Stones against cystitis
In case of cystitis, carry jade or uvarovite with you. Do not hesitate to apply these stones to the abdominal region and kidneys , where you feel discomfort. Are you looking for an evil or a virtue? Consult our list of protective stones according to their benefits . === post === bbb === post === -
Lithotherapy stones used against pericarditis
Sapphire is the stone indicated in cases of pericarditis. Are you looking for an evil or a virtue? Consult our list of protective stones according to their benefits . === post === bbb === post === -
Stones against stuttering
Stuttering does not come from a single cause, but rather from a combination of factors . From a strictly mechanical point of view, each of the steps allowing articulate language is controlled by the central nervous system . Certain regions of the brain form phonemes, syllables and then words. Others take over to coordinate the action of the larynx, vocal cords, tongue and lips....