Smell problem? These miracle stones!

Compared to other animals, humans' sense of smell is very poorly developed. In humans, the sense of smell appears around 11-15 weeks, during fetal development.

The smell emits a “substance” transported in the air (in the form of molecules) which reaches our nostrils . It enters the nose, passing through tiny hairs which filter the molecules which try to penetrate, these are olfactory cilia.

At the end of each eyelash, there is a receptor that recognizes odors, called the olfactory receptor . Once the molecules have entered, they will reach a tissue called the “olfactory membrane”.

Surrounded by a mucous membrane which is made up of around a million cells in contact with the external environment. Each receptor cell is sensitive to the olfactory molecules that correspond to them because they are therefore specialized in a type of odor.

As soon as a molecule binds to the receptor that corresponds to it, it triggers the formation of a “nerve impulse”. This allows sensory messages to be transmitted to the brain via the olfactory nerve.

Here is an overview of the best lithotherapy stones to refine the sense of smell.

Stones for smell

Allows you to be responsible for your well-being and to think about yourself, also refines sensory perception , in particular touch , taste and smell . Opens the heart chakra, promotes compassion , tenderness, patience and a sense of belonging. Gives balance and joy of living. Transforming negative energy into positive and dispelling fears, encourages openness and patience, rejuvenates and inspires creativity. Helps to overcome the problems posed by the image of the father , intensifies the effects of remedies and has the power to heal plants. Promotes sleep and soothes the mind , strengthens the nervous system and prepares it for a change in vibration , treats the eyes, heart, thymus, brain and immune system. facilitates weight loss. Relieves CFS and exhaustion, helps realign the spine and is beneficial for strained muscles, detoxifying, alleviates claustrophobia and panic attacks. Suitable for hyperactive children.


Improves the sense of smell. Brings peace to a troubled mind. Very useful for stabilizing the aura and cleansing it of accumulated negative energies . Promotes the digestion of food Activates circulation and energy flows, strengthens the immune system , it is detoxifying and anti-inflammatory . Wear it with you as a bracelet or necklace all day for greater effectiveness.


Unites the heart and the will. It activates the solar plexus chakra and harmonizes the heart chakra. It helps combat negative thoughts. It dispels anger, fear, melancholy and unjustified guilt. It helps us let go of negative connections. It reduces the feeling of claustrophobia. Vesuvianite stimulates the desire for action, invention, discovery. It brings assurance , stability , serenity , courage and joy of living . It promotes loyalty to loved ones and encourages team spirit. Supports the digestion process and the work of the kidneys and bladder. It improves the sense of smell .

Addresses organ health problems. Calms nervous tension and increases the sense of smell . Calms the symptoms of certain illnesses such as bronchitis or migraine . Accentuates the feeling of serenity and increases libido . Combats feelings of loneliness and balances yin and yang. Makes it more dynamic and reduces negativity. Stimulates eloquence and taking initiative.

Other stones for smell :

Below you will find complementary stones taken from the works of lithotherapy experts, having the same virtues to respond to your problem. You can therefore choose them according to your preferences (colors / chakras / energy....).

Stones recommended by Judy Hall : Idocrase.

Stones recommended by JM Garnier : Fluorapatite, Garnet.

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