Meaning of the heart chakra

The heart chakra is the 4th chakra in the body, which connects you to the unifying force of unconditional love.
A healthy heart chakra allows you to develop a loving connection with yourself and others and it functions as a spiritual center.
The fourth chakra is the seat of consciousness and the point of contact between body and mind.
The element associated with the heart chakra is air, and the color of the heart chakra is green. Anahata is mentioned in various scriptures as the chakra from which 72,000 nadis (energy channels) originate.
The Anahata chakra symbol resembles a lotus mandala, and it consists of the following elements:
- 12 petals with vrittis.
- Two triangles that intersect and form a hexagram.
- The seed mantra YAM यं in the center.
Let's take a look at each of these elements individually and find out what they mean.
Heart Chakra Symbol: 12-Petal Lotus Meaning
The twelve petals of the lotus of the heart chakra are very often decorated with 12 letters of the Sanskrit alphabet (vrittis):
- kam - lust
- kham - Fraud
- gam - Indecision
- gham - Repentance
- ngam - Hope
- cham - Anxiety
- chham - Nostalgia
- jam - Impartiality
- jham - Arrogance
- nyam - Incompetence
- tam - Discrimination
- tham - Distrust
The energy travels in twelve directions inside and outside the petals, carried by the sound of each syllable. Each petal of the lotus is a plexus, where energy channels, also called nadis, intersect.
Symbolically, the syllables reflect the essential energy that comes from these points.
Vrittis allow us to understand certain functions of the mind and observe its functioning. It's like stepping outside of yourself and observing the mind without any judgment. When the vrittis are destroyed, the mind gains great strength.
A few other sources indicate that each petal of the heart chakra lotus is linked to one of the 12 virtues of a pure heart:
Each petal of the heart chakra lotus is associated with one of the 12 virtues of a pure heart:
- Love
- Harmony
- Empathy
- Understanding
- Purity
- Clarity
- Compassion
- Unit
- Pardon
- Goodness
- Peace
- Bliss

Heart Chakra Symbol: Hexagram
The hexagram (or Shatkona in Hindi) is a symbol of the unification of masculine and feminine energies in Hinduism.
The upper triangle symbolizes Lord Shiva (Purusha), and the other, Goddess Shakti (Prakriti).
According to ancient Tantrism, the union of these divine energies is at the origin of all creation. When these two forces are united, a balance is achieved.
You can learn more about this sacred union in another article on our blog: Shiva & Shakti - Union of divine energies.
Shiva and Shakti are also two main deities associated with the heart chakra symbol.