• Lithotherapy stones that fight sexual dysfunctions

    According to energy healers, when you experience sexual problems, including infertility, impotence, or lack of libido, your sacral chakra might be blocked or imbalanced. This chakra, located in the pelvic region, is the center of: sexual desire, creative imagination, sensuality, sexual pleasure erogenous zones. An unbalanced/blocked sacral chakra will cause problems including lack of libido, frigidity or erectile dysfunction. Did you know that crystals...
  • Recurring migraines? These stones that help alleviate pain

    Migraine is a disease characterized by the regular and repetitive occurrence of violent headaches sometimes associated with vomiting. Migraine is not a common headache. It is a real disease which is characterized by the repeated occurrence of seizures generally on one side of the head. The frequency of attacks, which last between 4 and 72 hours, varies from one person to another : some...
  • Effective stones for taking care of your nails

    Our nails are made up of 3 parts The nail tablet, a hard and compact plate of keratin. The nail bed (under the tablet) is pink in healthy people, because it is well irrigated. The nail matrix, located under the lunula (the white crescent-shaped part). It is she who produces keratin Like hair , nails are mainly made up of keratin fibers , that...
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