Aventurine Stone: Virtues of Aventurine
Aventurine is a Quartz variety with inclusions of other minerals. The name Aventurine comes from the word adventure because it was simply discovered by chance.
- Origin of the name : From the Italian “a ventura” which means “adventure”
- Home group : Quartzites
- Color(s) : Green, blue
- Symbol : Freedom of spirit, perpetual freshness, knowledge
- Hardness : 7
- Main deposits : Brazil, India, Russia.
- Chemical composition : Silicon dioxide
- Day of the week : Friday
Varieties of Aventurine
Aventurine is found in different colors such as orange, blue, gray, brown and yellow, but is most often green. Here is a list of the most famous and most used Aventurine stones in lithotherapy:
It is a good ally for adolescents from a metabolic point of view; it promotes growth . This green stone helps against acne-type skin rashes , it helps you know yourself better and develop your personality by being less easily influenced.
This Aventurine holds its pinkish red color, helping to keep in touch with realities . It is a stone bringing energy , joy , in cases of depression or depression . It will give a boost to overcome physical and mental exhaustion. It allows permanent self-control.
Blue Aventurine, clears the mind . It can also be used to support mental health care .
- Orange Aventurine
The properties of Orange Aventurine are similar to those of Orange Carnelian . Just like its counterpart, this aventurine helps harmonize the Sacral Chakra , rebalancing the sexual sphere from the point of view of feminine-masculine energies. Always on this same chakra, it reconnects us to our creative power and to the energy of the kidneys.
Properties and virtues of Aventurine
Stone of introspection and prosperity , Aventurine brings positive solutions and promotes general well-being . It absorbs harmful waves .
On the mental level
The Aventurine stone has a gentle energy which makes this natural mineral the ideal stone to begin a process of self-knowledge .
The energy it releases harmonizes the different chakras and brings its user a healthy outlook on life . This person will feel more in control of themselves , regaining their freedom to think and act, because Aventurine will have restored their well-being and self-confidence.
Aventurine also increases the creative spirit and determination of its holder. It has an anti-stress effect , which contributes to inner tranquility and the preservation of one's composure . It is therefore ideal for those looking to calm their nervousness.
This precious stone resolves emotional problems. This stone restores humor and cheerfulness .
It also turns out to be very useful for calming overly excited children . It helps them to flourish , by promoting their openness to others and to the world.
Finally, Aventurine is considered a stone of luck and optimism .
On the physical level
Aventurine is the perfect stone to treat skin , liver , eye and heart problems. On the skin, it helps eliminate impurities and beautify it . In the form of an elixir, it is even more effective on skin disorders.
It helps in the healing process , thanks to its high silicon content, excellent for the skin.
At the heart level, Aventurine prevents the risk of dysfunction . Placed on the chest, it soothes people suffering from irregularity. It promotes the proper functioning of the gallbladder and helps the liver in its function of purifying the body.
In pregnant women , Aventurine can soothe nausea and pain related to pregnancy. It also allows infants to stimulate growth and relieve them in the event of pain due to the appearance of teething .
Aventurine brings inner tranquility thanks to its anti-stress effect . It thus helps combat difficulties falling asleep and their effects on the body.
Aventurine opens the Heart Chakra to help you recognize what really turns you on. By betting on what you love and are passionate about , you can't go wrong. Feel an infusion of inspiration ignite your creativity . Thus, on the Heart Chakra, it increases the vibrational flow .
Astrological signs
Depending on its color, Aventurine is associated with a particular zodiac sign .
The signs of Cancer , Taurus and Libra potentially have more affinities with Green Aventurine , for whom it would promote happiness and financial prosperity.
The sign of Aries will be more comfortable with red Aventurine .
Its red-orange variation is associated with the signs of Cancer and Sagittarius .
Recharging and purification
After a while the stone gave all the energy it could. You must then opt for purification and energy recharging by immersing it for several hours in demineralized water, possibly salty.
For greater efficiency, you can then charge in the sun or natural light .
Meaning and history of Aventurine
Aventurine was first discovered in the 18th century. Its name comes from the Italian “a ventura” or “all’avventura”, meaning “by chance”. One day in the 1700s, a worker accidentally left metal filings in a vat of molten glass. When the glass cooled, it was used to make jewelry with iridescent highlights .
The name was then given to the natural stone because it resembled this glass.