Wear a ring with intention

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There are several reasons why you should be interested in the meaning and symbolism of fingers.

Wearing rings isn't just about style.

In fact, it sends messages to:

  • other people, according to cultural beliefs, tradition and history
  • to your unconscious.
  • it is a powerful tool that you can use to boost your vibrations and stay focused on your objectives and goals.

First, think about this amazing tool you have: your hands.
Hands are the primary tools you use to transform every thought into something tangible. You use your hands to explore, experience every surface and shape, bring someone closer, connect your heart to the Universe during meditation...and the list goes on.

In fact, humans know that their hands have played a crucial role in their lives throughout history. This hypothesis is based on hundreds of symbols and archetypes from different cultures and eras, of which "hands" are the subject.


The purpose of this article is to encourage everyone to live a more meaningful and intentional life by awakening the spiritual and physical that everyone has within themselves.
The techniques, knowledge, and practices presented in this article should be combined with a grateful lifestyle and intentional, mindful living to create a positive and effective outcome.

The hands have a crucial role in material and spiritual life.

That's why I want you to be more grateful for everything your hands do for you on so many levels every day.

Now that you are more aware of the "role" of our hands, let's try to think about what happens if you intentionally give them more power.

What do I mean by "intentionally"?

I mean consciously.

In fact, based on the different meanings and roles of hands and fingers, you can wear rings intentionally to stay more focused on your goals and learn the spiritual skills you want and need.

Here's how :

Right hand and left hand: different roles


  • With the right hand you give energy to the outside world.
  • The right is the hand of physical action
  • The right hand is the masculine essence (yang side)


  • share specific qualities of the Universe
  • wear your ring on the right if you feel like you already have the quality and purpose that you want to share and manifest to the world, all you need is to make them actionable.


  • With the left hand you receive energy.
  • The left is the hand of creativity and process
  • The left is the hand of thought
  • The left is the feminine essence (yin side)


  • obtain or develop specific qualities or skills
  • have the perfect mindset to generate specific skills.

What happens if I am left-handed?

If you use your left hand to express your feelings, ideas and thoughts, it is the giving hand for you. Then the right hand is the getting hand.

Looking at how different cultures emphasize the giving or receiving aspect is very interesting, I would like to explore this topic further in one of the next articles.

Meaning and symbolism of rings, finger by finger


  • Incarnates Jupiter, the supreme god of the Romans.
  • Wearing rings on this finger directs you towards self-confidence, action, ambition, communication and leadership.
  • Crystals that enhance the qualities of the index finger are blue topaz, amethyst, lapis lazuli, emerald and peridot.
  • Natural element: Water


  • Embody Saturn, also called "the pendulum of the hand", or "the pendulum of our personality". Saturn is the symbol of good and evil, the search for truth, obedience and rebellion.
  • Wearing rings on this finger encourages introspection and individuality. It also helps you have a clearer view of right and wrong.
  • Wearing a ring on the left middle finger also creates a direct connection with the heart.
  • Crystals that reinforce the qualities of the middle finger: Clear quartz, coral, pearls.
  • Natural element: Earth.


  • Embody Apollo, the Roman god who represents creativity in all aspects of life and the cultivation of love and beauty.
  • Wearing rings on this finger focuses you on leading you to grace, love, beauty and compassion.
  • Crystals that reinforce the qualities of finger rings: Green jade, Moonstone, Rose quartz.
  • Natural element: Fire.


  • Embodying Mercury, it represents the power of communication in all its aspects, including intuition and sensitivity.
  • Wearing rings on this finger emphasizes artistic and creative character, with qualities like eloquence and the ability to persuade. It is also the signal of resourcefulness, especially in business.
  • Crystals that strengthen the qualities of the little finger: Amber, Citrine, Moonstone, Aquamarine.
  • Natural element: Air.


  • The thumb represents the characteristic of personal and universal will.
  • It is the only finger that does not bear the name of a Roman god.
  • Wearing rings on this finger allows you to improve any type of relationship, including friendship, love and business, helping you establish a new positive attitude.
  • Crystals that strengthen the qualities of the thumb: Rubin, garnet, diamond, moonstone, amethyst
  • Natural element: Ether.

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