5 lithotherapy stones to combat water retention
Water retention is an accumulation of water within body tissue , causing it to swell . Fluid retention is more commonly called edema . These swellings can develop in a clearly identified part of the body, or can be found in different places (tissues) of the body.
The fluid, causing the edema, more generally accumulates in the lower part of the leg or on the ankles. Furthermore, edema can also be “internal”, developing within organs, such as the lungs for example.
Beyond swelling and swelling in the skin, edema can also be the source:
- discoloration of the skin ;
- an increase in temperature in the affected area;
- numbness ; _
- stiffness in certain limbs ;
- weight gain .
Stones against water retention
This stone is excellent against cellulite and water retention . It has a dehydrating effect and accelerates weight loss. Wear it with you as a bracelet or necklace all day for greater effectiveness.
Excellent against water retention . Develops intuition and self-listening. Opens the door to instinctive creativity. Soothes the mind by stopping negative thoughts. As with any stone, it is important to purify and recharge it . Place it under a continuous source of water for at least 30 seconds so that the energies that inhabit it are chased away. Then leave it to charge for a day in the sun's rays .
Super activator of the heart chakra , which it links to the higher self, offers love, tenderness and friendship, Instills patience and teaches tact and diplomacy , alleviates depression and fear, promotes inner security, treats poor emotional functioning , let go of old pains , beneficial for relationships, helps to find joy in any situation. Dispels opposition to becoming whole again , encourages nerve regeneration, especially in cases of paralysis or multiple sclerosis. Useful against water retention and cellulite . Treat stress. Stone who erases bad childhood memories from the paternal and maternal, feminine and masculine sides.
Moonstone helps stabilize hormones and the reproductive cycle , limiting the side effects of infection. Meditation allows you to connect with a stone and work with your chakras. Take a stone in your hands. Observe it, look at its shape, its color, then close your eyes to feel its material, its density and connect with it. Also works against water retention .
This stone helps combat water retention . Harmonizes the thyroid and thus regulates growth and hormonal balance, improves eyesight in cases of myopia or presbyopia, reduces excessive reactions of the immune system , autoimmune diseases and allergies, especially colds. Acts on the people assisted by encouraging them to take charge of themselves. Develops premonitory abilities. Activates the development of feelings while amplifying anchoring to realities. Gives the courage to finish or stop what has been started. Develops premonitory abilities. Stimulates the development of the mind , breadth of vision , foresight and clairvoyance , makes frank , dynamic , persevering , gives the will to achieve the goal and leads to success.
Here is another stone that can help counteract water retention . Its diuretic action makes it a perfect stone to promote the elimination of toxins , digestion and the reduction of water retention . On the emotional side, it also calms stress and soothes hypersensitivity which could influence our appetite.
Other stones to combat water retention :
- Citrine
- Hematite
Below you will find complementary stones taken from the works of lithotherapy experts, having the same virtues to respond to your problem. You can therefore choose them according to your preferences (colors / chakras / energy....).
Stones recommended by JM Garnier : Analcime, Halite .