• Throat Chakra Color

    The blue chakra, also known as the throat chakra, is a fifth energy center located in the middle of the neck. The blue chakra is linked to your ability to express your authentic self and communicate with other people without fear. A healthy throat chakra will allow you to have integrity, express yourself authentically, and live by principles of honesty and truth. Vishuddha is...
  • Yoga postures of the throat chakra

    The throat chakra is your communication center, allowing you to shape your reality by expressing your ideas and desires. The fifth chakra, or Vishuddha in Sanskrit, gives you the ability to speak the truth from a place of integrity and authenticity. Its color is light blue (tuquoise) and it is located in the middle of the throat. When your throat chakra is open and...
  • Throat Chakra Meaning

    The throat chakra is the fifth chakra in the body, which allows you to speak your greatest truth. The fifth chakra is the center of communication, expression and purification. The Vishuddha chakra is recognized as the center of purification, as it is a place where the amrita (nectar of immortality) from the Bindu chakra flows along the chitrini nadi, and separates into pure form...
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