The Truth About Manifestation and Stones

Stone healing is a holistic therapy that harnesses the energetic power of crystals and their influence on the overall balance of body, mind and soul.
The basic principle of crystal healing is that our body and the quartz crystal are both made of the mineral silicon dioxide. This is why we are naturally receptive to the vibrations that crystals transmit, reflect and store.
Want to learn more about how crystals heal and support your entire body? I wrote an article for you, you will find it by clicking here .
There are different types of crystals, depending on the type of mineral they are made of and the conditions in which they grow.
These differences alter the effect of the crystal on the emotional, physical and spiritual body.
When crystals are placed directly on your body, they have a powerful effect that spreads from the crystal to you, promoting healing and supporting balance.
Misconceptions about crystal healing
Some people believe that healing crystals work like a magic wand and allow you to manifest what you want without further action or effort.
The truth is that there is no “magic” behind crystal healing.
Stones need your physical and mental engagement to be active and useful.
You must be actively involved in your own spiritual journey to benefit from the healing power of crystals.
The Wisdom of the Universe: Every Goal is a Result

Every goal in life requires effort, consistency and courage and the Kingdom of Stones does not allow you to escape this law.
For example, when we have a headache, we take an aspirin and feel better within minutes. It's some kind of miracle!
However, the dark side is that we cover up the symptoms and not the cause of the illness. This is why in these cases the relief is temporary in most cases.
Crystal healing is transformation, not recovery
Understanding and treating the causes of imbalance takes time and effort, but it is the only path to true transformation and healing .
Crystals work to transform, not to cover.
That's why, if you want to get results from working with crystals, you need to follow some important laws , even though most people don't mention them because they require commitment and time. Healing is just for people who want to discover their true potential and free themselves from what does not belong to their inner truth.
Spiritual support is reserved for modern warriors.
The Truth About Crystal Healing and Manifesting With Crystals

Wearing crystals or meditating with them is not enough to manifest what you want in life. You absolutely must be consistent in aligning your goals with your actions.
Example : If I want to lose weight, I need to walk every day, eat healthy, stay open to seeing your new "you" and this is where Dravite helps boost your metabolism by increasing your motivation to stay on track. the path to establishing healthier habits.
When you wear Dravite as an aid to establish a healthier diet and have a cheeseburger + Coke for lunch, you are not proving to yourself and the Universe that you want to achieve your goal. Instead, you use the crystal as a front to lie to yourself. In fact, you don't want to change and you know it.
When you don't want to change, crystals can do nothing for you.
Crystals naturally absorb the energy around them, so you should cleanse them regularly. There are several ways to do this, the one I always recommend is to use sound.
The sound is perfect for each stone and is extremely effective. You can also wash them under running water (not recommended for chalcopyrite, malachite, angelite, azurite, cerussite, hematite, magnetite, pyrite, ulexite and vanadinite).
Go ahead to learn all about cleansing, purifying and recharging crystals and stones.

When you 're looking for the best stones for your trip, you'll find hundreds of articles online about them.
You might get lost in comparing the properties of all these different crystals to try to find the one that suits you best.
Choosing carefully is a good thing, however, make sure you don't take everything you read as a "cold list" of properties, like when we read the ingredients or contraindications of a medication.
Each crystal is a world for you to experience, not a planet to observe through a telescope.
Especially if you are starting to work with stones, I really recommend requesting a private consultation with your favorite lithotherapist or crystal expert . He/she will determine which crystal will vibrate to support your mind by listening to your goals and understanding what area you need to balance.
Often the crystals that call to our heart are the ones we don't actually need.
They are a reflection of our comfort zone , not what you need to overcome your limits and support conscious transformation. Exceeding our limits by exploring new territories is necessary when we work to grow.
Many people choose crystals knowing only their properties, but there is so much more. Consider taking a few minutes to align your vibration with the vibrations of the crystals and choose the best one for listening.
This process might be a little complicated, when you buy crystals online.
The energy level of each specific crystal can really make a difference when we integrate crystals into our spiritual journey.
This is exactly why I wanted to make this process easier for everyone who wants to wear Shivshakti jewelry.
In fact, on , you can see exactly the crystal you are going to wear on the product page when the jewelry is a unique piece.
We also have monthly boxes to allow you to enrich your collection of stones and test them according to their vibration and your current needs.
Then I am sure to create the healing jewelry that vibrates to effectively illuminate your specific journey.

Crystals are “living creatures”. When we decide to make them the light that illuminates our spiritual path, we open our hearts by creating a form of friendship with them.
As in any friendship, attitude is more important than actions.
It is essential to be aware of the enormous gift this friendship gives you.
Having an attitude of gratitude is very important to the process. Being grateful to your jewelry in advance is very powerful and is a major part of getting you on the right path to manifesting what is good for you.
- Feeling grateful every day for the things you already have, reinforces the action that helps the things you don't yet have manifest.
- Being grateful afterwards for each small step towards manifesting what you desired, once it exists, is very important.
- The manifestation process is a journey of growth and learning made up of hundreds of small steps, it is not something that happens out of the blue. Celebrating every small success and proud moment puts you on the right path to manifesting your highest purpose.
- Once you manifest your goals, look back and appreciate that the process was the necessary means to achieve your goal.
I hope this article was useful and inspired you. Keep in mind that each small step is like another step towards your higher self.
When you live each day as an opportunity for growth, everything begins to blossom. Not because it is easy, but because we begin to design our life, instead of leaving our soul at the mercy of events.