Heliotrope Stone: Properties and Virtues of Heliotrope

Heliotrope is a variety of Chalcedony whose red spots result from iron silicates and red Jasper.

A powerful link with the earth, Heliotrope draws from it the energy necessary to refocus the auric bodies and promote spiritual development .

  • Origin of the name : Comes from the Greek terms helios , “sun”, and trepeinï, which means “to turn”
  • Group belonging to : Microcrystalline quartz family
  • Color(s) : Green and red dots
  • Symbol : Bloodstone
  • Hardness : 6.5 - 7
  • Deposits : Germany, Australia, Brazil, Ethiopia, India and the United Kingdom
  • Chemical composition : Silicon Dioxide
  • Day of the week : Tuesday

Varieties of Heliotrope

Heliotrope is a variety of Chalcedony .

Benefits and virtues of Heliotrope

Bloodstone ” which is the other name given to Heliotrope partly explains certain virtues that this stone confers to those who use it.

On the physical level

On a physical level this stone is very useful to remedy various cases of hemopathy , bleeding and hemorrhages (nose, minor wounds, etc.), always keep in mind that you should never apply the stone directly on the wound.

It acts on blood circulation . As a blood purifier promoting coagulation and healing of wounds, the use of this stone is also indicated in cases of varicose veins and hemorrhoids but also for diseases of the

Wearing Heliotrope jewelry is highly recommended to purify the liver , kidneys and bone marrow . Thanks to such an action, the immune system would only be more invigorated. Heliotrope is also a valuable ally for women during painful cases of menstruation and menopause .

On the mental level

On a mental and emotional level, Heliotrope helps to remedy lack of self-confidence by conferring moral strength and courage to overcome shyness and other moral obstacles such as fear .

Heliotrope is also a good remedy for heartache . Protector of travelers, she also prevents accidents and the pain and fatigue of travel .

On a spiritual level

Spiritually, Heliotrope is able to help a person connect more effectively to their inner strengths and draw from them the energies necessary to face moments of discouragement and emotional distraction . This stone therefore constitutes a powerful shield against negative emotions and sensations .

A powerful link with the earth, Heliotrope draws from it the energy necessary to refocus the auric bodies and promote spiritual development. Therefore, we can consider Heliotrope as a powerful link between the ephemeral physical world and the eternal spiritual world.


On the karmic level, the second (Sacred) and fourth chakra (Heart) benefit from the benefits of this stone.

Astrological signs

The astrological sign of choice for the Heliotrope stone is the sign of Scorpio .

Recharging and purification

Each natural stone is unique in its shape and color. A natural stone often has marks that do not disappear, but its energy remains intact and effective . After each acquisition of a stone, it must be purified and recharged .

To purify a Heliotrope stone, place it in a container of water . Recharge it facing the sun on a quartz cluster.

Meaning and history of Heliotrope

The Heliotrope stone takes its name from the Greek words “helios” and “trepeinï” meaning “sun” and “turn” respectively . It is also commonly called “blood jasper and bloodstone . Heliotrope is a mixture of crystallized Chalcedony, quartz and iron. Its various names were attributed to it for the first time by Pliny the Elder who named it so because when the Heliotrope stone was oriented towards the sun and was immersed in water, he saw spots and patches of blood.

This was also one of its main uses in the past since in Antiquity, Heliotrope was used to influence the climate and to invoke storms when placed in water under the sun's rays . At this period, the Heliotrope Jasper stone was widely used in jewelry , particularly for glyptics: intaglios, seals, lithic bases for esoteric, even magical inscriptions, or even votive sculptures.

Later in the Middle Ages, the Heliotrope Jasper stone was considered the blood stone of Jesus. Christians carried their beliefs this way and believed that if they wore this stone it would make them invisible . As for them, other believers thought that jasper was placed on the ground when Jesus was crucified on his cross and that this is how Heliotrope Jasper was created.

In this sense, this stone was considered the stone of all evils and was commonly called in this region of the world: the “martyr’s stone” . The Greek philosopher Damigueron gave her a power of resistance against all forms of disappointment, which is why it was not uncommon to see her represented in scenes of martyrdom or flagellation.

Today, the Heliotrope Jasper stone is still used in jewelry to make small statuettes, cabochons, pendants but also Heliotrope bracelets and Heliotrope necklaces. We can also see the design of small utensils .
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