Which stones to choose to alleviate anemia?

Anemia is characterized by the deficiency of red blood cells (red blood cells) or hemoglobin in the blood, which results in the disruption of oxygen transport.

Red blood cells are blood cells that transport oxygen. Hemoglobin : iron-rich protein which is the main constituent of red blood cells.

Anemia is diagnosed by an examination carried out during a blood test.

There are different forms of anemia depending on the pathology involved. In the case of a defect in the production of red blood cells , the anemias can be iron deficient, aplastic or megaloblastic. In the event of abnormal loss or destruction of red blood cells , anemias are hemolytic or caused by a chronic disease.

In this article, we will see which lithotherapy stones are recommended to reduce anemia.

To discover the stones available to order online, simply click on the images.

Stone to alleviate anemia

Amber tends to regulate the mechanisms of anemia , amber strengthens the immune system . It is recommended to wear it daily in the form of a necklace or pendant and to purify it at night in a non-metallic container filled with clear water.

In lithotherapy it acts on blood diseases and iron deficiency, it is useful against anemia , hemophilia, leukemia, lymphomas, all disorders related to the blood and especially the lack of iron in the blood. Hematite regulates the flow of displays. It has a relaxing action and reduces leg cramps .

On a physical level, garnet has a certain role first of all by strengthening the heart and regulating blood circulation. In addition, by increasing blood plasma and therefore white blood cells, the assimilation of hemoglobin is improved. This is a valuable aid in cases of leukemia or anemia, removing the fatigue of these pathologies . The capillary vessels are also strengthened, reducing abscesses, boils, inflammations and skin diseases, internal and external wounds.

  • La Goetite

Has properties similar to hematite for everything related to blood fluidity and anemia problems. On the throat it will work on problems of the esophagus. Affixed to the third eye it will strongly develop intuition and even the possibilities of clairvoyance. It will increase the effects of your requests from your Guides and your Guardian Angels.

  • Magnetite

It is to be used for all iron deficiencies in the blood (anemia) and for any type of stiffness contracture, it is particularly effective against cramps (associated with lapis lazuli), neck pain). We discovered traces of magnetite crystals, in the center of the 3rd eye , they can be activated by applying a magnetite which will develop our sensory faculties and particularly our sense of orientation . It relieves joint pain and rheumatism (associated with malachite), On the plexus chakra it strengthens the pancreas (is therefore to be used against diabetes) and the liver. Working with quartz and blue tourmaline will be useful in cases of tumors. It will heal all the wounds of the etheric body, thereby helping the healing of the physical body. They say she attracts love. You can rebalance your polarity by holding a magnetite in each hand for around ten minutes.

  • Tektite
  • Stone formed following falling meteorites, it strongly stimulates the 3rd eye and the crown chakra, because it is charged with cosmic energy and above all it captures it easily. As a result, it amplifies the aura and protects against electromagnetic radiation. Will stimulate intuition and help dissolve unconscious blockages. You can strongly develop your causal body by working with a tektite, it will help you on your path to knowledge. Its symbolism will help the traveler not to lose his way and will even protect its wearer on a physical level. Is to be used in cases of anemia and infectious flu.

    Other stones to fight anemia :

    • Heliotrope

    Below you will find complementary stones taken from the works of lithotherapy experts, having the same virtues to respond to your problem. You can therefore choose them according to your preferences (colors / chakras / energy....).

    Stones recommended by Judy Hall : Hematite

    Stones recommended by JM Garnier : Erythrite, Garnet, Meteorite, Ruby, Tectite, Goethite, Hematite, Magnetite, Pyrite, Green Tourmaline, Jarosite and Wolframite

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