How to Feel the Energy of Crystals and Stones

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  • feel the energy and subtle vibrations of Crystals and Stones
  • increase the ability to sense all subtle energies (environment, people and objects).

Crystals are extremely fascinating creatures and we love their colors and shapes, but do they really have any kind of energy ? Is it possible to feel the energy of crystals ?

The energy of crystals is so subtle that no machine or technology can measure it except the most sophisticated and advanced system on the planet: the human body.

Yes, your own body is the only system that senses, recognizes and channels the energy of crystals and gemstones, as well as any other information in the form of frequencies from the environment, objects or people.

If you want to develop this sensitivity but don't know how to start, this is the right place for you.

Are you ready ?

Let me give you some pointers before we begin:


The ability to sense energy is already within you, even if it is part of your subconscious. You don't need to acquire knowledge, you just need to discover your personal key to awaken this innate talent.
If you think you are different, and you think you will never be able to feel their energy, I can guarantee you that you are wrong.


You've probably read a ton of articles and books about the energy of stones, but you still can't feel their energy! For what ?

Because the idea of ​​feeling is not the feeling itself . You need to experience the journey, not listen to the story! It's just like wisdom, words can never convey learning.

Awakening the power of feeling the energy of crystals also means feeling more clearly the energy of places , objects , other people and also your own energy .
This means awakening and raising your energetic intelligence .

In fact, the energy of stones is only part of the entire world of subtle vibrations .

You cannot feel the information that the stones provide if you do not train yourself to listen to the multitude of energies that are constantly circulating outside and inside you .

That's why the first two steps you need to take focus on how to awaken your innate ability to feel and understand the flow of energy around you .


The first step to awakening the ability to sense crystal energy is to activate the first (root chakra), second (sacral chakra), and third (solar plexus chakra) chakra.

The second chakra, the sacral chakra , is essential. Its function is to let energy circulate in the body in a dense and fluid manner. The second chakra is the energy of inner alchemy where you experience sensuality , creativity , spontaneity , hunger , desire , pleasure and need .

If you feel like you need to work on awakening your sacral chakra, here are some activities you should try:

  • Experiment with physical movements : When you hear a song you like, let your body move in the most spontaneous way, whether you think you're doing the right movements or not. You can also take a dance class.
  • Work on boundaries by respecting your body: try saying no with a gentle smile when necessary and observe the feelings that arise within you.
  • Establish for yourself the rule of healthy pleasures : eat clean and tasty, avoiding ready-made, too fatty or sweet foods and drink more water. Cultivate healthy and joyful habits for yourself in general.
  • Boost your journey with the right crystals : wear stones and crystals that help you open your sacral chakra like fairy stone, amber, chalcopyrite, brown aragonite, garnet, fire opal, sunstone, hematoid quartz, imperial topaz, tantalite and vanadinite.

To find suitable stones, click here.


When you have restored the energetic flow of your base chakras , you must also create a " new space " for yourself. This doesn't necessarily mean having more time to meditate, do yoga, or anything that requires more time in your schedule.

If you want to develop your inner power to create, move and feel, there is a way that is usually much more effective and faster than occasional meditation.

All you need is a simple mind shift that costs nothing in terms of time or money and will completely transform your life by helping to melt away stress and gain peace and serenity.

What do I mean by change of mind?

Just pay attention to every energy that surrounds you in every moment of your day, when you are driving, when you are walking quickly in a crowd, during a meeting, during a coffee break with your colleagues, when you are doing the dishes , when you eat... every ordinary moment is an opportunity to discover more about yourself and the world.

Awakening your inner power to recognize the flow of energy might seem like a mystical “hippie thing,” but it’s quite the opposite .

Feeling the energy around you and within yourself is fundamental in all situations, from the most difficult to the most ordinary.

Every moment offers you the opportunity to build and elevate happiness only if you are able to assess and understand the situation holistically.

To do this you need to have a very clear perception of the energy flow, not just know the physical/material data.


If you are new to feeling the flow of energy within and all around you, here is how you can awaken this skill :

Wherever you are, free your mind from anything linked to the past or the future. All you are and have is the present moment.

Pay attention to your breathing.

Now you are fully present, your body is strong, your heart is beating and your senses are informing you of what is happening around you. Every gesture, sound, smile, color, shape, smell and so on.

Now you are present in your body.

You are fully open to your emotions and subtle feelings whatever they may be, without judging, interpreting or censoring them.

Removing all expectations, simply listen and be there to receive. This is the key to manifesting the unexpected and wonder.

And again, judging yourself is meaningless, there is no right or wrong here.

You now realize that events are manifestations of your own energy and you are safe from mental and emotional invaders.

It's an act of opening, not a skill.

“By training the ears to appreciate harmonies, one can develop spiritual and psychic organs as a means of accessing the world of the soul”
Rudolf Stainer


Now that you can listen more to your body and subtle energy (step two), you are ready to feel the energy of crystals and gemstones.

You may still need a little patience at first, but I am sure that what you feel will be authentic and extremely helpful for your personal and spiritual growth.



Hold a crystal in your hand, if you have never felt the energy of crystals before make sure you choose a stone with a fairly simple vibration like smoky quartz, black septaria or meteorite for example.

It will be easier to feel how it interacts with your energy field than with a stone containing complex information.

Tip : To better align your energy with your stone, remove jewelry that could shield you from full interaction with your stone, such as shungite or diamonds for example.


Visualize (eyes open or closed depending on your preference) an energetic cone intentionally moving from your heart towards the stone and listen without involving the mind. If you prefer, you can also visualize the energy field of the stone superimposed on your aura.

Give your attention to your stone now without any expectations, just by listening.


Pay attention to every subtle vibration in your body, every tingle, every inhale, every flow of energy that your body unconsciously generates and begin to observe your feelings and sensations.

Try asking yourself something like:

  • What areas of my body are most sensitive to stone?
  • Where do I smell the stone the most?
  • What sensations do I feel?

Or, as an alternative, by knowing which chakra the stone stimulates, you can begin to experience the reaction of that chakra. For example, if you hold a carnelian in your hands, begin to connect your energy to it. Next, listen to how your sacral chakra (the primary area of ​​carnelian) responds to the frequency of this crystal.

By doing this, you can begin to learn where the chakras are located and how its energy flows through your body.

You don't need to respond out loud or in words, it's an inner job. Acknowledge the feeling and observe it.

When the vibrations of the stone interact with your energy field and you feel a sense of liberation and openness, this vibration is the information you need to evolve, it is the stone that supports you at this time in your life .


If the first few times you try you don't feel anything, that's completely normal.

You just have to train yourself to be more patient and accept the adventure with confidence.

Don't expect anything, just listen and I can guarantee your progress will be surprisingly fast.

I know that "not involving the mind" may seem easy but in fact it requires concentration because we are used to involving the mind, and also overstimulating it, in any process.

With this practice, you also learn to find your way to quieting the noise of the mind instantly by creating a place of relaxation when you are overwhelmed or need to clear your mind before an important decision.

I hope this article was helpful to you and if you have any questions or want to share your experience with crystal energy, write it all down in the comments section below.

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