Take the pressure off: using crystals for dating

Take the pressure off: using crystals for dating

Although we women love the ritual of preparing for a date — putting on makeup, doing our nails, choosing the perfect outfit — the act of preparation sometimes adds a dose of stress. It's as if we accumulate things believing that everything must go smoothly. Whether you feel pressure from family or friends to hurry up and meet someone, or you put that pressure on yourself, it's important to remember that dating is supposed to be fun!

The focus we have on finding the right one, can actually inhibit us from anyone. For what? The answer has a lot to do with the energy we're pushing away - and that's where crystals for dating can help!

Closing yourself off from enjoying a date with someone unless they meet all of your requirements for a future mate makes a date feel like a test. Whereas, showing up with the intention of having a good time, whether or not you feel a romantic connection, opens you up energetically . Your open heart chakra reads as welcoming and loving to others.

By adding crystallized intention to your pre-date ritual, you can shift your perspective and energy away from the heaviness of expectations. By walking into a date without pressure, you can truly be yourself. And what's more attractive than someone who radiates confidence and self-love ?!

Crystals for love in the bedroom

Attract the right energy for love, as well as getting the sleep needed to stay beautiful, with crystals for love in the bedroom. With all of our suggestions, we like to add that if these tips don't work for you, come back to using crystals for love in whatever way feels intuitively right to you.

However, it may be worth trying new methods to refresh the energy of your space and your mind . That said, lately we've been trying to minimize crystals in our bedrooms in order to create a lighter, less grounded energy. Rather than having lots of large crystals in the bedroom to project an intense amount of high vibrations, we like just a few small crystals placed deliberately.

Try sticking to rose quartz , selenite , and amethyst in the bedroom. A rose quartz near the door will invite the energy of love. An amethyst tied with a red string to the lower right leg of your bed frame will induce the energy of calm. A piece of selenite under the bed will cleanse the energy you bring to bed and work to alleviate excessive thoughts before sleep.

The Best Dating Crystals for Men and Women

When trying to decide which dating crystals are right for you, consider which crystal will best inspire vulnerability.

For men , one of the best crystals for dating is undoubtedly malachite. Malachite opens you to the power of your truth . By expressing your vulnerability , you will build a close connection with your partner because they will be able to see a part of you that others may not see.

For women , we can't talk about crystals for dating without mentioning rose quartz. It opens the heart to trust and vulnerability , even if you have had heartbreak in the past.

Love mantras

Solidify your intentions by writing your love mantra on a piece of paper, and placing it under your mattress. Remember that the mattress contains a lot of energy. They say that after a breakup, the person who keeps the mattress is the one who takes the longest to move on. If you haven't cleared energy from your mattress after a breakup, you need a cleanse . You'll find a purification ritual to purge negative energy from your mattress in our forthcoming book, Azenty : Daily Rituals to Get In Touch with the Real You.

The goal of all these techniques is to inspire more love within you. The more love you put into yourself, the more you will have to give to others . When you are happy, passionate and in love with life, romance will follow. The main thing is to not worry about finding someone and just enjoy your experiences. This will help you remember how much fun dating can be.

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