Howlite Stone: Virtues of Howlite

Howlite Stone: Virtues of Howlite

Howlite is a stone that calms the mind , it could be used to help you fall asleep under the pillow during insomnia. Howlite reduces hypersensitivity and depression, it promotes discernment and strengthens character .

  • Origin of name: Takes its name from the Canadian chemist who discovered it in Nova Scotia, Henry How
  • Home group: Calcite
  • Color(s): White, gray, pale yellow, pale green
  • Symbol: Calm
  • Hardness: 4
  • Main deposits: Germany, Austria, Brazil, Canada, United States, France, Italy
  • Chemical composition: Magnesium carbonate
  • Day of the week: Every day

Varieties of Howlite

Howlite is a variety of porous magnesite that is white in color with gray lines.

This translucent or opaque semi-precious stone with colors that can vary between yellow and green.


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Paix, Relaxation, Compréhension Un havre de paix et de réflexion, ce bracelet en Howlite est une ode à la tranquillité d'esprit et à la clarté émotionnelle. Parfait pour ceux qui cherchent à apaiser le stress, à encourager la patience et...
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Benefits and virtues of Howlite

On the mental level

On a mental level in lithotherapy, Howlite is a stabilizing stone . It helps clarify and establish consistency between feelings , it gives a sense of responsibility and at the same time allows all fears to be dissipated.

On the physical level

On a physical level in lithotherapy, the Howlite stone allows better consolidation of bones, nails and hair . It is very effective in working and resolving all digestion dysfunctions.

It mainly acts on the stomach and the liver . Also, it plays a very good role as an aid to weight loss diets thanks to its diuretic action.


Howlite absorbs stress , tension, anxiety and other intense emotions. When Howlite is placed on the Heart Chakra , it brings patience and increases the love that the owner of the stone has for their loved ones. A white Howlite pendant will help you in this regard.

This stone is used to develop your intuitive skills . By using Howlite during meditation, you enhance your telepathic and visionary intuition. Howlite will help you open and harmonize your Third Eye Chakra and your Crown Chakra to achieve a state of full consciousness.

Astrological signs

Howlite stone is said to be linked to the signs of Scorpio , Capricorn and Aries .


Howlite bracelet
Peace, Relaxation, Understanding
Howlite bracelet
Paix, Relaxation, Compréhension Un havre de paix et de réflexion, ce bracelet en Howlite est une ode à la tranquillité d'esprit et à la clarté émotionnelle. Parfait pour ceux qui cherchent à apaiser le stress, à encourager la patience et...
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Purification and recharging

Whether in the form of a pendant, bracelet, rolled stone or raw, the Howlite stone must be purified and recharged so that it can bring you its benefits again.

Indeed, after a while, the stone will have exhausted all the energy it contained and will need to find natural energies .

To do this, it is recommended to soak your Howlite in distilled water , and leave it for 3 hours. Once purified, all you have to do is charge it!

To do this, you must expose it to the sun, or on a cluster of quartz which will function as an amplifier, and thus increases the vigor of the stone once charged.

Remember to always purify and recharge a stone when you have just acquired it in order to eliminate previous vibrations.

Howlite Meaning and History

The stone is known as the stone of success, meditation, self-confidence but which can also help lose weight. The history of Howlite is quite contemporary. In fact, the stone was officially discovered in 1868 by Canadian chemist Henri How in Nova Scotia and named it after himself.

To this day, there is nothing to suggest that the Ancients knew it. Except, perhaps, a few texts which certify that Howlite was an extremely rare stone and that the Indians revered it and nicknamed it “white buffalo stone”.

Currently, it is used to make artistic and decorative objects such as miniature sculptures or to decorate jewelry. And it is the porous structure of Howlite which facilitates its coloring.

The largest deposits are located in North America and Canada .

However, it is known to act on negative energies and blood circulation.

It also acts on the digestive system and since its discovery has been an ally for weight loss during a slimming diet.

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