Peridot Stone: Virtues of Peridot
Peridot is a powerful cleanser that eliminates negative energies and neutralizes them on all levels. It purifies the subtle bodies, the physical body and the mind.
Symbolically, it represents the olive tree, of which it has the beautiful green color .
It is also known as " Olivine " for darker colored stones. Then “Chrysolite” for lighter colored stones.
- Origin of the name : From the Greek “Chrysolite”, golden stone, olivine with its olive-green color
- Home group : OLivine
- Color(s) : Yellow green to olive green
- Symbol : Stone of well-being
- Hardness : Between 6.5 and 7 on the Mohs scale
- Deposits : South Africa, Australia, Burma, Brazil, Zerbiget Island (Red Sea), Norway, Zaire, USA
- Chemical composition : Ferrous magnesium silicate
- Day of the week : Friday
Varieties of Peridot
Peridot is a variety of Olivine . Its chemical composition includes iron and magnesium which give it its unique green color.
It is an idiochromatic stone . That is to say that it only comes in one color , green. This color is not produced by the presence of inclusions. It is simply due to the chemical composition of the mineral itself.
Its color range therefore extends from yellow green as bright as young grass in the sun, to dark green evoking the depths of the forest.
Benefits and virtues of Peridot
Generally speaking, Peridot has invigorating properties that stimulate the immune system . It acts positively on negative feelings, while helping to clarify the mind .
Many virtues are attributed to it since it is known to have various physical and psychological advantages .
By alleviating the ailments of the heart and mind of its purchaser, it allows self-esteem and optimal health for a happy life.
This gem will never leave you after feeling the benefits it has had on your body and your mind. His story deserves to be known and shared to perpetuate its mystical value.
In lithotherapy, Peridot is a dominant stone which only supports the presence of Rose Quartz or certain colorless crystals. It is not good to leave Peridot in the presence of other stones, as its properties change, sometimes negatively.
On the mental level
Peridot acts mentally on the person to improve self-confidence by reducing stress . It leaves room for a mind of steel by erasing all guilt inherited from the past. The energy contained in this beautiful jewel gives it an important place in spirituality . It is believed to have mystical powers to forget melancholy and various ailments. It also brings good fortune to its purchaser.
It protects against the anxieties of the night , cancels a bad spell and scares away evil. You can also use this stone to reduce excess body heat or cough dysfunction . This gem is also responsible for the success of marriages and relationships, or repelling evil spirits .
By wearing it, no more resentment, nervousness and jealousy . It dispels evils and darkness from the heart to make way for green light.
On the physical level
The body therefore regains vitality and tone . Placed on a painful area of the stomach, it regulates the liver , intestines or even the gallbladder . In the same way, when pressed against you, it eliminates problems linked to poor blood circulation.
Also used by dissolving in water, Peridot helps with certain skin problems . Its advantages are also weight loss . In fact , it allows, through successive massages, the elimination of fat . At the same time, it gives rise to work on self-acceptance by assuming curves.
Used by women in childbirth , it helps activate their contractions to make them more effective and reduce the resulting pain . Also, it brings renewal of energy and optimal health .
Among others, Olivine is a more accessible gemstone. In fact, it is less expensive and enjoys the same advantages as the Peridot stone.
The properties and color of Peridot will act very positively on the Heart Chakra . Indeed, its green color is the color of the Heart Chakra.
Peridot therefore has a balancing action on the emotions . It brings cheerfulness and soothes jealousy, both in terms of feelings and material envy.
Astrological signs
Peridot is mainly linked to the astrological sign of Leo . But also to that of Libra , then to Capricorn and finally to Taurus .
Recharging and purification
After a while the stone gave all the energy it could. You must therefore know how to recharge and purify it .
To purify it, simply immerse the Peridot in distilled salt water exposed to the sun on a cluster of Quartz . This mineral recharges with energy to act effectively on the body and mind.
Absorbing little energy, Peridot does not often need to be purified.
Meaning and History of Peridot
Two theories oppose each other to determine the etymology of the word Peridot. On the one hand, it comes from the Arabic word “ faridat ”, which means precious stone. Then, on the other hand, we would have to look for its origin in the Latin word “ paederos ”. This term comes from two Greek nouns translatable as “young boy” and “love”…
It is said that it was embedded in Aaron's armor . Then in the Apocalypse, it is one of the twelve jewels representing the qualities of love and founding the celestial Jerusalem.
The Crusaders began bringing Peridot to Europe, where it was often used to adorn objects of sacred art .
Napoleon offered Peridots to Empress Joséphine as a token of his love.
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