Throat Chakra Meaning

The throat chakra is the fifth chakra in the body, which allows you to speak your greatest truth.
The fifth chakra is the center of communication, expression and purification.
The Vishuddha chakra is recognized as the center of purification, as it is a place where the amrita (nectar of immortality) from the Bindu chakra flows along the chitrini nadi, and separates into pure form and poison.
The element associated with the heart chakra is ether (space), and the color of the throat chakra is light blue or turquoise.
The Vishuddha chakra symbol resembles a lotus mandala, and it consists of the following elements:
- 16 petals with vrittis.
- An inverted triangle with a circle inside.
- The seed mantra HAM हं in the center.
Let's take a look at each of these elements individually and find out what they mean.
Throat Chakra Symbol: 16-Petal Lotus Meaning
The sixteen petals of the throat chakra lotus are very often decorated with 16 letters of the Sanskrit alphabet (vrittis):
- am - Compassion
- aam - Forgiveness
- im - Poison
- eem - Franchise
- um - Self-control
- oom - Dynastic pride
- rim - Sacrifice
- reem - Pride
- Irim - Nectar
- Ireem - Calm
- em - Happiness
- aim - Vociferation
- om - Vanity
- aum - Noble nature
- aam - Truthfulness
- ahm - Knowledge
Energy travels in 16 directions inside and outside the petals, carried by the sound of each syllable. Symbolically, the syllables reflect the essential energy that comes from these points.
The vowels of the throat chakra are also said to be the language of the mind, as the throat chakra is the first point of entry into pure consciousness.
Throat Chakra Symbols

The inverted triangle is a symbol of spiritual growth. The lower part signifies the entry point into the spiritual world, while the upper part reflects the blossoming consciousness that leads to enlightenment.
The circle symbol represents the element of ether.
Throat Chakra Symbol Deity: Sadashiva
The deity identified with the throat chakra is Sadashiva, a blue-skinned supreme being with five heads and ten arms.
The five faces of Sadashiva represent five elements:
- Earth
- Water
- Fire
- Air
- Ether
All elements of the lower chakras - earth, water, fire and air - are purified in the throat chakra and dissolve into the ether (akasha in Sanskrit).
Yin and Yang harmony and eternal purity are reflected in the divinity of the throat chakra.