Effective stones for taking care of your nails
Our nails are made up of 3 parts
- The nail tablet, a hard and compact plate of keratin.
- The nail bed (under the tablet) is pink in healthy people, because it is well irrigated.
- The nail matrix, located under the lunula (the white crescent-shaped part). It is she who produces keratin
Like hair , nails are mainly made up of keratin fibers , that is to say dead cells; we cannot therefore feed them locally.
The good health of our nails directly depends on a good diet . Dietary deficiencies can harm the health and strength of the nail. Vitamins, calcium and mineral salts (iron, iodine, silicon, magnesium, zinc) are particularly important.
The two common nail problems:
Nail fungus
Toenails are a target for fungus , particularly the big toe . If the nail takes on a yellowish or brownish color, thickens, or becomes friable, you should consult a doctor, because in addition to the aesthetic aspect, this fungus risks spreading a particularly contagious disease, onychomycosis.
To avoid the appearance of these fungi, dry your feet well , avoid walking barefoot especially in damp public places (swimming pool, etc.), choosing leather shoes remains the best prevention.
Ingrown toenail
An ingrown nail (the nail gradually sinks into the soft parts) is often due to the bad habit of cutting your nails too short , or to shoes that are too narrow . Consult a podiatrist to avoid any risk of infection.
In this article we will offer you a list of lithotherapy stones with benefits for fighting fungus and nail fungus.
To discover the stones available to order online, simply click on the images.
Beneficial stones for toenails
Beneficial for cellular memory , stress -related conditions , calcium deficiency, circulation , headaches and fluid retention , supports legs and feet, heart , skin , nails , hair , motor nerves , muscle strength , spleen , lungs , prostate , sexual organs , endocrine and digestive systems. Balances the pancreas.
Activates the immune system . Alleviates insomnia and dizziness, lowers blood pressure. Accelerates the regrowth of hair and nails . Opens the third eye and balances the throat chakra.
Strengthens skin, hair, nails , strengthens connective tissues and bones, the latter by activating calcium metabolism, supports immune reactions in blood and body fluids , activates lymph nodes, spleen and lungs .
It is known to have benefits on diseased nails, especially in cases of fungus. To fully benefit from the virtues of your stone, you can put it in your pockets or bag. You can also wear them as jewelry.
This stone is therefore one of the most recommended stones to alleviate your nail fungus problems . As with any stone, it is important to purify and recharge it . Place it under a continuous source of water for at least 30 seconds so that the energies that inhabit it are chased away. Then leave it to charge for a day in the sun's rays .
Other stones against nail fungus :
- Rock crystal
- Lapis Lazuli
- Magnesite
- Onyx
Below you will find complementary stones taken from the works of lithotherapy experts, having the same virtues to respond to your problem. You can therefore choose them according to your preferences (colors / chakras / energy....).
The stones recommended by JM Garnier : Hausmannite, Dolomite, Lapis-Lazuli, Onyx, Sapphire, Sphene, Titanite, Larimar.
The stones recommended by Bioschério : Lapis-Lazuli, Magnesite.