Complete Guide to the Sacral Chakra

Before I started working on my sacral chakra, I was really struggling to implement all of my creative ideas and was unable to keep up with the flow of life.
If you find yourself unable to express yourself and be in tune with your emotions, it may be time to take a closer look at the balance of your sacral chakra.
As you explore the powerful, creative force of your own sacral chakra, you will encounter movement and experience the duality of life.
In this article we are going to take a deep and emotional journey into the world of polarity, emotions and sexuality, which are the driving forces of your second chakra!
Article content:
1. What is the sacral chakra?
2. Location of the Sacral Chakra - Where is the Sacral Chakra located?
3. Function of the Sacral Chakra | What is the main function of the Sacral Chakra?
4. Sacral Chakra Symbol Meaning
5. What does the sacral chakra represent?
6. Sacral Chakra Color Meaning – Why is the Sacral Chakra Orange?
7. Sacral Chakra Imbalance
8. What are the main signs of sacral chakra imbalance?
9. Overactive Sacral Chakra
10. Underactive Sacral Chakra
11. How can I balance and heal my sacral chakra?
- Healing of the Sacral Chakra through self-nutrition
- Healing of the sacral chakra through creative and fun activities
- Sacral Chakra Meditation
- Affirmations for the Sacral Chakra
- Yoga poses for the sacral chakras
- Stones for the Sacral Chakra
- Healing of the sacral chakra through tantra
- Heal the Sacral Chakra with Essential Oils
- What foods are good for the sacral chakra?
12. References
What is the sacral chakra?
The sacral chakra is the second chakra from the bottom, located approximately 5 cm below the navel, in the lower abdomen region.
A healthy sacral chakra vibrates the color of orange, with water as its dominant element and its eternal state of movement.
The Sanskrit name for the second chakra is Svadhisthana, which translates to "gentleness." If you look through the lens of this chakra, you will see the possibilities for experiencing sweetness and joy in life.
The trick is to not just focus on seeking pleasure, but to become fully aware and present during each joyful experience.
Sacral Chakra Location
In the body, the second chakra is located 3-5 centimeters (1.5-2 inches) below the navel, and it is usually seen as a vermilion disk of light.
The location of your sacral chakra may be linked to a nerve plexus called the sacral plexus, which is responsible for the movement of our pelvis and lower extremity muscles.
Sacral Chakra Function
The sacral chakra is responsible for a healthy flow of your emotions and deals with your ability to relate to yourself and others.
It is the main center of your creativity and emotional intelligence, however, the main aspect of the second chakra is sexuality. Sexual energy is one of the most powerful energies you have in your body.
With a balanced sacral chakra, you can allow yourself to enjoy the pleasure of sex as an integrated aspect of life, and see intimacy as a form of communication.
Sexuality is your life force and the sacred union between people.

So, what does the sacral chakra govern?
Physically, the sacral chakra governs the entire pelvic region, and it is responsible for hydrating every cell in your body.
Healthy functioning of the second chakra will improve your body's ability to eliminate all toxins through the skin, urine and lymphatic system.
Want to know the best part?
The bone at the back of your pelvis is called the sacrum, and it was once known as the "sacral bone." Just like the hub of the wheel, the sacrum is located exactly in the center of our body.
The ancients knew that the sacrum was the last bone to decompose after we died, and for this reason, they believed it was necessary for resurrection.
Sacral Chakra Symbol Meaning
The sacral chakra symbol can be described as an orange lotus flower with six vermillion-colored petals, which contains a circle and a crescent moon.
The seed mantra in the center of the sacral chakra symbol is a syllable व VAM. There is a dot just above the seed mantra symbol, which represents the Hindu deity Vishnu.
The second chakra symbol has a moon at its center with water as the dominant element. Just as the 28-day lunar cycle affects the waters of the sea by creating a magnetic attraction, it also affects your body. For women, this happens repeatedly with the 28-day menstrual cycle.
But there is another element often represented in the tantric symbol of Svadhisthana:
Inside the crescent moon is an alligator-like aquatic creature called Makara.
Makara has a long tail, which symbolizes the coiling of the Kundalini, and he is a representation of your deep desires and unconscious animal instincts.

What does the sacral chakra represent?
Consciousness in the second chakra represents the relationship and unification of universal polarities:
- Ying and Yang
- Male and female
- Sun Moon
In the sacral chakra, duality is the driving force of change, as polarities, through their mutual attraction, create movement and work together.
Meeting other people in your life creates a desire inside your body to reach out to them and move in their direction, in order to grow and change.
Change and movement are the basis of the purpose of the sacral chakra – it is the complete opposite of the stillness of the root chakra.
What is the main thing?
Movement is an essential part of all energy, matter and consciousness. Without it, the universe becomes static. We are all part of this constant process of movement in the universe.

Sacral Chakra Color Meaning
The orange ray that radiates from the sacral chakra has an optimistic, uplifting and warm glow that gives you the freedom to be yourself.
Orange is a color that can both excite or calm, and it combines the physical energy of red with the joy and happiness of yellow. Orange is the color of creativity, success and can be associated with joy and ecstasy.
What is the conclusion?
If you balance your sacred energy, you will have lots of orange glow in your aura and people will naturally gravitate towards you!
Sacral Chakra Imbalance
One of the main reasons for your sacral chakra to be out of balance is the trauma you suffered during your childhood, when the second chakra was developing.
During this time, you form your emotional identity by reflecting your parents and caregivers.
This emotional identity allows you to describe various emotional states later in life, so that you can move away from what is painful and toward pleasure.
Here's why it's so important:
All of your emotions are intrinsically linked to movement, and when your sacral chakra is out of balance, you will tend to repress your emotions by restricting movement.
It is important to realize that we all unconsciously carry the wounds of our childhood experiences into adulthood.
How can this help you heal your sacral chakra?
It actually takes a lot of energy to suppress your emotions and feelings. When working with your second chakra, be aware that releasing all your emotions will help you release tension and trauma.
The absence of tension will allow you to access the state of flow and create the desired change, which is the very essence of the sacral chakra.

What are the main signs of a sacral chakra imbalance?
When your second chakra is out of balance, you feel emotionally unbalanced. You will either be too ruled by your own emotions and feelings, or you will feel empty and dull inside.
Take a moment and read the questions below. They will help you determine if your sacral chakra is imbalanced:
- Are you unable to fully express your emotions?
- Are you having trouble getting over the end of an intimate relationship or finding yourself in meaningless sexual encounters with the fear of committing to someone?
- Do you feel like you're afraid of success and unable to realize your full creative potential?
- Are you unable to move forward in your life because of a traumatic event that happened to you in the past?
- Do you feel like you have too many creative ideas and a never-ending to-do list, but still feel a sense of unfinished business?
- Do you suffer from health problems with your colon, kidneys, ovaries and uterus?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, it may be time to seek to restore balance and circulation to this energy center.
Hyperactive sacral chakra
Here are some of the main signs that your sacral chakra is overactive:
Unbalanced expression of pleasure - when your second chakra is too open, the pursuit of pleasure never ends with a feeling of accomplishment, and you end up losing yourself in many stimulating activities (binge eating, sex, drugs and alcohol).
Frequent emotional drama – people whose sacral chakra is overly active tend to feel the emotions of others and engage in a lot of relationship drama.
Lack of concentration - when your sacral chakra spins too fast, you are able to give birth to a multitude of creative ideas, but you will not be able to bring them to fruition.
Aggression and explosiveness – these are some of the more extreme behaviors related to sacral chakra hyperactivity.
Addictive behaviors – sex addiction or food addiction are some of the main indicators of second chakra hyperactivity.
Attention seeking – the desire to be recognized comes from a deep fear of never being able to give enough. Many people use a sexual encounter as a way to get attention.
Underactive Sacral Chakra
Here are some of the main signs that your sacral chakra is underactive:
Lack of desire – when your sacral chakra is blocked, you may lose interest in sexual intimacy and suffer from a loss of libido. This may be directly linked to childhood trauma, especially if you feel some level of disgust and frustration with your sexuality.
Lack of creativity – this is a major signal of the inactivity of the second chakra, which is your main center of creativity. If you find yourself living your life on autopilot, with no desire to try new things, your sacral chakra might be blocked.
Insecurity and anxiety – social anxiety affects your ability to communicate and relate to other human beings. When the sacral chakra is underactive, you will very often feel inadequate and uncomfortable in social situations.
Lifeless and passive - this can be expressed when you lack the ability to play and spontaneously lose yourself in the wonders of life.
How do I balance and heal my sacral chakra?
To cultivate a balanced sacral chakra, you must awaken all your feelings to the beauty of life with a sense of deep satisfaction.
When the energy from your second chakra flows freely through your pelvis, you will be able to maintain a positive self-image and always feel good about yourself.

So what are the most important elements of 2nd chakra healing?
The sacral chakra healing journey is about developing a healthy relationship with the way you experience pleasure in your life - it's essential for the health of your body and mind.
Unfortunately, modern society has conditioned many of us to be wary of pleasure and taught us to repress our natural bodily impulses.
Unblocking your sacral chakra also involves movements and exercises aimed at stimulating the energy flowing through this area.
Repressed emotions and feelings are very often trapped in your body.
Exercise is one of the best ways to release them and let them go.
Let's take a look at some of my favorite healing methods and practices that I have personally tried to restore balance to my sacral chakra:
1. Healing the sacral chakra by taking care of yourself
Simple self-healing activities, like taking a warm bath with your favorite music, eating your favorite food, or getting a massage, are a great place to start in your second chakra healing process.
Comfort is a basic need of your body, mind and soul.

Be creative and think of something you really enjoy doing, and go seek out that pleasurable experience mindfully and without any feeling of guilt.
Get over your judgments, slow down the process and live this experience to the fullest. At the end of this experience, ask yourself a few questions:
- Where in your body have you felt the most pleasure?
- What did you feel ?
- Can you describe all the sensations and feelings?
2. Heal the sacral chakra through creative and fun activities
Creative and playful activities promote healthy social and emotional development. Without them, life becomes monotonous, and they are very often neglected when we grow up.
Consider getting a spiral notebook or journal and start writing down your feelings and thoughts for at least 5 minutes each day.

Journaling is a great way to clear your mind and release all your thoughts, emotions and feelings - you will feel lighter.
Another great way to heal your sacral chakra through fun activities is to try something new that involves physical movement:
- Go dancing this weekend or sign up for a dance class.
- Try your local gym, yoga studio, or crossfit class.
- Take a hike or bike ride in nature.
- Talk to that person you've never talked to before.
Be spontaneous and use your imagination to find fun activities that you have always wanted to do, but have put off for a long time.
3. Sacral Chakra Meditation
One of my favorite sacral chakra meditation techniques is water meditation. This meditation is very similar to any other traditional meditation practice. The only difference is that you will be adding an element of water into your practice.
Here's how to do it:
- Before you begin your water meditation practice, pour yourself a large glass of water.
- Sit in a lotus pose with your spine straight, relax your body and take a few deep breaths.
- Start drinking your water slowly.
- Focus on the feeling of the water flowing throughout your body and feel its coolness.
- As you sink into this meditation, move your attention to your sacral chakra and imagine an orange, translucent light in this area.
- Visualize it expanding and filling your entire pool with an orange glow.
- Be aware of the balance it brings to your life and take the time you need to integrate this beautiful energy.
- When you are ready, gently allow your sacral chakra to close and open your eyes.

You can end your water meditation with this affirmation:
“I flow into the natural harmony of the universe and allow myself to accept all the good things it has to offer.”
4. Sacral Chakra Affirmations
Here are some of the most powerful sacral chakra affirmations that you can use during your meditation to help restore balance to this energy center:
- I am passionate about my life.
- I am a sensual and creative being.
- I am in touch with my feelings and emotions.
- The universe is full of sweetness and beauty.
- I receive pleasure and abundance with each of my breaths.
- I give myself full permission to enjoy all the pleasures of life.
- I give myself full permission to fully enjoy my sexuality.
- Rest and play are an integral part of my life.
- I am happy. I am spontaneous. I am creative.
- I trust my intuition and let it guide me.
- As I love and respect myself, healing happens naturally.
5. Yoga Poses for the Sacral Chakra
Balancing the sacral chakra through yoga exercises involves strengthening and softening the hips and all the muscles surrounding the pelvis. Here are some of the best yoga poses for the second chakra:
- Chair Pose (Utkatasana)
- Goddess Pose (Utkata Konasana)
- Garland Pose (Malasana)
- Child's Pose (Balasana)
- Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)
- Half Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)
- Locust Pose (Salabhasana)
6. Sacral Chakra Stones

Like all other chakras, Svadhisthana can be balanced with specific stones and crystals.
What crystals and stones are good for the sacral chakra?
Some of the best gemstones that will help you heal the sacral chakra are orange carnelian, golden topaz, golden tiger's eye, and golden citrine.
You can use any of these powerful stones and crystals for the sacral chakra by holding them in your hands, wearing them as jewelry, or simply having them in your home.
Orange Carnelian – this beautiful stone is believed to reduce apathy and uplift your spirit bringing you more joy, pleasure, and helping you brighten up everyone around you. Carnelian will also help you overcome some of your biggest fears by helping you become more courageous and decisive. Orange Carnelian is a good stimulant for air circulation in your body, which can help you improve energy flow and promote better oxygenation of all cells in the body.
Golden Topaz – this stunning yellow stone will help balance your emotions and increase your creativity (excellent gemstone for artists and musicians). It is a great crystal for boosting your confidence, reducing fear, anger and anxiety. Physically, it is believed to improve your digestion and metabolism.
Golden Tiger's Eye - Tiger's Eye is one of the best stones for balancing the feminine and masculine energies within you and unlocking your creative forces. The glowing fibers of this gemstone will increase your happiness and success, allowing you to better connect to the present moment and appreciate the simple things in life. Physically, it can help slow down your metabolism and improve your digestion.
Golden Citrine – this is a crystal of success and happiness that will help you live your life with more enthusiasm. It is believed to bring more confidence, clarity and meaning to your life. It can also help you be more flexible in life, follow your intuition and let go of the past that no longer serves you.
7. Heal the Sacral Chakra with Tantra
Contrary to many contemporary beliefs, tantra is not just about sex. Tantra is the sacred dance of reuniting duality, and it is most importantly about the spiritual connection between you and your partner.
The passage of energy between the couple engaged in an intimate relationship can have powerful healing properties and allow you to restore balance to your sacral chakra.

Since the sacral chakra is the center of your sexuality, through the intensity of sexual arousal, all the chakras in your body will vibrate with greater intensity.
If you haven't yet heard of Tantra, I encourage you to look into this ancient practice - the entire chakra system comes from Tantric philosophy.
Tantra will help you understand yourself and achieve a higher state of consciousness.
8. Healing the sacral chakra with essential oils
Aromatherapy and essential oils with an earthy aroma can be a great way to restore balance to your blocked sacral chakra.
Some of the best essential oils for healing the sacral chakra include sandalwood, cardamom, jasmine, cinnamon bark, and sage.
What is the best way to use essential oils for blocked chakra?
One of the best ways to get the most out of your essential oil is to use an aroma diffuser or humidifier, which will also create a soothing scent in your room and help with any dry skin issues.
Another way to use sacral chakra essential oils is to apply them directly to your skin and give yourself a relaxing foot massage.
9. What foods are good for the sacral chakra?
A healthy sacral chakra vibrates at a frequency similar to the color orange, so eating orange-colored foods like oranges, carrots, mangoes, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, apricots, and cantaloupe will help restore balance in your second chakra.
The second group of foods that can help you work on your blocked sacral chakra are foods with a high water content – make sure your diet is rich in fresh, organic fruits and vegetables.

But there is something even more important for a healthy balance of the 2nd chakra:
The types of foods we eat are not as important to your sacral chakra as your emotional relationship with food. Get creative when preparing your meals and aim for an enjoyable experience with a variety of flavors when eating your favorite foods.
Let me share some additional information I learned about food when working with my second chakra:
- Pay attention to all your senses during a meal.
- Unfortunately, due to our busy lifestyles, most people rush to eat. Try to eat your meals slowly and savor every bite.
- Involve your friends and family in the process of creating the meal.
- You may have heard this advice when you were younger: “Don’t play with your food!” Ignore this advice completely and do the exact opposite: play as much as you want with the food on your plate!
- Always be grateful for a meal.
- Take notes and observe your food cravings – they are all linked to your emotions, and they all have different meanings.
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- Bodo-j. Baginski, Shalila Sharamon (2009) Chakra Handbook: From Theory to Practice
- Minich, D.M. (2009). Chakra Foods For Optimum Health, San Francisco, CA: Conari Press.
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- Stéphane Cardinalaux (2009) Bioenergy - Vital energies, chakras, extra sensoriality, practical exercises
- Shola Arewa, C. (2001). Way of The Chakras, London: Thorsons.
- Davies, B. (2000). The 7 Healing Chakras, Berkeley, CA: Ulysses Press.
- Vollmar, K. (1987). Journey through the Chakras, Wellow, Bath: Gateway Books.
- Motoyama, H. (1981). Theories of The Chakras, New Delhi: New Age Books.
- Anna Meza (2018) The Secret of the Chakras: Balancing and Recharging Them to Heal Your Life
- Ambi Kavanagh and Poppy Jamie, Chakras & Self-Care: Activate the Healing Power of Chakras with Everyday Rituals
- Govinda Kalashatra (2017) Chakra Atlas: Activation exercises-use of mantra colors-essential oils-precious stones
- Cyndi Dale (2016) The Chakra Healing Bible