• Stones that help tissue regeneration

    The regenerative capacity is mainly carried by cells of the body which will reprogram themselves to replace the damaged tissue or organ. Regeneration can be done in many ways with pluripotent or tissue-specific cells. Regeneration consists of the reformation or regrowth of a damaged or missing part of an organ from the remaining tissue. As adults , humans can regenerate certain organs such as...
  • 5 lithotherapy stones to combat water retention

    Water retention is an accumulation of water within body tissue , causing it to swell . Fluid retention is more commonly called edema . These swellings can develop in a clearly identified part of the body, or can be found in different places (tissues) of the body. The fluid, causing the edema, more generally accumulates in the lower part of the leg or on...
  • 5 lithotherapy stones for vision problems

    Sight is part of one of our 5 senses along with touch, hearing, smell and taste. The eyes allow us to see everything around us. They memorize what we see and send it to the brain very quickly . The eye actually receives images in reverse . It's a part of the eye, the retina , that puts them right side up. Today our...
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