Crystal Cleansing and Purification

Crystal Cleansing and Purification

dans In practice

Why You Should Cleanse Your Crystals?

Whether you are new to crystals or have been using them for a while, they will have absorbed a range of different energies - not all of them good. This can come from a variety of sources: yourself, other people who have handled it before you, or people in the general vicinity.

We understand how to cleanse crystals: We know it's not the most fun activity, but we understand the necessity of it. Purifying your healing crystals draws out their stored energy, and ensures that they are light and ready to take on new energies. Once freshly cleansed, they will vibrate at the highest possible frequency, amplifying their healing abilities.

The effectiveness of crystals in energy work is the exact reason why cleansing them is crucial - crystals take energy. Purifying your crystals resets this energy. Every time you use a crystal, you must make a new start. If they are never cleansed, they will absorb energy until they are no longer viable vessels for energy work. You must purify your crystals before they can purify you.

This cleaning process is not “physical.” It is intended to cleanse the stone of its stored energies, whether good or bad. If this is not done regularly, the stone can emit these energies at any time, having harmful effects on you.

In case the crystals are used for special healing therapy which needs to be done by experts – then, they need to be cleansed and scheduled after each session.


There are several different ways to undertake crystal cleansing.

Light from the sun and moon: Natural energies transmitted by the sun and moon can energize your crystals. Many people like to leave their newly cleansed stones under the light of the Moon and Sun for several hours, to allow them to absorb the natural energies. The Sun provides stronger energy, but can damage some crystals if left too long, while the Moon has a gentler energy. That said, keep in mind that some stones may fade. When they are in the sun and, therefore, reduce their vibration. Be sure to check whether the stones you own need to be cleaned in the sun.

Bury them in rice: Cleaning the crystals with rice is very beneficial. It works in the same way as dry electrical devices, absorbing negativity and returning them to their natural state. If you are wondering how to clean your crystal stones using only household equipment, here is a great way. Cover them completely with brown rice and leave them in a glass bowl overnight. In the morning, your crystals will be re-energized and ready to be programmed.

Smoke: Burning herbs or incense can greatly enhance a crystal's purification process… Immerse your crystal in smoke. Place it approximately 6 to 12 inches above the source, allowing the smoke to surround the stone until the energy has been completely drained and it is ready for use again.

Nature: The nourishment provided by nature is beneficial to crystals and people alike. To revitalize your crystal, place it in soil or hang it from the branches of a healthy houseplant for a few days. You can also hang it from the branches of a tree so that it is exposed to the elements overnight. This will rejuvenate the crystal.

Salt: There are several approaches to salt purification. The first recommends placing your lithotherapy stone on a mass of sea salt and letting it discharge thanks to the absorption of energies by the salt.

The second school recommends using a solution of crystallized salt dissolved in water. Reynald Boschiero recommends, for example, using Guérande or Noirmoutier salt, in combination with demineralized water. In this case, the container is covered with an opaque veil and left to rest quietly for at least three hours. After this purification, rinse your stone with clean water and let it dry in the sun. Note that baths can only be used for a stone and purification. Also pay attention to the fact that not all lithotherapy stones support contact with salt.

Water: If all lithotherapists do not recommend the same techniques for maintaining stones and crystals, there is one on which they all agree: purification with water.

This technique is both simple and effective. After using your stones, let them soak in a bowl of tap water for several hours. They will thus discharge the energies accumulated in contact with the body. To avoid chemical pollution of running water, you can also use demineralized water.

This maintenance technique should become a reflex for you implemented after each use of your lithotherapy stones. However, be careful because not all of them tolerate water. This is particularly the case for azurite, celestite, garnet, pyrite or sulfur.

Snow : For those lucky enough to have regular access to snow, you can bury your crystals there for long-lasting cleansing. This releases any previously held energy and opens it up to programming. Purified crystals in snow are easier to activate with your intentions. However, be sure to check if the crystal you want to purify in snow can come into contact with water.

Thunderstorm : Place the crystals in a bowl and leave it on the ground outside before a storm. The water lapping on the ground will send vibrations to the bowl, and if lightning strikes, the energy will be transferred to your crystals. This is a great way to reset your crystal's energy, as it is one of the fastest. If a storm is brewing, you're in luck.


For your crystal to be productive, you need to set a clear goal. Give your crystal an intention – think about what you want to achieve using the stone. For the crystal to help manifest your goals into reality, you need to be specific. The process of energizing crystals is as follows.


Before you begin, you may want to influence the area with calming vibrations by lighting an incense stick.

Clear your mind and focus on the stone. Breathe deeply and visualize your intention. Focus on the specific energy you wish to program the crystal with, and direct those thoughts directly to the stone. Be concise and direct so as not to overload the crystal with conflicting information. Continue until you are happy that the desired energies have passed onto the stone.

Once you have communicated your intention to the crystal, say thank you and show your gratitude. The crystal will now begin its work, manipulating energy to broadcast your intention to the universe. When the universe hears your purpose, your gratitude, your positivity, it will surely become a reality. You know it. If you expect it to happen, just like you expect the sun to rise, then it will happen. Make sure you put in the necessary work. The crystal strengthens your energy so that you can make life move. He will not make life happen for you. Crystals are a supplement, not a cure.

Allow time for the manifestation process to begin – instant results are unlikely. Reaffirm your desires daily and channel your belief. Have faith in the crystal, in the universe, and above all, have faith in yourself.

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