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Sagittarius: Your stone horoscope for April 2023


There luck smiles on you this month of April. Seize the opportunity by making friends with the Sun, Moon, Venus and Jupiter. They form a celestial fortress which tilts luck in your favor. Even Mercury retrograde can't do anything against this team.

But something mysterious is brewing in each sign of the zodiac. A new life experience is about to blossom.

All signs benefit from positive energy guaranteeing that your new beginnings align with your true goal.

Read your horoscope now to find out what's in the stars for you. Want to receive your stones horoscope in your inbox every month? Join the ShivShakti club and never miss out again.

Magical formula"

Introducing the Sagittarius Wisdom Bracelet , designed to promote intuition, personal development and wisdom using the powerful properties of amethyst, lapis lazuli and hematite.
Lapis Lazuli is known as a stone of wisdom, and when combined with the calming and spiritual energy of Amethyst and the grounding energy of Hematite , it can help Sagittarius access new levels. deeper knowledge and understanding.


Here is a little ritual accompanied by an affirmation to use the Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli and Hematite bracelet for Sagittarius:

  • Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won't be disturbed.
  • Hold the Sagittarius Wisdom Bracelet in your hands and close your eyes.
  • Take a deep breath and exhale slowly, releasing any stress or tension.
  • Repeat the following affirmation three times: “ I am wise, intuitive and connected to my inner self .”
  • Visualize the energies of amethyst, lapis lazuli and hematite flowing through your body, strengthening your intuition, wisdom and personal development.
  • Wear the bracelet throughout the day, letting its energies guide you towards a better understanding of yourself and the world around you.

Don't forget to take care of your bracelet by cleaning it regularly with a purification ritual or by placing it in the moonlight to recharge its energies.

Sagittarius horoscope for April 2023

April 2023 brings a cosmic coming out party for Sagittarians, pushing them into the spotlight with an Aries solar eclipse and the movement of the sun into Taurus. Opportunities for love, financial gain, and self-expression abound, making this a month full of energy and excitement.

Love and relationships

The cosmos encourages deeper engagement and intimacy this month. With Mars in Cancer, even free-spirited Sagittarians may crave real connection. Venus in Gemini from April 11 strengthens harmony in relationships, while the solar eclipse on April 20 ignites passion and romance. Communication and kindness are key to resolving disagreements.

Money and finances

The presence of Mars in Cancer until May 20 highlights opportunities for wealth and long-term investments. Use strategy and observation to make the most of potential gains. However, be careful with sensitive information during Mercury retrograde from April 21 to May 14.

Career, education and business

Work dynamics can be tense, so be careful who you confide in. The passage of the Sun into Taurus on April 20 emphasizes efficiency and organization. Prioritize a healthy lifestyle and exercise to manage work-related stress.

health and wellbeing

As the Sun enters Taurus on April 20, focus on simplifying your life, eating healthy, and getting adequate sleep. Take time for nature and don't overcommit yourself. Mercury retrograde from April 21 to May 14 requires additional immune system support.

Important dates 

April 6: full moon in Libra
April 11: Day of Miracles and Venus in Gemini
April 20: solar eclipse in Aries and Taurus season
From April 21 to May 14: Mercury retrograde
April 1, 19, 26 and 28: Auspicious dates

Tip of the month

Balance your social and private lives to maintain your overall well-being. Make sure you have time for introspection and rest, while taking advantage of the exciting opportunities that present themselves. Make the most of the cosmic energy and transformative power that the month of April brings.

Zodiac Crystals

I offer you a unique approach to the horoscope using crystals to strengthen the properties of each sign of the zodiac.

Here are six crystals that can benefit Sagittarius depending on the challenges they face:

  • Labradorite : Sagittarius may face tension at work, and Labradorite can help relieve stress and promote mental clarity. It is also believed to strengthen intuition and spiritual awareness.
  • Citrine : Sagittarius may experience financial opportunities this month, and citrine is associated with abundance and prosperity. It can also promote self-confidence and motivation.
  • Tiger's Eye : With the emphasis on deeper intimacy in relationships, Tiger's Eye can help Sagittarius maintain balance and harmony. It is believed to promote clarity of mind and courage.
  • Lapis Lazuli : Communication is key to resolving conflict, and Lapis Lazuli can help with honest communication and self-expression. It is also believed to enhance intuition and spiritual awareness.
  • Amethyst : As Sagittarius seeks to simplify their life and sleep properly, amethyst can help them relax and find peaceful sleep. It is also associated with spiritual awareness and intuition.
  • Hematite : To manage work-related stress, hematite can help ground and center Sagittarius. It is also believed to promote courage and vitality.

Discover the JYOTISHA collection, a Sanskrit term which means “astrology” or “science of the stars”

THE personalized astrological bracelets are a great way to connect to your sun sign and attract positive energies to overcome the challenges you face. However, it is also relevant to consider the astrological ascendant in creating these bracelets, as it adds an extra dimension to self-understanding and helps channel specific energies.

The ascendant, also called the rising sign or horizon sign, is the astrological sign that was rising in the East at the precise moment of our birth. It represents our external appearance, our behavior towards others and the way we are perceived by those around us. The ascendant plays an essential role in our personal development and influences our personality.

Integrating stones associated with the ascendant of each sign , astrological bracelets gain in power and relevance. Stones chosen for ascendants can help balance the aspects of our personality that are most visible to others, thereby improving our interaction with our environment and strengthening our self-confidence.

See my bracelet to make your month a success

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