Stones for headaches and migraines
Lithotherapy reveals the miracle to us produced by certain stones that are rarely exploited by most of us. Certain stones have significant virtues .
From small, annoying pains to full-blown migraines, headaches can affect your life in many negative ways. Headaches are often grouped into “ silent epidemics ” " health issues.
These rarely discussed, underestimated questions and often ignored which deserve increased attention and awareness.
Stones for headaches
There are many healing stones that can help you on a daily basis. Here is a list of stones for migraines as well as the most used headache stones:
- Clear Quartz (Rock crystal)
The stones of Clear Quartz and Clear Crystal Points are used by many healers for relieve headaches . To do this, simply place a point of Quartz Crystal on the forehead, the flat side in direct contact with the forehead and the tip pointing in the opposite direction.
The ideal is to carry out this operation in a very quiet corner where little light penetrates. A combination of two points and two tumbled stones or pebbles Rock crystal , placed on both sides of the head, allows you to make The migraine disappears after five minutes . The same stones, then placed on the forehead followed by a short massage on the neck and scalp, are also beneficial for headaches.
- Labradorite _
When you suffer from a headache , take a pebble Polished Labradorite .
Massage your temples, forehead and painful areas with the roller. If it gets hot, soak it in water to let it cool and then continue the process until the pain subsides. You can then hold it in your hand until the tension disappears.
- Amethyst _
With its soothing and purifying properties, Amethyst is an effective solution to combat headaches and migraines .
In a lying position, eyes closed, the crystal placed on the forehead provides exceptional relaxation . Amethyst is also a stone to carry with you to protect against frequent migraines .
- Jade _
You can also apply Jade to the Forehead Chakra to relieve a migraine. Leave the stone on until you feel your symptoms improve .
A very rare stone, Jade also helps to deal with discomfort , often the cause of migraines.
- Lapis Lazuli
THE Lapis Lazuli eliminates headaches. To do this, take a polished pebble. You can use the stone to massage the painful area of the head or neck .
When the pain is gone, take the stone in hand.
You can also place it under your pillow for several days.
- Amber _
Amber is a mineral (mineral resin) suitable for all chakras and its ability to absorb negative waves helps relieve various ailments including headaches. The most famous property of Amber also takes from its ability to alleviate pain including those caused by migraines.
- The Sapphire blue
Stone of all chakras, Blue Sapphire can relieve migraines and headaches. As an elixir, it relieves pain caused by headaches while promoting good blood circulation in the brain. This stone also brings calm and soothes the mind at all times .
- The Turquoise
You can make an elixir of Turquoise then dip a cloth in it and place it on your forehead until the disappearance of the pain .
- Hawk's Eye
If you suffer from chronic migraines , also carry a Hawk's Eye with you . It helps create positive energies and ward off future ills.
Quartzes _ (Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, etc.), Jade and Lapis Lazuli are the best stones to fight against migraines. But other stones will help relieve frequent headaches such as Selenite, Hematite, Citrine , Moonstone and Amazonite.
How to use them?
Why not take the time to listen to what your body is trying to tell you through this pain?
Migraines reflect an emotional state : temporary headaches are linked to nervousness, real migraines to different problems (anger, excessive concentration, intense effort, etc.) and headaches to tension and worries.
Regardless of their size, shape, and structure, minerals all radiate powerful healing properties in healing processes. They can treat migraines and headaches or similar pains.
Crystals are excellent for headaches . However, it is necessary to know where it comes from.
If it is caused by stress , Amethyst, Amber or Turquoise placed on the forehead will relieve it.
If it is related to food , use stones that calm the stomach, such as Moonstone or Citrine.
Lapis Lazuli quickly soothes migraines.
- Transient headaches
Intention : eliminate temporary headaches
Frequency : every five to ten minutes, for one to two minutes until the pain disappears.
Close your eyes. Exhale three times and imagine that your head is caught in a silver hoop from temple to temple that sparkles at each end. Feel this hoop tightening on your skull and pressing on your temples then quickly releasing .
Once again, the hoop locks your temples in a vice and releases. Repeat a third time. Then open your eyes, aware that the pain is gone .
- For migraines
Intention : eliminate migraine
Frequency : as often as necessary, two to three minutes.
With your eyes open, look upward toward your migraine for two to three minutes. Then regain your normal look.
- For tension headaches
Intention : eliminate headaches due to tension
Frequency : as needed, every five to ten minutes, for three minutes at most.
Close your eyes and exhale three times. From above, look at the crown of your head. Open your skull like it was a boiled egg. Look inside. You see moving fluids and nerve fibers that resemble aquatic plants. This fluid escapes entirely from your head.
Feel how the tension in the neck is released as it flows down the spine. Now, a new fluid comes up the same path and fills your skull. Feel the flow of new blood running through your neck and the rest of your body. Put the “lid” of your head back in place, exhale and open your eyes.