Root chakra stones

Name : Root or Muladhara (in Sanskrit)
Location : Base of the spine, between the anus and genitals, perineum
Red color
Element : Earth
Function : Survival
Body Parts : Legs, feet, bones, large intestine, teeth
Dysfunction : Obesity, hemorrhoids, constipation, sciatica, arthritis, knee problems
Fears : Lack of food, shelter, security
Adrenal glands
Main stones : Ruby, Magnetite, Garnet, Hematite
Sound : Lam
Senses : Smell
The root chakra ( Muladhara ) is the foundation of your chakra system located at the base of the spine and associated with the element Earth.
The root chakra is essential because it is where your connection with the Earth begins. We all need strong, deep roots to evolve and the assurance of being anchored in the nurturing essence of Mother Earth.
Here are some of the main functions of the first chakra:
- Rooting
- Survival
- Stability
- Comfort
- Security
- Security
- Energy flow
The main color of the root chakra is red - a color that immediately attracts attention. Red is very often used to signal threats and can quickly bring your attention back to security.
Most gemstones and crystals that correspond to the grounding energy of the root chakra are also red.
Red stones will boost your vitality, strength, power, courage and self-awareness, and allow you to stay more grounded in the physical body.
Some of the other stones that correspond to the energetic frequency of the 1st chakra are black. Black stones and crystals are known to provide the stability and protection needed to balance the root chakra.

Now let's see which are the best stones for balancing your root chakra.
1. Jasper
Typical colors : most often red, yellow, orange, brown, green, and rarely blue.
Helps with : self-confidence, self-confidence, courage, grounding, stability, energy flow.
It is a magical stone of anchoring and stability, which brings you comfort, security, strength and balance.
Red Jasper will help you reconnect to grounding earth energies by creating a stable frequency that corresponds to Muladhara.
R ed jasper is also one of the best crystals to help you awaken your Kundalini serpent, which is located at the base of your spine, in the center of the root chakra.
2. Carnelian
Typical colors : orange, red, yellow, brown and some others.
Helps with : courage, motivation, strength, self-confidence, overcoming past trauma, vitality, balancing energy.
It comes in beautiful shades of red and orange, and it is one of the best stones to help you overcome your deepest fears and increase your levels of courage and strength.
Red carnelian will allow you to overcome procrastination and increase your self-confidence levels.
3. Obsidian
Typical colors : black but also available in brown, green, and rarely in blue, red, orange or yellow.
Helps with : protection, energy flow, courage, self-confidence, decision making, clarity, grounding.
It is a powerful cleansing stone that has amazing grounding and protective properties.
Black obsidian can help you release any negative emotions such as fear, stress and anger, which are very often trapped in your root chakra.
4. Bloodstone
Typical colors : dark green body with red to orange spots.
Helps with : protection, energy flow, courage, self-confidence, decision making, clarity, grounding.
Beautiful earthy green stone with red blood-like spots. It is a very powerful protective and grounding stone, which will help boost your energy, courage and determination. If you need more stamina during physical activities and are working on awakening your root chakra through exercises, bloodstone is an excellent choice.
5. Tourmaline
Typical colors : black but can be found in all other colors of the spectrum.
Helps: release tension, energy flow, self-confidence, overcoming fear, protection, grounding.
It is a powerful stone of protection and one of the best shields against negative energies. Black tourmaline is also an excellent grounding and empowering stone, which can help you overcome difficult situations in life and establish a better connection with the energy of the Earth. This stone is very often used in cleansing and purification rituals.
6. Rhodonite
Typical colors: pink, pink-pink to brownish red, red, gray and yellow.
Helps with: emotional balance, strength, forgiveness, energy flow, overcoming fear, liver and kidney detoxification.
Rhodonite is a grounding stone that can help you cope with painful situations. It is a heart and root chakra stone that helps to effectively process the energies in these two energy centers.
Rhodonite is a very versatile stone that can be used to add strength and energy to the body and soul, allowing them to anchor the higher energies necessary for your spiritual evolution.
7. Garnet
Typical colors: most often red, but also green, orange, yellow, pink, brown, red-purple and black.
Helps with: grounding, self-confidence, energy flow, strength, passion, intimacy, security, protection.
Red Garnet is a powerful, energizing and revitalizing gemstone, which can be used to stimulate your kundalini energy. The main benefit of garnet is that it purifies the body's energy by removing toxins and returning your body to its healthy state.
Garnet is a large stone of protection that was once considered a defensive talisman used to warn of impending threat and danger.
How to Use Root Chakra Stones
There is no right or wrong way to use root chakra stones. However, I will give you some creative ideas on how to include them in your daily routine:
- Meditate with your gemstones and crystals.
- Place the stones on your physical body (and position them at the root chakra point).
- Wear your root chakra stones as a form of jewelry.
- Place the stones in different locations around your home.
- Use them at bath time.
- Create your own beautiful chakra crystal grid by combining them with other chakra stones.
Table of the 7 chakras
Want to know more about all the other chakra stones and their meanings?
We have created a complete guide to chakra stones, which will show you how to choose the right stone for your chakra, how to use chakra stones, and how to activate your crystals