Unblock the crown chakra

Blog Posts Unblocking the Crown Chakra

The crown chakra, also known as the "thousand-petalled lotus", is the 7th energy center from the bottom, located at the crown of your head.

The main function of the crown chakra is to connect you to the divine force and infinite source of healing energy through spirituality, self-realization, knowledge and enlightenment.

You can think of your highest chakra as a receiver of Source consciousness, which keeps you in touch with the Divine and your higher Self. This chakra allows you to realize that there is a deeper meaning and order in life, which governs all creation.

One of the most important things you can do when working with your crown chakra is to embark on the path of absolute surrender to the higher power.

When you decide to embark on your own path of enlightenment and abandon the myth of separation, your mind will be elevated to the highest levels of consciousness.

Now, let's look at some of my favorite healing methods for unblocking your crown chakra and merging with the energy of the Universe.

1. Crown chakra meditation

Meditation is the most important practice for unlocking the power of your crown chakra. It's a necessary habit to cultivate if you want to clear your mind, expand your awareness, and develop the ability to listen to your inner voice. I'm sure you are most likely familiar with the benefits of meditation, as many people talk about it a lot these days.

However, your crown chakra is in direct correlation with your brain, and any meditative practice that brings calm to your mind will be very beneficial to your crown chakra. When your mind is calm and quiet, your brainwaves shift to the alpha state and you begin to connect to the infinite source of information.

There are many different forms of meditation, such as:

  • guided meditation
  • mindfulness meditation
  • Concentration meditation
  • movement meditation (such as tai chi or yoga)
  • Mantra meditation
  • Transcendental meditation

Choose the one you like the most and make it a daily habit to soothe your mind and nourish it.

2. Silence exercise for the crown chakra

Whether you're a fan of meditation or not, spending time in silence (alone or with a friend) is also a great way to cultivate deeper awareness and practice being present.

Intentional silence is actually an ancient and sacred practice, also known as “Mauna.” Mauna devotees generally start by limiting their speech to the bare minimum. Thereafter, you can refrain from reading, writing and minimize contact with others.

Before you begin, be sure to remove all distractions from your environment and open yourself to the power of Mauna. It's also a great exercise to do when you're feeling overwhelmed or stuck in life. Practicing silence will allow you to open your mind to new ideas and inspiration.

Silence Exercise for the Crown Chakra

3. Visualization of the crown chakra

As your crown chakra is located right at the top of your head, it is not difficult to rest your awareness on this area and visualize it. The best way to do this is to imagine a purple-colored lotus right above your head and imagine it opening and expanding in all directions.

You can also imagine a ball of purple light rotating clockwise. At the same time, imagine white and golden light passing through the funnel and filling your entire body.

This simple visualization method is very effective because when you think about your crown chakra and visualize it opening, it will begin to open.

Crown chakra Lotus flower blooming

4. Crown Chakra Affirmations

Crown Chakra Affirmations can be helpful when working with your Sahasrara, as they can help you connect to your Higher Self and completely eliminate all identifications of your ego.

Try some of these powerful crown chakra affirmations. They can be used throughout the day or during your meditation to strengthen your 7th chakra:

  • I am divine light.
  • I am at peace.
  • I am one with all that is.
  • I am infinite and limitless.
  • I see the divine light in everyone.
  • I listen to the wisdom of the universe.
  • I seek to understand and learn from my life experiences.
  • I look for experiences that nourish my spirit.
  • I am connected to the wisdom of the Universe.
  • I raise my level of consciousness every day
  • I get help whenever I ask for it.
  • Everything is going exactly as it should in my life.
  • Everything is happening for my greatest good.
  • My thoughts and feelings have the power to manifest.

5. Yoga Poses for the Crown Chakra

Yoga Poses for the Crown Chakra

Some of the most effective yoga postures for the crown chakra are postures that stimulate energy and blood flow to your head. The supported headstand is one of my favorite yoga poses for the crown chakra, and I have been practicing it for many years.

However, if you have a back or neck injury, I don't recommend it. You can replace it with the Viparita Karani pose, which is probably the second best pose for your crown chakra.

Let's take a look at the full list of the most effective yoga poses for your crown chakra:

  • Headstand (Salamba Sirasana)
  • Leg posture in wall pose (Viparita Karani)
  • Lotus pose (Padmasana)
  • Tree Pose (Vrksasana)
  • Standing Prayer Back Pose (Ardha Anuvittasana)
  • Rabbit Pose (Sasangasana)
Yoga Poses for the Crown Chakra

6. Stones and crystals for the crown chakra

Stones and crystals for the crown chakra

Let's take a look at some of the best stones for balancing your crown chakra:


Typical Colors: Clear is the most common color but it appears in any other color.

Helps with: meditation, expansion of consciousness, communication with guides, recall of past lives, attraction of love and prosperity, absorption of negative energy, concentration, memory.

If there is only one stone you can get to start working with your 7 chakras, it has to be clear quartz! This powerful stone is also known as the "master healing crystal", as it has the potential to balance and integrate all of your energy centers. Clear quartz will also bring more clarity to your mind by filtering out all unnecessary distractions. It symbolizes the absolute white light of creation which is expressed in its crystalline beauty.

Clear Quartz Bracelet
Clarity, Amplification, Harmony
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Clear Quartz Bracelet
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Garnet and Clear Quartz Bracelet
Vitality, Clarity, Protection
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Garnet and Clear Quartz Bracelet
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Clear Quartz and Labradorite Bracelet
Amplification, Intuition, Protection
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Clear Quartz and Labradorite Bracelet
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Clear Quartz and Smoky Quartz Bracelet
Clarity, Anchoring, Transformation
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Clear Quartz and Smoky Quartz Bracelet
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Typical colors: gray-white, brown-green, brownish-yellow, greenish, gray-green.

Helps with: meditation, spiritual work, absorption of negative energy, concentration, mental clarity, communication with guides, stress and anxiety.

It is the perfect crystal for purifying the light in your aura. Selenite will connect you with your higher self and your guardian angels. It has the potential to open channels into the higher realms and connect you with the divine. It is an excellent stone to use during your meditations, as it creates a calming effect.

Selenite Bracelet
Clarity, Serenity, Spirituality
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Selenite Bracelet
Selenite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Selenite has an exceptionally high and pure vibration, which promotes super-consciousness. It connects us with our highest Self, our spiritual guides, and illuminates the mystical path between us and the Divine. Selenite can be used...
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Shungite and Selenite Bracelet
Purification, Protection, Elevation
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Shungite and Selenite Bracelet
Shungite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Shungite is an incredible stone for grounding, purification and transformation. She teaches us how to stay in full balance, in our body, mind, heart and spirit. Shungite asks us to let go of any stupid...
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Selenite and Blue Tiger's Eye Bracelet
Peace, Discernment, Concentration
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Selenite and Blue Tiger's Eye Bracelet
Selenite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Selenite has an exceptionally high and pure vibration, which promotes super-consciousness. It connects us with our highest Self, our spiritual guides, and illuminates the mystical path between us and the Divine. Selenite can be used...
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Super seven and Selenite bracelet
Awakening, Purification, Harmonization
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Super seven and Selenite bracelet
Super Seven Properties Spiritual Healing Properties The Super Seven invites us to do our part to raise the collective consciousness of humanity. It is a remarkable crystalline ally for anyone who wants to save the world, heal the world, or...
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Typical colors: pale purple, deep purple, purple-black.

Helps with: meditation, spiritual awareness, intuition, mental clarity, stress and anxiety, concentration, creativity, psychic abilities.

This versatile stone can be used to work with all of your higher chakras as it can control the overall flow of your chakra energy. This translucent, purple gemstone will relax your spirit and uplift it. Amethyst is also a powerful stone of protection.


Typical colors: purple, blue, deep blue.

Helps with: expansion of consciousness, spiritual awareness, meditation, manifestation of wealth and prosperity, concentration, psychic abilities.

It is an extremely rare and valuable gemstone found only in northern Tanzania. Tanzanite strengthens the healing process of the entire chakra system and increases your powers of manifestation. You might consider getting some for a special occasion, as an alternative to diamonds.


Typical colors: white or light gray with dark veins.

Helps with: meditation, expansion of consciousness, communication with guides, stress and anxiety, absorption of negative energy, inspiration, creativity.

Howlite will give you a gift of deep wisdom and enlightenment. It will help you connect to higher dimensions and remove the veils and illusions that block your vision.

Howlite is a perfect meditation stone as it can help you focus your mind. It will help you cultivate calmness in your mind and minimize distractions.

Howlite bracelet
Peace, Relaxation, Understanding
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Howlite bracelet
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Snowflake Howlite and Obsidian Bracelet
Calm, Discernment, Transformation
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Snowflake Howlite and Obsidian Bracelet
Properties Snowflake Obsidian Spiritual Healing Properties Snowflake obsidian has a slightly gentler energy than pure black obsidian. It helps reveal unhelpful habits and beliefs that limit our lives. When used with conscious intention, snowflake obsidian deepens meditation to a remarkable...
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Sodalite and Howlite Bracelet
Intuition, Calm, Rational thinking
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Sodalite and Howlite Bracelet
Sodalite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Sodalite is a stone for seekers of truth, and for all those on a spiritual path. It encourages us to maintain our most cherished and idealistic beliefs and to act fearlessly to make that ideal...
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Howlite and Hematite Bracelet
Calm, Strength, Resilience
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Howlite and Hematite Bracelet
Hematite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Hematite is a phenomenal grounding stone and can help us survive and thrive, whatever circumstances we find ourselves in. It is especially helpful during difficult seasons of life. Hematite encourages us to be honest and...
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7. Crown Chakra Foods

The crown chakra is the seat of universal consciousness and divine connection, so there are no specific foods that can resonate with its frequency.

Some of the best "foods" for your crown chakra are:

  • The sunlight
  • pure water
  • Fresh air and nature activities
  • prana
  • unconditional love

The crown chakra has some important lessons to learn when it comes to food and diet:

  • Recognize food as a gift. You can include your own prayer (spiritual practice) before your meals.
  • Release your attachment to food and purify your body through fasting.
  • Understand that the quality of the food you eat is much more important than the quantity.
    Nature of Crown Chakra Healing

Symptoms of Crown Chakra Opening

Your crown chakra will begin to open as you begin to trust more in divine perfection. Therefore, you will be able to experience a state of flow on a daily basis. A deeper faith that everything is happening exactly as it should and that you are exactly where you need to be in life is one of the main symptoms of your crown chakra opening.

When your crown chakra opens, its appearance in your auric field begins to resemble a halo. Many paintings and drawings of spiritual beings very often depict them with a halo effect around their heads.

As you progress in your spiritual awakening, the hue of your crown chakra begins to change from purple to a bright white color. Ultimately, a healthy and balanced crown chakra will allow you to open to the knowledge of higher dimensional realities and reach your highest potential.

Keep in mind that when you say yes to the evolution of your soul, you are also saying yes to collective evolution throughout the world. The most important teaching of the crown chakra is that we are all ONE.

Our complete Chakra guides

If you enjoyed this article and would like to learn how to balance and heal your other chakras, please feel free to check out our other chakra healing guides.

Root chakra

Sacral chakra

Solar plexus chakra

Heart chakra

Throat Chakra

Third eye chakra

Crown Chakra

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