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Just as there are four elements that speak to the general characteristics of the signs that belong to them, there are three Modes (also called modalities) to the signs of the zodiac circle. There are four signs for each Mode, each from a distinct quadrant of the zodiac. This characterization is of great help when we try to understand a person's character and interpret a certain planet in his chart. Even today, their most important and specific role is related to horary astrology and the timelines needed to answer a question.

Modes and elements

Each of the three Modes has its own speed and characteristic, and combines with a single sign of each element. This means that no two signs of the same element have the same Mode. If we understand the nature of the element, it will be even easier to understand each specific sign through its combination with Fashion.

Opposite signs share the same Fashion, which allows them to iron out their differences and discover how to incorporate each other's philosophies into their own lives. In a way, this means that they share a similar pace of life, even if their element brings a difference in their speed. Each zodiac couple is presented by a connection of two close elements, Water and Earth, Fire and Air, and the Modes represent a bridge between their worlds that helps them build mutual understanding.

The power of three

The number three is a truly special entity that we should always consider important. All good things come in threes, but so do ordinary things. If you think about it, you will see that there is Earth, Fire and Sea, Subsoil, Sky and our World, and the Core, Surface and Atmosphere of planet Earth. It is important not to forget the fact that there are three Modes in the zodiac, just as there are three house types in each quadrant of the zodiac circle.

Number three is ruled by Jupiter, the most benefic planet of all, and the king of all gods. This allows us to say that each opposition in the zodiac has received a secret benefactor, something that connects it and gives it a purpose. The Modes seem to be there to give us faith in a positive outcome from any conflict, misunderstanding or difference that seems too great to overcome.

Mode: Cardinal

The word itself speaks of a quality that dominates all others. This is perhaps a bit of an exaggeration, because all qualities have an important role to play in the whole system, but without a doubt it is the quality that leads the way and is the first, open to new things and unexploration.

The cardinal quality represents all new beginnings and the energy of things just beginning. Each sign of this quality has the ability to make a sharp turn, to change one's life and the lives of others. If you look around you, it will become clear that everyone you know, born under one of these sun signs, has had or wants to have the opportunity for a profound change of direction and focus in life.

The signs of the cardinal modality are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Each of them represents the start of a season, which makes them innovative and new.


This sign belongs to the Fire element and begins with the first day of spring, when all nature wakes up and life begins to bloom. It is the sign at the beginning of a circle, the first sign of the zodiac, and the leader in every sense of the word. Aries leads the way from ground zero, courageously, with powerful masculine energy paving the way before him. Aries relies on infinite energy, but when it comes to a wall it can't get past (and after many attempts), it makes a break and takes a completely new direction.


Cancer belongs to the Water element and begins with the first day of summer. After the birth of life in spring, it is a sign that begins the second zodiac quadrant and is charged with warmth, creation and inspiration. Cancer is the sign of our soul and our emotional well-being. We already see him through the Water element, but the cardinal quality is what makes him as enduring and caring as he is. Compassion will take a Cancer very far, but only until their emotional cup is filled and they fully move on to their new summer.


The sign of Libra begins with the beginning of autumn and belongs to the element Air. This is a time when life calms down, and that's exactly why the Sun fell into the sign of Libra. The cardinal quality in this sign will manifest itself through the decision-making process. We see Libra as indecisive, which is completely normal when we think about giving up the heat of summer. However, once Libra makes a decision, there is probably nothing in the world that can change it. It is a way of building character step by step, from the moment when life and energy die out, and one must progress in a direction strange to humanity.


The sign of Capricorn belongs to the Earth element, and this represents a real turning point when we talk about quality. Being one of the most stubborn signs, always clinging to tried and true methods and history, it will be a real surprise to see a Capricorn do an about-face once things, choices or people in their life change. his life will have outlived their usefulness. This might sound a little cold, but it's actually a way of cleaning up your life, and Capricorn and its ruler speak to deep cleansing processes that need to take place in order for us to build what we want in our lives. material reality.

Mode: Fixed

Just after something begins with a bang, a sign of fixed quality calms the situation and persists where it was found. Each season has an interim period where it is clearly defined, and where we understand what we can expect from it. This is a quality that has difficulty making changes and people whose Sun or a personal planet is in the sign of this quality will generally be confident in their habits. The fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.


The sign of Taurus is a fixed sign belonging to the element Earth. This makes it the least changeable of all the signs, since it represents the slowest forms of expression in the zodiac, combined. Taurus falls in the middle of spring and exalts the Moon, which sustains life itself. This is the hardest time of year for any human hungry for life to leave behind. It's about our physical body, the food we eat, and our material existence in general. She doesn't change, not because she's stubborn, but because she knows she's there to inspire and enjoy the present moment.


Leo is a representative of the Fire element, and its ruler is fire itself. It falls in the middle of summer and represents the hottest and sunniest time of the year. When we think of its fixed quality, we can simply imagine the Sun at the center of our solar system, shining for millions of years and ready to do so for millions of years to come. It guarantees our future and our lives, as long as we take care of our bodies and our own planet. The lion doesn't think much about the greenhouse effect. It burns no matter what.


Scorpio is a fixed quality Water sign, and we may find this strange. Water flows, it does not stand still, and Scorpio represents change, curves and transformation. Interestingly, Scorpio's fixed nature


The sign of Aquarius belongs to the Air element, and its fixed nature is probably the most difficult to understand. It arrives in the middle of winter and represents the coldest time of the year. In a way, it's a combination that evokes hibernation and preparation to awaken from a long sleep. This is perhaps the best image to portray an Aquarius. Air never stops, it moves faster than anything else, and when it is fixed it seems to be trapped in its movements without ever being able to stop. This explains the stress and pushing of limits of all Aquarians, as well as their need to fight the system and anything that takes control of their activities.

Mode: Mutable

This is the quality of all signs that have already had enough and need change. They're all looking forward to the new season, whatever it may be, and they're already a mix of the old and the new. We cannot say that they represent the end of something, but rather the combination of an ending and a new beginning, intertwined. It is a quality of constant change and the unexpected, and something that brings the message of the future and what is yet to come. All signs with this quality have the ability to sense things before they happen, and many of these gifted individuals who predict our future have these areas of the zodiac accentuated. The mutable signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.


Gemini is a mutable sign that belongs to the Air element. This makes them the most changeable and "windiest" of all the signs of the zodiac. He has a lot of trouble connecting to planet Earth and, interestingly, the other side of his ruler Mercury is represented by Virgo, the Earth sign that shares the same quality. The sign of Gemini begins in late spring, in preparation for summer.


Virgo is the "other side" of Mercury, practical and easy to understand, and also its sign of exaltation. It belongs to the Earth element and represents the end of summer, when we still enjoy the warmth but look forward to a cooler time of year. Additionally, it is a sign that contains the fall of Venus, as if Virgos are waiting for the colors of fall to regenerate from the aggressive mental and hormonal activity of summer. The sign of Virgo actually rules our health and physiology, and speaks to changes in the way our body functions daily following waves of our routine.


Sagittarius is a mutable sign belonging to the element of Fire which comes at the end of autumn. You will often find that someone born with the Sun in Sagittarius honestly and truly looks forward to winter. This is the time of year when optimism has a reason to exist, and after all this passing in the sign of Scorpio and the middle of autumn, it brings to mind a time when the future is obvious, there , within reach, and cannot be worse than the past. It is a time of peaceful sleep that leads to something interesting and deep that covers the traces of life, and opens us to it in spring.


The sign of Pisces is a Water sign of mutable quality and speaks of change in our waters. It begins at the end of winter and prepares us for the beginning of spring. Although it is said that the night is darkest before the dawn, Pisces knows that light and life await them. They have a reason to live, a mission and purpose, and sense the life that will flourish over the next two months. The sign of Pisces may be the sign of endings, but it is also a place of change, from death to life, and from darkness to light. It's the sweet wait for spring.

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