Properties of Kunzite
Science and origin of Kunzite Kunzite is the pink form of spodumene, a lithium aluminum silicate. Kunzite is commonly found in granitic pegmatites, often with feldspar, muscovite, quartz and lepidolite. It is named after GF Kunz who discovered the mineral in 1902. The main deposits of Kunzite are in Pakistan and Afghanistan, but it is also found in Brazil, Madagascar and the United States.... -
Properties of Dumortierite
Science and origin of Dumortierite Dumortierite is a very rare aluminum borate silicate mineral found as masses, small prismatic crystals, or fibrous inclusions in quartz. Its color is usually a dark blue or navy blue, but it can also be found in green, brown, purple and even light pink. This crystal was discovered in 1881 in Chaponost, France by F. Gonnard, and was named... -
The properties of Larvikite
Science and origin of Larvikite Larvikite is a black igneous rock composed entirely of feldspar (with small changes in chemical composition) that crystallizes in large masses. Within the feldspar itself, small silvery and bluish crystals are found which give Larvikite its notoriety and fame. This eye-catching "flash" is commonly called the "Schiller effect" and is believed to be due to ternary feldspar (a fancy...