Why affirmations are not enough
Your thoughts shape your reality.
Creating the perfect you is easy: rehearse in your head who you want to be and what you want to achieve several times a day. You will be who you want, and you will get what you want.
For example, if I want to earn 20,000 euros per month, just fix this concept in your mind by repeating something like "I easily earn 20,000 euros per month. I am proud of myself because I can provide for my family's needs. family and I have a lot more time to spend with them", and boom!
You will earn €20,000 per month more quickly and easily.
The premise of this theory is that the same thought loops around in your mind, creating a rut that shapes your mind and reality into attracting what you want.
Change your thoughts and you change your reality.
But, is this really true?
So two years ago, I started working with positive abundance affirmations, following the precise instructions given in one of the most popular and best-selling books on business and finance.
I practiced this affirmation for a few months, and guess what? Nothing has changed in my bank account!
However, several things have changed. My self-esteem and level of gratitude continued to decline, while anxiety continued to increase. So I decided to stop.
I thought I hadn't achieved my goal because I had missed something.
Maybe the formula was wrong, or I wasn't able to think well (while other people could)... and so on...
Today I call this step “The Side Effects of Positive Affirmations.”
It's like a hangover when after a few hours of excitement and euphoria comes sadness and apathy.
Despite all the frustration and time I wasted, today I am glad I went through this process because I learned a lot and I want to share it all with you now.
Why practicing positive affirmation is not effective.
Repeating words, concepts or values that are not rooted in you cannot yield any fruit.
We can make something that is already within us, or something we believe in, flourish by focusing and becoming more aware of those concepts or values.
This means that these words, concepts or values must have some sort of roots in you, even if they are still small or fragile.
Trying to "force" your consciousness to believe, and then taking action based on something you don't feel, cannot achieve real, healthy fruit, here's why:

When I ask my computer to do something for me, and I use the right codes and data, it always says yes. This is not the case for humans. For what ?
You are one of the most complex, mysterious and beautiful creatures in the Universe.
You are able to combine tangible data and feelings to have an open view of reality. And you do it every moment, without any effort.
A simple sentence is not enough to change your authentic view of reality.
Rather, you need much more information to see the whole picture of every aspect of yourself, others, and your environment.
Example : If you're a guest at a big conference and you know you can't handle your emotions, repeating "I'm smart, calm, and spontaneous" won't help you gain confidence and focus. That's why you panicked while speaking in public and you know that nothing has changed about you since the last time you did it. You know that this kind of situation escapes you.
It's information you receive from your body, and it's in contrast to what you say in front of your mirror, so you can't believe it.

When you use your mouth or mind to say something you don't believe, your subconscious says, "The most important person in my life, myself, is lying to me! She's ashamed of me!"
This causes suffering.
We are used to thinking that the suffering of the heart only comes from the outside, but this is false. Lying to yourself is one of the worst wounds you can inflict on your heart.
If you find yourself in this position, honor these wounds, they have so much to teach.
They show that the only way to follow is to love yourself as you are. They encourage you to grow through tangible actions, not easy shortcuts.
To encourage your heart's healing process, you can wear rose quartz, dioptase, and pink kunzite or fire agate.
If the point of your sentences is to be different, it means you're not good enough. Maybe you don't have certain skills that other successful people have or you're essentially inadequate.
Something is broken in you (...of course, in other people not...) and so you need to establish a new version of you, instead of deepening the attitudes and values you already have .
This thought process drains your self-esteem drastically. And this is exactly what you need to avoid when you want to exceed your limits and push yourself out of your comfort zone to grow and develop your energy.
Loving yourself as you are does not mean avoiding growing.
What to do instead?

So if wanting to be different is a trap, what is the healthy approach to growing and progressing? What can we really do to improve and grow?
One of my favorite and powerful methods for working on personal and spiritual development is to replace positive affirmation with self-affirmation.
Practicing assertiveness shifts the focus to your authenticity, rather than “abstract patterns.”
You overcome any challenge by using your skills, value and attitudes as tools to achieve your goal in your own way.
By walking this way, you will gain confidence and self-esteem, and everything will be easier and more fun for you, because you are playing on your own territory using your own compass.
If you truly want to change, you must be actively open to change. If you want to let the best version of yourself flourish, you have to commit to taking action! Here's how :
- Learn new things and do what you've never done before: change starts with action, not thoughts.
- Stop procrastinating: If you know what you need to get what you want, do it. Change won't happen overnight, but you can do it. Most of the time the stories we tell ourselves are much bigger than reality, I am sure you will discover skills and potentials within yourself that you cannot even imagine.
“What you think, you become”
This famous quote does not mean that you should repeat sentences to yourself in front of the mirror, but rather that you should let your thoughts guide your actions, and then your growth.
- Trust yourself, instead of asking to be someone else: when I realized that something was not working for me with the "positive affirmations technique", I changed my approach to meditation , moving from “ask” to “kiss”. What do I mean by that?
Today, during my morning yoga ritual, I don't ask for anything.
Instead, I'm ready for whatever the day ahead has to offer. Not because I'm sure I'll find the perfect solution for everything, but because I'm ready to be present and handle everything as best I can.
This simple movement frees me from anxiety, stress and gives me permission to move towards my authentic path, avoiding comparison and self-judgment.

Perfection is a concept, not a reality. Do you want to live in an etheric world of ideas and theory, or do you want to live on this planet? Whatever you choose, don't let the idea of perfection stop you.
Perfection is an idea, a sort of invention, if you will.
Everything in this world has a dark side and a light side. Everything is totally good or bad. Even when we can't see the dark side, it is still there and real.
Everything is a process, not towards perfection, but towards happiness and fulfillment. This is my personal opinion, based on experience practicing positive affirmations.
I hope it helps you, especially if you experience the same difficulties after practicing positive affirmations.
If you have established your affirmation formula and are practicing this popular technique but nothing seems to change, I just want to tell you: "You are not wrong, the formula does not matter and your energy is perfectly aligned with the Universe. But your path is to be yourself, not what others want from you or a pre-ordained package."
If you want to grow, you need to focus on your own values and elevate them by staying consistent, learning new skills, and trusting the process. Every transformation is a journey and what you will encounter is a mystery. However, you are a generator of miracles, never forget that.