Essential Guide on How to Wear Crystals for Energy Healing

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If you are here, you love crystals, and you are fascinated by their colors, their energy and their light.

But are they more than “something that looks great”?

Can they really help us unlock our true potential and reveal our true personality ?

And, above all, what is the best method to maximize results when working with crystals and stones?

If you are browsing the internet looking for specific answers to these questions, this article is for you!

Throughout this article, you will discover:

  • The best ways to work with crystals and stones.
  • How Crystals and Stones Work
  • How to achieve quick and optimal results when working with crystals.
  • How to wear crystals
  • How to clean stones and why
  • The key rule of intention and presence
  • Answers to common questions
  • An additional note on diamonds


There are many ways to work with crystals.

We can meditate with them, bring them onto the mat during our yoga sessions, or use them for our lithotherapy sessions.

All of these methods are effective and useful.

However, the most transformative and helpful method is to let the frequency of the crystals affect our own frequency throughout the day.


Everything in life is a vibration that resonates at different frequencies.

When you experience it yourself, you find that the entire material world is nothing but a vibration ; it is only the vibration of various underlying fields.

At every scale, everything vibrates, including ourselves.

Crystals and stones radiate a subtle frequency created by the combination of their:

  • chemical composition,
  • of their crystal structure,
  • of their color,
  • of their hardness.

The frequency that each crystal and stone diffuses is distinct and unique.
But why use them as a compendium in our own healing journey ?

The frequency of the crystals is so stable (it does not change over time) and clear that it stimulates specific energetic areas of our physical and energetic body. These areas are called chakras.

In crystal healing we use the frequency of the crystal as a support to stimulate the healthy functioning of the Chakras and then encourage the alchemization of energy blocks that are stuck in the body after trauma, encouraging natural and authentic expression of the self.

Each of our crystals serves as a tool to establish a deep connection between the thoughts of consciousness and the body, allowing us to pursue our goals and raise our vibrations throughout the day.


If you want to maximize the results of your crystal remedy, the most recommended thing is to wear it daily. You can wear your crystals like jewelry or in a small pouch with a soft cord that you wear like a necklace.

Think of your healing crystal as your secret power.

You can consciously connect to your stones every moment, wherever you are and whatever you are doing.

When you are experiencing a difficult moment, simply connect your intention to the energy of your stones, remaining open to their lesson. Be there fully, without expectations or judgment.

The more you work intentionally with your stones, the more results you will see .


As we said, crystals radiate a subtle frequency, so the closer we keep them to our skin, the better.

If we keep our stones in our bag in order to gain some benefit from them, we risk being disappointed.

This is why wearing them as jewelry or in a small clutch is the most practical and effective way.

As an alternative, we can keep them in our bra, being careful not to drop them when we get home and take off our clothes. Some even sew them to their lingerie.

Wearing crystals on specific areas is not the priority. For example, wearing rose quartz as a necklace up to the level of the heart (because rose quartz acts to stimulate the proper functioning of the heart chakra) is not necessary to reap the full benefits of the crystal.

Instead, I suggest you focus on practice, choosing the length of your necklace or which finger to wear the rings on, considering what is most comfortable for you. This allows you to wear your crystals consistently and have the privilege of working with them as long as necessary.

However, if you want to wear rings based on the symbolism and metaphysical meaning of the fingers, you'll find everything you need to know HERE .



Rinse the crystal under running water, asking it to expel impure and dirty energy.

Do this until you feel your crystal is clear.

As you rinse your crystal under water, visualize a ray of white light working to align the crystal's natural information.


This is the most effective technique. This is the same technique I use before shipping any Azenty healing jewelry.

Feel free to use Tibetan or crystal singing bowls, any tone or size works great.

The sound combined with your intentions eliminates frequencies that do not belong to the natural structure of your crystal.

You can use Reiki or sound with each stone without restriction.


Exposing the crystals to incense or burning smoke is also a great way to purify them. It's always a good idea to burn incense to purify not only your crystals but also the environment and your own aura.


If you have a private garden, you can find a quiet place to bury your stones there for 24 hours or more. Be sure to mark the spot in some way to successfully dig up your stones.


If you are unfamiliar with subtle energies and cannot feel when your Crystal is cleansed, a plate of Shungite will do the job for you.

Place your Crystals on a Shungite plate for 8 hours, the vital energy of this unique stone will restore the alignment and coherence of the energetic structure of your Crystals and Stones.


Let’s define “intent.”

According to Wikipedia, "Intention is a mental state that represents a commitment to perform one or more actions in the future. Intention involves mental activities such as planning and foresight."

And again, Dr. Wayne Dyer defines Intention as the father of motivation. “It’s about enabling,” he says.

Whatever method you choose to cleanse your crystals, it is only a “tool”; the key factor is your intention which requires your presence and attention.

So whatever method you choose, make sure you are fully present during the ritual by connecting your intention and intuition to your stones. Otherwise you won't get any results.

Trust your body , see and feel the "pollution", that is, the information that does not belong to the natural structure of the crystal, which moves away from your crystals until they are radiant and free again.

Continue working with your healing stone until you feel you can independently deliver its information, purpose and message.

If, at any point in your journey, your crystals are no longer broadcasting the same energy as they were at the beginning, and you still need to work with them because you still need their help to deliver their message, it is simply because your crystals need to be cleansed.

Just plan to clean them and enjoy your trip with them again.

Additional Strategies to Support Transformation

In addition to this, having a regular sleep-wake cycle (sleeping at least 7 hours per night) and establishing healthy pleasures (eating and drinking cleanly) is fundamental to manifesting your true potential.

Remember that spiritual healing is a life journey . Don't be too rigid with yourself.

Allow yourself to learn while enjoying every moment.

Progress is the goal, not perfection.



There is no exact number for everyone; It all depends on what stones you wear and what you need. However, if you are working with crystals for healing, I recommend carrying no more than three stones, especially if you are at the beginning of your journey.

Indeed, with more than three crystals, the overall frequency can be so complicated that the emotional body may have difficulty identifying messages and learning from them .


During night and day, the state of consciousness is very different and must be different to maintain the balance of our physical and emotional body.

During the day, we have a vigilant state of consciousness, which means we need to be present in the world.

It allows us to be fully alert, accomplish tasks, make plans, etc.

During the night, the subconscious and the unconscious need to emerge to find rest and good sleep. Continuing to receive the same messages that we receive during the day can cause sleep disturbances or insomnia (especially if working with stones that awaken the first chakra and below).

To promote good sleep during the night, we need to raise the third eye frequency , which means releasing tension and calming the analytical/rational mind.

If you want to work with crystals overnight, I encourage you to put stones like scolecite, white opal, or selenite in your pillowcase .


In crystal healing, we use crystal frequencies to support shifting our own frequency to find support in overcoming blockages and imbalances that may manifest in daily life.

These blockages can manifest in the form of limiting beliefs, resentments, emotional trauma, self-sabotaging thoughts, low self-esteem, anxiety, feelings of vulnerability, etc.

The best way to activate crystals is to return their frequency to their natural consistency. So we can work with their pure and authentic frequency.

There are millions of crystals on the planet, and those we use in lithotherapy number in the hundreds.

When we find the frequency (in crystal form) that can support change, we simply clear our crystal(s), and we are ready to work with it/them.

If you want to learn more about how to cleanse crystals, check out this article .


Diamonds are amazing stones, the most brilliant in the entire kingdom of stones.

They are so popular today, and we love to wear them every day, all day, as rings or necklaces.

But the fact is that diamond carries the highest frequency to open the forehead of the third eye. The problem is that this area is already too open among 90% of the current Western population .

Expansion of the Third Eye front (which is already unbalanced) can cause delusions (the opposite of intuition), insomnia, poor sleep, restlessness, physical weakness, stress, anxiety. anxiety and emotional pressure.

If you experience any of these discomforts, I encourage you to wear your Diamonds occasionally, not every day, and to remove them at night.

If your jewelry comes from previous generations, be sure to clean it thoroughly before wearing it.

Thank you very much for spending your time here, I hope you found the answer you were looking for.

Until then, sending you love and light waves wherever you are on this incredible planet.

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