• Stones against gingivitis

    Fluorite To relieve gingivitis, apply fluorine to the affected areas. As a second choice, you can also use zebra jasper or pyromorphite. === split content ===selection-fluorine=== split content === Are you looking for an evil or a virtue? Consult our list of protective stones according to their benefits . === post === bbb === post ===
  • Lithotherapy stones that relieve hemorrhoids

    Hematite Hematite regulates hemorrhoids. Take a hematite of around 90 grams and wear it all day. Purify it in the evening in a large container of clear water. Tiger's Eye and Citrine Additionally, place a citrine or a tigerโ€™s eye under the cushion of your seat. Malachite and Magnetite Malachite and local magnetite will help soothe pain. Heliotrope is also excellent against varicose sores....
  • Stones for heartburn, acid reflux and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

    They are generally accompanied by acid reflux from the stomach towards the esophagus (gastroesophageal reflux), causing an unpleasant taste (bitterness or acidity) in the throat and in the mouth. Heartburn usually occurs after eating a meal or when lying down. Citrine is recommended for regulating the digestion process and has virtues that can protect you against heartburn, acid reflux and gastric reflux (GERD). You...
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