Cinnabar Stone: Virtues of Cinnabar
A magnificent carmine red, Cinnabar instantly catches the eye. It is a stone that gives courage and dynamism . Like all red stones, avoid it if you are nervous or hypertensive.
- Origin of name : Greco-Persian, from Persian zinjifrah, dragon's blood - due to the color
- Home group : Cinnabar
- Color(s) : Red
- Symbol : The immortality of the soul
- Hardness : Between 2 and 2.5
- Main deposits : China, Chile, Namibia, Spain, Mexico, Russia, United States
- Chemical composition: Mercury sulfide
Day of the week : Every day
Varieties of Cinnabar
Cinnabar, in its native form, is the most abundant variety of mercury sulfide. It is found in various terrains: primary, secondary, tertiary.
It is the same color as the Red Rubies and would be the closest.
Benefits and virtues of Cinnabar
Cinnabar is the stone of strength and courage and helps us face difficult situations. This stone increases the power of persuasion . It supports the entire circulatory system, stimulates the immune system . It strengthens hearing.
Cinnabar is not recommended for people with hypertension, anger or heart disease.
If you use Cinnabar stones, they will help you develop your intuition and increase your alertness and ingenuity. Your ability to think more directly and creatively. Cinnabar stone is a powerful transformation crystal. He encourages you to use his energy to fully embrace your inherent genius.
It is a powerful stone to use during meditation . It allows you to better understand the flow of energy from the divine source to the physical world.
The best way to use it is to keep it near where you receive your money . This method has been known to bring an increase in income . It can be kept near where you receive money.
You will always benefit from its energy. It also helps sellers. It will increase your assertiveness and can help you have a more articulate and persuasive speech.
This can bring an influx of abundance and prosperity into your life . It is also known to stimulate an increase in self-confidence and to facilitate fluidity in your communication. This is a stone for manifestation and creation of wealth and has been labeled as the " Merchants Stone ".
On the physical level
Cinnabar purifies the blood , improves its quality and promotes harmonious circulation. It also stimulates the formation of lymphocytes and is suitable in cases of deficient immunity. It strengthens the bones and improves fertility . It is also said to relieve bloating and has a beneficial effect on skin diseases .
On the mental level
Cinnabar gives energy, but nevertheless reduces aggressive tendencies . It improves concentration .
On a spiritual level
Cinnabar has the reputation of bringing wealth and prosperity .
This stone strengthens the energy of the base chakra and the Sacral Chakra , Cinnabar stimulates psychic and intuitive abilities.
The Cinnabar stone connects the Third Eye Chakra to the lower chakras. It encourages your thoughts to be more inspired and spiritually creative.
Astrological signs
Cinnabar is particularly suitable for the signs:
Recharging and purification
Cinnabar's purifier acts like a gem. It can therefore recharge with negative energies after a few months of use.
After a few weeks, the Cinnabars can take on the waves they have filtered, which will reduce its effectiveness. They must therefore be cleaned regularly .
The water will help cleanse the Cinnabar and the sun will positively recharge it!
Meaning and History of Cinnabar
In China , ascetics were fanatics of substances believed to give longevity. This was the reason why they successively used Jade, Gold and Cinnabar. It is certain that Cinnabar was one of the most important substances considered to give life .
We can conclude that two main substances were seen as longevity factors by the ancient Chinese . They were consumed like drugs. Gold to preserve the body and Cinnabar to prolong life.
This is why they were selected to make a super longevity drug . Around 500 BC, gold and cinnabar were heated together to create an amalgam.
Cinnabar then released the mercury by decomposing with heat. There was no other option than to create “red-gold” in another way. Experiments with Cinnabar allowed the discovery of the sublimation technique. It was established that Cinnabar consisted of sulphide and mercury.
Then, Sulfur, mercury and gold subject to sublimation gave the required product. “Gold-Cinnabar” was a subliminal product. It was supposed to lead to immortality for the Chinese .
Used medicinally , for the treatment of syphilis. It was prescribed, in the 1820s, to pregnant women , by fumigation (General Archives of Medicine, Imp. De Vaugirard, 1914, p436.). Cinnabar is also found in the composition of remedies for the external treatment of cancer.
It is composed of white arsenic, burnt ashes from shoe soles, dragon blood, Cinnabar and water. (Hermann Lebert, Practical treatise on cancerous diseases and curable conditions confused with cancer, ed. Baillière, 1851, p645).