their fellow citizens, one gets the impression that they consider themselves to already have one foot in heaven. Sagittarians with the ascendant in Sagittarius consider themselves representatives of the gods, scoffers believe, and they are not too wrong. But you can count on them, they hate cheating, recklessness and unnecessary arguments; unreasonable arguments provoke their condemnation.
In their surroundings, they stand out like a rock, for the most part too rocky; Living next to them is not good. Their social orientation is based on the following requirement: sacrifice yourself first, then demand from others. With all the public sentiment, they have high personal demands.
They don't believe in excuses, and the court doesn't allow chatter. They gain high places thanks to their personal diligence: the worker becomes the director of ten, the employee-assistant to the leader, the leader-president. They don't make fools of themselves easily, unless the joke is very good. They take premature praise for granted. They carry thoughts and faith to others.
You are sincere and generous. People are attracted to your spirit of optimism and the excitement that comes into their lives through your appearance. Their admiration for your propensity for risk. You are probably the most popular person on the block, always ready to have fun and party. You have a developed sense of justice, are able to ardently defend your convictions and boldly stand up for the defense of the oppressed. One of the most pronounced characteristics of Sagittarius is independence and love of freedom.
Those who don't know you very well may become alienated from your aggressive response to any attempt to corner you. More rational and sustainable people will surely find you somewhat frivolous. But you don't care about their annoyance: all you want is to defend your spirit of freedom. You are a wonderful friend, but not the most successful lover. You prefer to have a friend who can share your interests and love of risk, but who doesn't become too demanding. This is not always easy to achieve, and you may find comfort in dealing with someone who already has obligations, that is, someone who is already married. This can become a bad habit that is difficult to break.
You like to move and are a fan of various sports. Your youth was not particularly happy, as your parents could suffer temporary setbacks, they could sometimes argue. You have several brothers and sisters, and in general, relations in the family are friendly. There is some mystery involved with one parent, probably with your father or your spouse's father, and this can lead to limitations that upset you.
The hidden face of the sign
You have as many emotions as their fly, and the maternal instinct is no more developed than that of a stray cat. You live in the present moment, that is, as if tomorrow will never come, and do not learn from the past. The only permanent thing about you is your impermanence. You sometimes offer to help your friends, but if they take you at your word, you've barely left a mark. Your romantic relationships are a shadow of disaster. You move from one lover to another - no wonder you feel dizzy. You're on the lookout for the slightest signs that you're going to be trapped, and you always keep your speed boots on alert. However, you are so presumptuous that it seems to you that any representative of the opposite sex just wants to sit on your neck. It doesn't occur to you that you will make the most useless spouse in the world. “Oh,” you object, “but I’m so popular!” Sure, but you'll never understand that others are just as capable of using you as you are. It's time for some light.
As you come to sex life creatively and actively, in the lover you are interested not only in his body, but also in his mind. It is not easy for you to enter into emotional relationships, assuming commitment and the need to make concessions. Additionally, you need to remain free, and a jealous partner can quickly kill your love. So although your life is full of love interests, you keep them mostly in check. You can definitely marry twice, and one of the marriages will greatly affect your well-being and position in life. You won't have many children, and there won't be much affection between you. It may also happen that you stop talking to your children or at least one of them. Your family life, as well as your marriage, will be the target of detractors, but you can still cope with them if you have a good head on your shoulders.
You enjoy working independently, which will make you an excellent freelancer. You may also be attracted to sports, law and social work. You have a flexible mind, and you are able to master many areas of knowledge. You will succeed through your personal efforts, and you will also receive an inheritance. In your youth you will have many problems, but in the end luck will come to you. You can have two classes in life at the same time. In general, your career is long and successful.
You are a physically strong person, mainly because of your activity and your love of sports. You can live to a very old age, but certain organs require special attention: the throat, ears and bronchi. In old age, you will be exposed to rheumatism, sciatica, varicose veins and leg swelling. If you practice moderation in your diet and do the physical exercises that you love so much, you will not have health problems.
Sagittarius Ascendant Capricorn
The character of a person with the Sun in Sagittarius and the ascendant in Capricorn is distinguished by great strength of resistance, endurance. They are important in both small and large companies. They want to gradually transform the world into paradise, even if the victim does not have the bloody sacrifices necessary for development. They just want to persuade.
They are peacekeepers, samples, even if they seem discreet. They are obviously optimistic and therefore spend everything for a good end. They know the duality that tortures everyone, including themselves, but they do not express it, on the contrary, they actively want to eliminate it.
Sagittarians with an ascendant in Capricorn tend towards a busy profession, but their luck is that they are not afraid of long preparation work. They seem too experienced; already in their childhood, they have wise and a little sad eyes.
Those people who do not trust the solar clock, are guided by the constant flow of time, that one day everything will be put in order; So-called punctuality is not essential, it's pettiness. They believe in order as a whole, and are able to convey this belief to others, which sets them apart.
Although Capricorn gives the person great discretion, it cannot completely eclipse your Sun in Sagittarius, distinguished by sociability and enthusiasm. However, people will have to get to know you very closely, before they can penetrate behind the mask of indifference, hiding your true face. You seem to be reserved and withdrawn, and sometimes you really want to enjoy solitude, which serves as a tonic for you. But you are too sociable and active to seek solitude.
Life in nature and sports appeal to you a lot, and you can become an excellent researcher or an athlete, for example. You like to measure yourself against nature to test your strength. To achieve maximum results, you must have a goal. As soon as it appears, nothing will stop you on the path to its achievement, and you are capable of making unthinkable efforts for this.
You are strong and rational, but you can be suspicious and melancholic. So, despite the courage and great ambition that bring you success, you often feel unhappy. You know how to forgive, but you will never forget the offense, so you make a great friend, but also a ruthless enemy. You probably have many brothers and sisters, but you are often in competition with them, which is a source of great stress and secret heartache for you. A father can be hostile to you and a source of distress, especially when it comes to your marriage. In your youth you are sore and prone to injury, but with age you become stronger.
The hidden face of the sign
It is difficult for you to find a happy medium, and you hesitate between useless optimism and dark melancholy. Compromise is impossible to achieve. You set unattainable goals for yourself, and when you fail, you dig so deep into yourself that your friends fear for your psyche. Often you start drinking and drinking until a new, no less crazy idea appears on the horizon. In a romantic relationship, you are always ready to either immediately go to the altar or condemn yourself to loneliness. You may not realize it, but on your way, you leave behind only misunderstandings and confusion. You constantly misinterpret the words of others and do not try to understand that you have made a mistake. It's time to take off the rose-colored glasses and look at yourself and your life objectively.
You tend to view romantic relationships as a heavy burden, and the more intimate they become, the more difficulties you encounter. This often results from a lack of sociability, perhaps because of your shyness or, more likely, because you prefer a friendly romantic relationship, one that allows you to maintain a comfortable distance between you and another person. You often suffer from loneliness, but you can become a caring and loving spouse.
This combination of signs suggests that a person is married or unfriendly, or enters into it early and repeatedly. In any case, romantic relationships are subject to big, sudden changes. One of the spouses will bring you prosperity. Your spouse will have a significant impact on your ambitious aspirations and career. You will have several children, on whom you will place great hopes. This can lead to many problems as they may not be able to meet your expectations.
You are a great adventurer and are capable of achieving great success both in science and in business. You will achieve a good financial position in life thanks to your personal qualities, your friends and the support of your family. Playing the stock market can also help you fill your portfolio. In principle, you will benefit from your own business and your main field of activity. Among strangers or abroad there may be enemies. Your loved ones have a great positive impact on your success and position in life.
Despite your inherent tendency towards hypochondria, you have very good health. Areas requiring special attention are the hands, knees and stomach. You may be prone to colds or constipation, rheumatism, flatulence, colic, mental problems and falls. With a little common sense, you will live a long, disease-free life.
Sagittarius Ascendant Aquarius
The character of a man with the Sun in Sagittarius and the ascendant in Aquarius produces a paradoxical impression. These people are almost ideal, but dependent on the whims of others. They strive to achieve moral and ethical goals, but the dog, which in front of them on the street will cope with their need, causes immense irritation. They immediately start or consider a new method of cleaning the streets or propose to increase the price of dogs. They therefore react quickly, but their lofty objectives remain uncertainly distant.
Despite their surprise and jump, they feel the need for deeply loyal behavior. They often violate their temperament to react differently than they would like. They have the courage to see their own mistakes.
Sagittarians with an ascendant in Aquarius are also always ready to apologize, although the closest gap brings the same surprises. They are spiritually and mentally mobile, many are locked up for a belt, but they know the great interrelationships. They get involved in the work for progress, but they already look with new impressions, they want to reform this and that.
Those who do not identify with broader goals - and this is the case for the majority of them - live permanently in a whirlwind; they would like to - but one way or another... They can leave the profession that they had just perceived as a vocation that same evening - they just want to live. It is difficult for them to find the meaning of life and fill it with an intuitive imprint; If it succeeds, it becomes a milestone.
You can befriend any creature, from a large blue whale to an old lady living next to you. You rarely meet people who are as caring and human as you are. You willingly become a supporter of movements whose mission is to improve the lives of all humanity. You are generous, impulsive, kind and caring for the good of others, although it is difficult for people to establish close contact with you. You hide your feelings until you are sure there is someone you can open up to.
You are distinguished by great mental and physical activity. You are always looking for reasons to experiment with your mental abilities. In your free time, you prefer to play sports or spend time outdoors, which allows you to escape for a while from the polluted atmosphere of the city and avoid contact with people.
You are a reliable friend, but you are very angry. However, you are not resentful, caring and gracious. You have an inflexible will and you achieve your goal despite obstacles. You like to move and travel often for the pleasure of doing so. Your father is probably engaged in buying and selling or raising livestock. He may have left you when you were still a child, perhaps he went to distant countries. Parents, especially a brother, have a great influence on your situation in life, and the death of someone will seriously affect your career prospects.
The hidden face of the sign
You have the same sense of tact as a bulldozer. Yes, you are frank and honest, it is also true that people always know how you feel about them; but that's because you don't hesitate to tell them. With commendable zeal, you air their opinions and express criticism. It does not occur to you to think at the same time about the feelings of others or to act at least a little more diplomatically. However, you are completely unprepared when you are treated the same way. You feel like a complete idiot and you try to get rid of the truth about yourself as quickly as possible if it doesn't fit your ideas. You can deal with you, but only remotely. Therefore, most of your relationships with people are fleeting, and although it cannot be said that you are a completely ridiculous person, but that you are a self-confident bore, that is for sure.
You feel freer when you live alone. In a marriage, you must reserve a significant amount of freedom for yourself, even if you have young children. This requires a lot of tolerance and understanding from your partner, as it would be wrong to make someone like you feel trapped. Despite this, your marriage is stable, although your serene nature can sometimes cause problems. At the same time, you are wary of situations where you must show your emotions and are reluctant to take decisive action. But if you commit, you become a reliable and faithful spouse. You will have few children, but there may be twins. With children you will have a lot of trouble. The eldest will need special care before birth and during the first two years of life. You will probably travel a lot for family business.
You could prove yourself well, working in a team, aiming for a common goal or the common good. You are interested in the humanities and scientific research, and often your work is associated with secret research methods in the field of experimental sciences. You can make a good writer and a good speaker, you like to explore the principles on which public speaking and theater are built. You will make many trips for financial and work-related matters. Probably, you will have two sources of income, and your profession will have a certain shade of secrecy. It may be associated with chemical research, military affairs, politics or crime investigation.
You are a healthy person, but if you are not feeling well, fresh air will be especially helpful. You are prone to blood diseases, eczema, muscle spasms, indigestion, stomach disorders, neuralgia and sometimes foot and ankle injuries. You are not inclined to succumb to illness easily, so you need not worry.
Sagittarius Pisces Ascendant
A person with the Sun in Sagittarius and an ascendant in Pisces does not dream of a better world, he actively works for it. It is true that they are often linked to old aspirations, but they know that nothing can be built on a past. They are very interested in questions of faith, for them some kind of missionary work in developing countries is a good thing.
They believe that the world must be understood in its interrelations, they are against isolation. They want to fight world hunger; at the same time, however, they would not want to be drawn into a whirlwind of decisive struggle. They are mostly not that noble, but even being selfish, they think more than others.
Sagittarians with an ascendant in Pisces know that you cannot live on the banks of a mighty river, while nearby, the whole family is content with a handful of rice. They do it in practical life; they do not need advantages that only arouse envy; they give it up, joining the others. This is their important life wisdom, which goes back to the first principle.
They are often omniscient leaders or images; So that they only think of themselves, but with a flair and a sense of the future. They attract students who develop their activity in due time; These are usually teachers and professors that children can trust. They have life principles, but apply them with moderation. They aspire to distant wanderings and strive to educate themselves, hence their unusual lifestyle, which allows them not to lose sight of the big picture.
You are ambitious, but you tend to complicate life yourself, because you show a lack of resolution in professional matters. You desperately need recognition and success, although it is important that you understand what kind of responsibility this is. People are attracted to your kindness and courtesy. Additionally, you are gifted with a rich imagination that demands to be expressed. Otherwise, it can lead you to a tendency to exaggerate everything.
You are very attentive to the situation of less fortunate people and you strive to help them whenever possible. You are active, tireless, constantly in suspense, and you should absolutely choose a moment of relaxation, in order to preserve your health. You are impressionable and can easily become exhausted with the strange ideas and fantasies that come to mind. As a result, you are sometimes difficult to understand. By nature, you are benevolent and just; in spirit, you are poetic and inclined to contemplation. You know how to please yourself and like to take advantage of all the advantages that life offers you, but not at the expense of others.
You may have many brothers and sisters, they are very attentive to you, and you receive a lot of help from those close to you. Parents might not be able to give you much support, your father might leave you prematurely. Family property will be divided, and you will not be able to use it to improve your well-being. Your mother was probably married twice.
The hidden face of the sign
You are as determined as an autumn leaf floating on the river. You hesitate and suffer when you have to take decisive action, and because of this, failure haunts you at every turn. The reason for this behavior lies in your fear of making the wrong choice. You prefer to remain inactive and only regret not being able to do anything. You put on a cowardly air, hoping that others will make you move, which they often do. However, if the affair ends in failure, you immediately accuse others of interfering in your life. You can then lose a lot of friends and family.
You need to be careful when getting into a romantic relationship. You're looking for someone's love and you get carried away only to discover that your loved one doesn't have the wonderful qualities you initially saw in them. But it's already too late. It is difficult for you to accept the practical side of marriage and you can be very critical in this regard. This combination of signs most often suggests that a person will marry twice, but will not find happiness. In married life, relations with the family will be disturbed. Probably, you will receive an inheritance and property through marriage. You will have many children, they will have to travel a lot, and their lives will be full of changes.
In general, your work is related to art, politics, sports or medicine. You are capable of achieving a good position in life. You have a lively and creative mind, always looking for new ideas. You will get prosperity through your entrepreneurship and personal efforts, writing work can bring you success. You can also excel through travel and the goodwill of those close to you. You have good abilities in different areas, you can have two professions at the same time. You are very active and pursue many goals, and in two out of three cases you will succeed.
You are often in a state of nervous tension, which affects your health very unfavorably. If you learn to relax, exercise, and not be too tense, you will be able to maintain your health. Vulnerabilities - feet, eyes, ankles. You are prone to colic, and you risk injury by carelessly handling hot or sharp objects. If you are a woman, you are prone to gynecological diseases. Common sense will help you stay in good physical shape at all times.