Amazonite Stone: Virtues of Amazonite
Amazonite takes its name from the great Amazon river, because it was discovered and named in this region. In addition, the green color veined with lighter tones of this stone is reminiscent of the color of the waters of this river.
- Origin of the name : Discovered for the first time on the site of the Amazon River
- Home group : Feldspars
- Color(s) : Pale greenish blue to light turquoise blue
- Symbol : Amazonite is the refuge, the sanctuary
- Hardness : Between 6 and 6.5
- Main deposits : South Africa, Brazil, Colorado, India, Russia
- Chemical composition : double potash aluminum silicate, KAISi3O8
- Day of the week : Friday
Properties and virtues of Amazonite
In lithotherapy, Amazonite is given a certain protection against electromagnetic waves such as waves emitted by telephones which have a negative impact on health. It calms the central nervous system , therefore it will be favorable to fight against diseases where stress is an aggravating factor.
Purification and recharging:
Emotionally and spiritually
It is a joyful stone, ideal for rediscovering your child's soul, amazonite awakens the joy of living, it helps to take situations less seriously, it helps to put things into perspective and above all to live the present moment spontaneously. In lithotherapy it is most often used for its properties, which will be very favorable for a depressed person or a person who sees the world in a negative way. This stone fights against frustrations, it increases verbal and non-verbal communication , it promotes spontaneity and encourages human contact.
On the mental level
On a psychological level, the amazonite stone particularly resembles turquoise, offering the main virtues of tenderness. When applied to the heart chakra, amazonite offers the certainty of tenderness towards the loved one. It offers the perception of sincere and reciprocal feelings, and gives the wearer the feeling of happiness.
Amazonite provides relief, especially when it comes to feelings of frustration. It helps strengthen feminine behavior, while calming ardor. When applied to the throat chakra, amazonite offers gentleness and sincerity in romantic exchanges. It is the stone of direct and sincere expression in tenderness.
On a more spiritual level, amazonite stone offers serenity in the certainty of good and dismisses all forms of negative thoughts.
On the physical level
In the physical domain, the amazonite stone helps fight against states of sadness, but also helps regulate sexual deficiencies resulting from or directly linked to strong emotionality. Amazonite strengthens the immune system and helps relieve problems related to cholesterol, triglycerides, liver and kidneys. This stone is particularly recommended for problems related to the lymphatic and respiratory system. It helps relieve joint pain and cramps.
Amazonite is ideal for absorbing microwaves, electromagnetic waves and electrostatic waves. It promotes the absorption of calcium and is very helpful in combating bone weakening and cavities. This stone fights against hair loss and offers repair. The amazonite stone promotes the treatment of disorders linked to sexuality, such as disruption of the vaginal flora, lack of desire, erection problems, obsession or even male sexual disorder. It helps calm skin problems, and would limit blisters and pimples if it is passed over the skin with care and tact.
On the Heart Chakra , Amazonite brings happiness and tenderness. On the throat, for calcification of teeth.
Recharging and purification
After a while the stone gave all the energy it could. You must then opt for purification and energy recharging by immersing it for several hours in demineralized water .
For greater efficiency, you can then charge in the sun or natural light .
Meaning and history of Amazonite
Having known its uses since Antiquity, the Amazonite stone was found in Egypt, India, Mesopotamia and Sudan.
In Egypt, Amazonite was used in jewelry (as evidenced by the scarab ring found in the tomb of Tutankhamun) and for its virtues which can be found in an Amazonite plaque engraved with a few lines of text on the book of the dead.
In Mesopotamia, Amazonite had an equally gratifying destiny since it was dedicated to Tiamat, the goddess of oceans and salt waters, where chaos reigned.
Among the Babylonians, amazonite was the origin of everything including the gods, thanks to its union with the god of fresh waters.
The Greeks, for their part, used amazonite on their shields (ornament) to protect them like the Amazon warriors.
For their part, the Navajo Indians associated this stone with Estsanatlehi, goddess at the origin of the creation of humanity.
To sum up
It is a stone very close to turquoise.
Particularly indicated for pain in the solar plexus region.
It strengthens the brain.
It is effective for back and neck tension.
Its composition allows it to help the assimilation of calcium.
Amazonite is of great help in combating tooth deterioration.
It helps with speeches and communication.
It is useful and beneficial for depression.
It gives us vital force and dynamism.
Negative thoughts don't affect him.