Aquarius Year 2024 Bracelet in Purple Fluorite, Amethyst and Citrine
Clarity, Wisdom, Abundance
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Aquarius Year 2024 Bracelet in Purple Fluorite, Amethyst and Citrine
Properties Violet Fluorite Blue Fluorite – Spiritual Healing Properties All the colors of Fluorite energize our spirit and mind, quickly bringing us to a positive state of mind, capable of focusing our energies appropriately. It helps us to properly assess...
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MONEY bracelet in Jade, Malachite and Pyrite
Lucky Charm, Abundance, Wealth
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MONEY bracelet in Jade, Malachite and Pyrite
Properties Green Jade Spiritual Healing Properties Green jade has a wonderful energy, both peaceful and joyful. It encourages us to appreciate just being alive, loving, struggling, learning, and being who we truly are: spiritual beings on a mortal journey. Green...
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SLEEP bracelet in Lepidolite, Sodalite and Howlite
Calm, Clarity, Tranquility
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SLEEP bracelet in Lepidolite, Sodalite and Howlite
Lepidolite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Lepidolite is an incredible tool for personal transformation and constant serenity. It opens both the heart and the third eye, helping us go further and faster on our spiritual path. It reveals what stops us...
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SELF-CONFIDENCE Bracelet in Carnelian, Red Jasper and Citrine
Courage, Will, Optimism
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SELF-CONFIDENCE Bracelet in Carnelian, Red Jasper and Citrine
Carnelian Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Carnelian has a calming, warm energy that makes us feel safe and loved. It helps us understand the circle of life and release all fear of death and the unknown. Carnelian is a highly protective...
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APPEASEMENT Bracelet in Sodalite, Rose Quartz and Amethyst
Clarity, Acceptance, Tranquility
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APPEASEMENT Bracelet in Sodalite, Rose Quartz and Amethyst
Sodalite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Sodalite is a stone for seekers of truth, and for all those on a spiritual path. It encourages us to maintain our most cherished and idealistic beliefs and to act fearlessly to make that ideal...
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MOURNING Bracelet in Pyrite, Smoky Quartz and Moonstone
Protection, Anchoring, Balance
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MOURNING Bracelet in Pyrite, Smoky Quartz and Moonstone
Pyrite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Pyrite is a stone for self-realization and the quest for enlightenment in this life. It asks us to act on our spiritual ideals and live with high integrity. She offers us gifts of strength and...
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Carnelian and red Jasper bracelet
Vitality, Confidence, Perseverance
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Carnelian and red Jasper bracelet
Carnelian Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Carnelian has a calming, warm energy that makes us feel safe and loved. It helps us understand the circle of life and release all fear of death and the unknown. Carnelian is a highly protective...
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Pyrite and Citrine bracelet
Abundance, Confidence, Determination
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Pyrite and Citrine bracelet
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Citrine and Fluorite Bracelet
Abundance, Concentration, Confidence
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Citrine and Fluorite Bracelet
Citrine Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Citrine has one of the most powerful energies of all crystals. It purifies the energy of everything around it and is one of the few "self-cleansing crystals" capable of maintaining its own bright energy field....
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THIRD EYE CHAKRA Bracelet in Lapis lazuli, Dumortierite, Sodalite and Blue Tiger's Eye
Intuition, Clarity, Connection
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THIRD EYE CHAKRA Bracelet in Lapis lazuli, Dumortierite, Sodalite and Blue Tiger's Eye
Awaken your inner vision with this bracelet dedicated to the Third Eye Chakra, a powerful fusion of Lapis Lazuli, Dumortierite, Sodalite and Blue Tiger's Eye. Designed to stimulate intuition and mental clarity, this bracelet is a gateway to expanded awareness...
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SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA Bracelet in Pyrite, Tiger's Eye, Sunstone and Citrine
Self-confidence, Positive energy, Abundance
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SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA Bracelet in Pyrite, Tiger's Eye, Sunstone and Citrine
Radiate unwavering inner strength with this Solar Plexus Chakra Bracelet, an energizing composition of Pyrite, Tiger's Eye, Sunstone and Citrine. Designed to balance and stimulate the third chakra, this bracelet is a source of personal power and light. This bracelet...
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Virgo Year 2024 Bracelet in White Moonstone, Lapis Lazuli and Sodalite
Intuition, Communication, Balance
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Virgo Year 2024 Bracelet in White Moonstone, Lapis Lazuli and Sodalite
White Moonstone Properties Spiritual Healing Properties of Moonstone Moonstone evokes the goddess and energy of the crescent and full moon. She invites us to dance in sensual celebration and be comfortable exploring the many mysteries of the world. It can...
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COMMUNICATION bracelet in Aquamarine, Amazonite and Sodalite
Assurance, Empathy, Harmony
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COMMUNICATION bracelet in Aquamarine, Amazonite and Sodalite
Aquamarine Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Aquamarine encourages spiritual growth and greater awareness. She invites us to value deep, clear thinking in our spiritual lives and to take lessons from the spiritual world and put them into practice here on earth....
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CELLULITE Bracelet in Carnelian, Amethyst and Rose Quartz
Vitality, Balance, Acceptance
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CELLULITE Bracelet in Carnelian, Amethyst and Rose Quartz
Carnelian Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Carnelian has a calming, warm energy that makes us feel safe and loved. It helps us understand the circle of life and release all fear of death and the unknown. Carnelian is a highly protective...
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Abundance Bracelet in Citrine, Pyrite and Green Aventurine
Prosperity, Wealth, Growth
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Abundance Bracelet in Citrine, Pyrite and Green Aventurine
Citrine Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Citrine has one of the most powerful energies of all crystals. It purifies the energy of everything around it and is one of the few "self-cleansing crystals" capable of maintaining its own bright energy field....
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Carnelian and Sunstone Bracelet
Vitality, Joy, Expression
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Carnelian and Sunstone Bracelet
Sunstone Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Sunstone is a happy stone that encourages us to be true to ourselves. It is a stone of great hope, which helps us to believe in our own luck and our ability to live happily...
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Carnelian Bracelet
Vitality, Courage, Expression
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Carnelian Bracelet
Carnelian Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Carnelian has a calming, warm energy that makes us feel safe and loved. It helps us understand the circle of life and release all fear of death and the unknown. Carnelian is a highly protective...
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Bracelet VIVACITE en Améthyste, Oeil de tigre et Fluorite violette
Clarté, Concentration, Réactivité
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Bracelet VIVACITE en Améthyste, Oeil de tigre et Fluorite violette
Un stimulateur de clarté mentale et de réactivité, ce bracelet associe la sérénité de l'Améthyste, la concentration de l'Œil de tigre, et l'ordre de la Fluorite violette. Ces pierres sont choisies pour leur capacité à aiguiser l'esprit, à renforcer la...
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Bracelet SEXUALITE en Pierre de lune blanche, Cornaline et Grenat
Passion, Harmonie, Confiance
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Bracelet SEXUALITE en Pierre de lune blanche, Cornaline et Grenat
Un catalyseur de passion et de désir, ce bracelet associe l'énergie sensuelle de la Cornaline, l'intensité du Grenat, et la douceur émotionnelle de la Pierre de lune blanche. Ces pierres sont sélectionnées pour leur capacité à stimuler la sexualité, à...
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Bracelet RICHESSE en Pyrite, Quartz fumé et Grenat
Prospérité, Stabilité, Énergie
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Bracelet RICHESSE en Pyrite, Quartz fumé et Grenat
Un concentré de prospérité et de dynamisme, ce bracelet combine l'attraction de la richesse de la Pyrite, la stabilisation énergétique du Quartz fumé, et l'impulsion vitale du Grenat. Ces pierres sont sélectionnées pour leur puissance à attirer l'abondance financière, à...
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Bracelet REUSSITE SCOLAIRE en Sodalite, Lapis-lazuli et Quartz clair
Concentration, Mémoire, Clarté mentale
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Bracelet REUSSITE SCOLAIRE en Sodalite, Lapis-lazuli et Quartz clair
Un stimulant de la concentration et de l'apprentissage, ce bracelet combine l'intellect de la Sodalite, la sagesse du Lapis-lazuli, et l'amplification du Quartz clair. Ces pierres sont sélectionnées pour leur capacité à améliorer la mémoire, à favoriser la compréhension et...
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Bracelet RETENTION D'EAU en Quartz clair, Aigue-marine et Sodalite
Équilibre hydrique, Clarté, Soutien à la détoxification
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Bracelet RETENTION D'EAU en Quartz clair, Aigue-marine et Sodalite
Un allié pour la régulation des fluides corporels, ce bracelet associe la clarté purifiante du Quartz clair, la fraîcheur de l'Aigue-marine et l'équilibre de la Sodalite. Ces pierres sont choisies pour leurs propriétés favorisant l'équilibre hydrique, la réduction de la...
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Bracelet JEUX D'ARGENT en Pyrite, Citrine et Quartz clair
Chance, Prospérité, Clarté
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Bracelet JEUX D'ARGENT en Pyrite, Citrine et Quartz clair
Un talisman de richesse et de prospérité, ce bracelet associe l'attraction magnétique de la Pyrite, l'abondance de la Citrine, et l'amplification du Quartz clair. Ces pierres sont sélectionnées pour leur capacité à attirer la fortune, à stimuler l'énergie positive et...
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Bracelet PERSUASION en Lapis-lazuli, Sodalite et Aigue-marine
Clarté, Confiance, Persuasion
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Bracelet PERSUASION en Lapis-lazuli, Sodalite et Aigue-marine
Un amplificateur de communication et de charisme, ce bracelet combine la clarté d'expression du Lapis-lazuli, la logique de la Sodalite, et la fluidité de l'Aigue-marine. Ces pierres sont sélectionnées pour leur capacité à améliorer les compétences oratoires, à clarifier la...
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Bracelet PERDRE DU POIDS en Quartz rose, Obsidienne noire et Sodalite
Discipline, Clarté, Amour-propre
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Bracelet PERDRE DU POIDS en Quartz rose, Obsidienne noire et Sodalite
Un soutien énergétique pour ceux qui cherchent à atteindre leurs objectifs de perte de poids, ce bracelet combine la douceur du Quartz rose, la puissance de l'Obsidienne noire, et la clarté de la Sodalite. Ces pierres sont sélectionnées pour leur...
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Bracelet MEMOIRE en Citrine, Fluorite violette et Quartz clair
Clarté, Concentration, Mémoire
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Bracelet MEMOIRE en Citrine, Fluorite violette et Quartz clair
Un catalyseur de clarté mentale et de renforcement de la mémoire, ce bracelet associe l'énergie stimulante de la Citrine, l'ordre de la Fluorite violette, et l'amplification du Quartz clair. Ces pierres sont soigneusement sélectionnées pour leurs capacités à améliorer la...
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Bracelet MALCHANCE en Citrine, Oeil de tigre et Pyrite
Prospérité, Protection, Confiance
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Bracelet MALCHANCE en Citrine, Oeil de tigre et Pyrite
Un talisman puissant pour repousser la malchance et attirer la fortune, ce bracelet combine l'éclat positif de la Citrine, la protection courageuse de l'Œil de tigre, et la richesse de la Pyrite. Chacune de ces pierres est sélectionnée pour ses...
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Bracelet IRRITABILITE en Sodalite, Lapis-lazuli et Howlite
Calme, Clarté, Sérénité
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Bracelet IRRITABILITE en Sodalite, Lapis-lazuli et Howlite
Un baume apaisant pour l'esprit et les émotions, ce bracelet associe la calme de la Sodalite, la sérénité du Lapis-lazuli et la douceur de la Howlite. Ces pierres sont soigneusement choisies pour leur capacité à réduire le stress, à apaiser...
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Bracelet HUMEUR en Lapis-lazuli, Sodalite et Labradorite
Stabilité, Clarté, Protection
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Bracelet HUMEUR en Lapis-lazuli, Sodalite et Labradorite
Un équilibreur d'émotions par excellence, ce bracelet combine l'intuition du Lapis-lazuli, la clarté de la Sodalite, et la protection de la Labradorite. Ces pierres sont choisies pour leur capacité à stabiliser les fluctuations émotionnelles et à promouvoir une perspective plus...
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Bracelet FORTUNE en Citrine, Pyrite et Quartz fumé
Abondance, Protection, Confiance
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Bracelet FORTUNE en Citrine, Pyrite et Quartz fumé
Un véritable catalyseur de prospérité et de succès, ce bracelet associe l'abondance de la Citrine, la richesse de la Pyrite et la protection du Quartz fumé. Ces pierres sont choisies pour leur synergie puissante, destinée à attirer la fortune tout...
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Bracelet FORCE en Grenat, Cornaline et Jaspe rouge
Énergie, Courage, Stabilité
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Bracelet FORCE en Grenat, Cornaline et Jaspe rouge
Un véritable bastion de vigueur et de vitalité, ce bracelet associe l'intensité du Grenat, l'énergie vivifiante de la Cornaline, et la stabilité du Jaspe rouge. Chacune de ces pierres est choisie pour son pouvoir d'augmenter l'énergie physique, renforcer la volonté...
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Bracelet FECONDITE en Quartz rose, Cornaline et Grenat
Amour, Créativité, Vitalité
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Bracelet FECONDITE en Quartz rose, Cornaline et Grenat
Célébrez la création et la vitalité avec ce bracelet délicatement composé, mariant la tendresse du Quartz rose, l'énergie vivifiante de la Cornaline, et la passion du Grenat. Ensemble, ces pierres harmonisent pour favoriser la fécondité et la fertilité, tant sur...
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Bracelet EXAMENS en Améthyste, Fluorite violette et Quartz clair
Clarté, Sérénité, Concentration
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Bracelet EXAMENS en Améthyste, Fluorite violette et Quartz clair
Canalisez concentration et sérénité durant vos moments de défis académiques avec ce bracelet raffiné, combinant l'apaisement de l'Améthyste, la clarté mentale de la Fluorite violette, et l'amplification du Quartz clair. Ces pierres sont soigneusement agencées pour soutenir l'esprit durant les...
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Bracelet ENTREPRENARIAT en Citrine, Onyx noir et Pyrite
Détermination, Protection, Richesse
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Bracelet ENTREPRENARIAT en Citrine, Onyx noir et Pyrite
Incarnation de la détermination et du succès, ce bracelet allie la force de la Citrine, la protection de l'Onyx noir et l'énergie dynamique de la Pyrite. Ces pierres sont sélectionnées pour leur synergie, favorisant la confiance en soi et le...
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DESIRE bracelet in Carnelian, Sunstone and Garnet
Vitality, Optimism, Determination
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DESIRE bracelet in Carnelian, Sunstone and Garnet
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Rhodonite and Sodalite Bracelet
Healing, Intuition, Serenity
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Rhodonite and Sodalite Bracelet
Rhodonite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Rhodonite is one of the most powerful stones for love and healing. It is a heart-centered stone that teaches us that our greatest potential is achieved by loving as deeply and purely as possible. It...
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Pyrite and Shungite Bracelet
Energy, Protection, Resilience
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Pyrite and Shungite Bracelet
Pyrite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Pyrite is a stone for self-realization and the quest for enlightenment in this life. It asks us to act on our spiritual ideals and live with high integrity. She offers us gifts of strength and...
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Sodalite and Howlite Bracelet
Intuition, Calm, Rational thinking
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Sodalite and Howlite Bracelet
Sodalite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Sodalite is a stone for seekers of truth, and for all those on a spiritual path. It encourages us to maintain our most cherished and idealistic beliefs and to act fearlessly to make that ideal...
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Smoky Quartz and Pyrite Bracelet
Stability, Energy, Clarity
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Smoky Quartz and Pyrite Bracelet
Properties Smoky Quartz Spiritual Healing Properties Smoky Quartz is a stone that promises us that we are stronger and more resilient than we know. It provides us with support in difficult times and increases our ability to manage stress and...
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Pyrite and Green Aventurine Bracelet
Prosperity, Balance, Confidence
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Pyrite and Green Aventurine Bracelet
Pyrite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Pyrite is a stone for self-realization and the quest for enlightenment in this life. It asks us to act on our spiritual ideals and live with high integrity. She offers us gifts of strength and...
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Black Obsidian and Fluorite Bracelet
Strength, Concentration, Harmony
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Black Obsidian and Fluorite Bracelet
Properties Black Obsidian Spiritual Healing Properties of Black Obsidian Black Obsidian is a very powerful stone that compels us to have more integrity in our thoughts and actions. This stone bluntly shows us our dark sides and flaws so that...
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Carnelian mala necklace - 108 8mm beads
Vitality, Confidence, Optimism
Carnelian mala necklace - 108 8mm beads
Ritual Here's a simple but powerful ritual you can practice with your mala necklace, along with a positive affirmation. This ritual aims to ground you, boost self-confidence and encourage inner strength. Preparing the space: Find a quiet place where you feel...
Angelite and Sodalite Bracelet
Peace, Intuition, Authenticity
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Angelite and Sodalite Bracelet
Angelite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Angelite has an exceptionally high vibration and is one of the best stones for compassion. She sings of peace and helps us see each person as a dear friend who deserves the best. Angelite encourages...
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DISPUTES Bracelet in Red Jasper, Tiger's Eye and Carnelian
Anchoring, Motivation, Balance
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DISPUTES Bracelet in Red Jasper, Tiger's Eye and Carnelian
Red Jasper Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Red Jasper is a dynamic stone that combines courage and strength with love and gentleness. His energy resembles that of a loving father, protective and caring towards his children. It can help us feel...
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Virgo Bracelet in Amethyst, Rose Quartz and Sodalite
Wisdom, Love, Clarity
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Virgo Bracelet in Amethyst, Rose Quartz and Sodalite
Amethyst Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Amethyst is a highly mystical stone that encourages spirituality and spiritual insights. It strengthens our sense of justice and encourages us to act with deep integrity. Amethyst is a very good meditation stone and can...
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Taurus Bracelet in Carnelian, Red Jasper and Citrine
Energy, Resilience, Abundance
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Taurus Bracelet in Carnelian, Red Jasper and Citrine
Carnelian Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Carnelian has a calming, warm energy that makes us feel safe and loved. It helps us understand the circle of life and release all fear of death and the unknown. Carnelian is a highly protective...
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Taurus Bracelet in Black Onyx, Tiger's Eye and Pyrite
Stability, Confidence, Prosperity
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Taurus Bracelet in Black Onyx, Tiger's Eye and Pyrite
Tiger Eye Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Golden Tiger's Eye gives us the strength and courage to survive difficult times. It can help us trust the Divine, to believe that everything is going as planned. It can also help us to...
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Scorpion Bracelet in Black Obsidian, Carnelian and Smoky Quartz
Resilience, Passion, Introspection
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Scorpion Bracelet in Black Obsidian, Carnelian and Smoky Quartz
Carnelian Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Carnelian has a calming, warm energy that makes us feel safe and loved. It helps us understand the circle of life and release all fear of death and the unknown. Carnelian is a highly protective...
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Scorpion Bracelet in Labradorite, Purple Fluorite and Hematite
Intuition, Balance, Resilience
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Scorpion Bracelet in Labradorite, Purple Fluorite and Hematite
Labradorite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties of Labradorite Labradorite evokes the energy of the stars and the impressive northern and southern lights. It is a stone of great magic, which awakens our natural gifts and connects us to a mysterious world...
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Sagittarius Bracelet in Citrine, Tiger's Eye and Carnelian
Optimism, Courage, Passion
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Sagittarius Bracelet in Citrine, Tiger's Eye and Carnelian
Citrine Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Citrine has one of the most powerful energies of all crystals. It purifies the energy of everything around it and is one of the few "self-cleansing crystals" capable of maintaining its own bright energy field....
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