Setting Intentions with Stones

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Did you know that it is important to set intentions with your crystals? Although all stones naturally have certain properties and things they can help you with, it is important to let your stones know exactly what you want them to help you with. And these intentions can change over time.

Setting intentions with your crystals is a powerful exercise that can help you bring more happiness, positive energy, healing, abundance and balance into your life. Whatever your goals, they all start with an intention, and your crystals are a useful tool to help you get on track to manifesting your personal dreams and goals.

You can even make a crystal grid to set certain intentions.

Crystals have immense healing power, and they also have the power to bring thoughts into reality. Much like writing a list or sketching a picture, crystals serve as a visual reminder of the goals we set for ourselves and can be used as a physical manifestation tool in our intention-setting routines.

If you're new to intention setting or looking for a structured practice, we've designed a very simple three-step routine to help you set your intentions quickly and easily. Of course, this is only a guide and you can rely on your intuition or gut feeling to determine how you want to proceed or if you want to add anything to the ritual. In fact, I think the more you make the ritual your own, the more powerful the practice will be . However, it is an excellent framework to build upon...

1. Connect and purify yourself

Each of us is drawn to different crystals for different reasons. It could be the color or energy that resonates between you and a certain crystal. Or it is the individual properties of the crystal that have attracted you or that you want to exploit. The most important thing is to trust your intuition and follow what attracts you, above all else. Once you have identified the crystal(s) you want to use to set your intentions, be sure to cleanse them of any negative energy. This can be done on a full moon, with smoke or salt, or by placing it in water.

2. Defining Intent

Hold your stone and clear your mind of all negativity. You can do a breathing exercise or meditate with your crystal for a few minutes. Choose an intention that aligns with your short- and long-term goals , trying not to be too specific or materialistic. A good rule of thumb when asking the Universe for something is to focus on a need, rather than just a want. With a calm mind, focus on your crystal and your intention. You can describe your intention out loud or repeat it in your head, constantly focusing on the connection between your words and your crystal. You can also choose to write your intentions on a piece of paper. Some people even like to hold their stone above their third eye, while they set their intentions. Again, it's important to do what's right for you. Continue until your body and mind feel like your intention is set.

3. Reaffirm your intention

Once your intention is set, keep your stone with you to keep your goal at the forefront of your mind. You may like to sleep with your crystals next to you. It's a good idea to try to keep them in your auric field as much as you can. Our tumbled stone sets are ideal for this, as they come in a small pouch that can easily be carried in a clutch , purse or put under your pillow at night. You can also take the next step and create a crystal grid, which you can place in your living or work space or even on your bedside table . You can even set intentions with the crystal jewelry you wear and this can be a very powerful practice.

4. Express your gratitude

It is important when doing work of this type to express gratitude for your blessings and it is a beautiful way to end the ritual. It can be as simple as writing down 5 things you are grateful for , or you can make a prayer or offering to Mother Earth. Do what feels right for you and your personal belief system.

Review and reset your intentions at regular intervals to ensure that you continue to move forward on your personal spiritual path. Your intentions will, of course, change over time. You can do a monthly intention-setting ritual every new moon, as it's a powerful time to do it.

Our thoughts and intentions are very powerful things. We have the power to manifest things for ourselves in our lives, and crystals are a wonderful tool to help us do this.

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