Stones and benefits for the lymphatic systems
The lymphatic system is one of the most important parts of the immune system because it protects the body from disease and infection. It is a system made up of vessels, lymph nodes and organs which are connected to all parts of the body carrying lymph, a transparent liquid containing lymphocytes.
It often seems mysterious and elusive because it does not receive the same attention as other systems of the body, such as the cardiovascular system or the digestive system.
The lymphatic system performs vital functions . The lymphatic system is a network mainly made up of:
- Lymph nodes : small bean-shaped organs found throughout the body
- Lymphatic vessels : vessels that allow lymphatic fluid (also called lymph) to circulate throughout the body
Lymph nodes act as filters for lymph and lymphocytes: they keep out bacteria, viruses and other foreign bodies.
Lymph is a biological fluid made up of plasma and white blood cells that circulates in the lymphatic vessels.
Among the organs (other than lymph nodes) that are considered part of the lymphatic system are:
- Bone marrow
- The thymus
- Tonsils
- The spleen
- Liver
- Lymphocyte accumulations inside the intestinal, respiratory, genital and urinary tracts.
In this article, we will see which lithotherapy stones are recommended for taking care of your lymphatic system.
To discover the stones available to order online, simply click on the images.
Take care of your lymphatic system with the help of these stones
- White agate
The properties of white agate act directly on your lymph and purify your lymphatic system.
It stimulates the lymphatic system and prevents and alleviates lymphatic infections. In addition, it supports the flow of lymph and other body fluids.
- Heliotrope (blood jasper)
It helps the cardiac and circulatory systems more generally and promotes the purification and stimulation of the circulation of lymph , blood and the heart . This stone strengthens the immune system and can be very useful in cases of infections.
This stone helps reduce glandular and lymphatic swelling , and treats menstrual cramps.
- Ruby
Ruby is the perfect stone for treating problems related to the lymph , it therefore helps to detoxify the lymph of all substances that may be bad for the proper functioning of our lymphatic system.
The energy of the stone decreases after a very large number of uses so it is very important to recharge and purify it. To purify your Ruby stone, simply place it in salty, distilled or demineralized water which will suit it perfectly. To recharge it, place it in the sun or on a quartz cluster.
- Silicon
Silicon acts on a very specific part of our lymphatic system, in fact these benefits activate the lymph nodes.
There are around a hundred in number, they have a size of 1 to 1.5 cm in diameter and are distributed throughout our body, in pairs and symmetrically. They belong to the lymphatic network, a system parallel to the veins in which lymph, a clear liquid from the blood, circulates.
These so-called “lymphatic” nodes have the role of :
- to filter the lymph ,
- to eliminate unwanted elements ,
- to produce white blood cells (lymphocytes) and antibodies .
This is how, in the event of an infection, the lymph nodes activate to block viruses, bacteria and other microbes, which causes them to swell. This stone is therefore a real asset for protecting and taking care of your lymphatic system.
Stimulating the brain and lymph, it improves blood circulation. On a physical level, sodalite elixir strengthens the endocrine and lymphatic system.
- Sugilite
It strengthens the immune system , strengthens the heart and improves blood and lymphatic circulation while purifying body fluids . Light colored Sugilite is considered particularly beneficial for cleansing and purifying the lymphatic system.
Other stones to take care of your lymphatic system :
- Stone for Lymph Nodes : Moss Agate and Jet
- Stone for Lymphatic Drainage : Albite , Orthoclase and Phantom Quartz
Below you will find complementary stones taken from the works of lithotherapy experts, having the same virtues to respond to your problem. You can therefore choose them according to your preferences (colors / chakras / energy....).
Stones recommended by Judy Hall : Moss Agate, Jet and Agate
The stones recommended by JM Garnier : Albite, Orthoclase, Phantom Quartz, Blue Lace Agate, Chalcedony, Blood Jasper, Dioptase and Lazulite
Stones recommended by Bioschério : Proustite