Warning: Disclaimer
At ShivShakti, we believe in the healing abilities of crystals and stones, and we personally use them to improve our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.
Although we have experienced first-hand the impact our products can have on our health and well-being, we are not doctors and cannot provide medical advice.
Crystals and stones should not be used as a substitute for medical advice or treatment.
All information on this website, including products, treatments and information on health and medical conditions, is provided for informational purposes only.
Please consult a licensed healthcare professional before starting any alternative treatment or implementing our information in your life.

We only sell high quality healing stones. We cannot however provide any guarantee as to the effectiveness of our crystals and stones as they are dependent on the user to be effective.
We love learning about healing stones, and our customers have shown us they want that too. Although we do our best to provide useful and usable information on this website, we do not guarantee that the information we provide on this site or that we link to on other sites is accurate, complete, or current. Under no circumstances will shivshakti.fr be held responsible for any damage related to the content or any omission or error in the content of this site.
Statements on this website have not been approved by any relevant agency. We do not provide medical advice or prescribe any treatment without the advice of a healthcare professional.
We accept no responsibility for your actions if you use the information on this website for your own treatment or that of others.
By using information on this site, you accept all risk and responsibility for your actions. When you purchase and/or use a product from shivshakti.com , you agree to fully release, indemnify and hold harmless ShivShakti, its owners, representatives, consultants and employees from any claims or liabilities whatsoever and any damages or harm, whether personal, emotional, psychological, financial or otherwise, that you may suffer in connection with your use of products sold on shivshakti.fr .
If a court of law decides that any part of this disclaimer is invalid, the disclaimer will be treated as if those parts were struck out.