A guide to keeping this New Year's resolutions

A guide to keeping this New Year's resolutions

dans Basics

The arrival of the New Year is an exciting time. It's not just a new year. This is a new perspective. No one knows what adventures, opportunities, and connections will manifest during this year.

This is one of the rare times when, as humans, we view the unknown, not as something to fear, but as something to anticipate. In these first months, it is somehow clearer to us that our future is what we make of it. Of course, that's still the case. We can always wish to be healthier, wealthier, and more in tune with our spirituality, but what we need to change becomes clearer after a year of struggling to get there. If you find that the fate of your New Year's resolutions isn't matching your optimism, you may be setting goals that are too high or too vague.

When you have a place you want to go, you look for directions and plan a path to get there. New year's resolutions should be approached in the same way. You have to do more than say them. By keeping certain things in mind when setting your goals, you lay the foundation for success. Learn how to set and keep your New Year's resolutions, and nourish yourself with your optimistic outlook throughout the year.

Stay realistic

The New Year brings with it qualities that are both motivating and rejuvenating. They combine into an optimism that can blind you to reality if you don't combat it with logic. If you haven't exercised in five years, don't resolve to run five miles a day. Even if you run 5 miles the day after New Year's Eve, you're likely to run out of breath shortly afterward (excuse the pun). Instead, make realistic resolutions that don't push you beyond what you're capable of. Setting these goals will help you get started, and after a while, you might be running five miles a day. But that's the starting point. Instead of setting an end goal, set something you can achieve right now.

Maintain Optimism with Spirituality

Use your spirituality to support your resolutions. Spirituality is a tool for accessing your highest SELF. With it, you can realize what’s holding you back, nourish what’s worn out, and visualize your success. Manifest your intentions by meditating with crystals. This practice will relieve stress, lower blood pressure and improve your outlook. Trying to push yourself to achieve your goals when you're mentally exhausted is like driving on empty. Although it may seem unrelated to your goal, meditation can help you make the perspective shifts needed to achieve it. Incorporate meditation into your evening routine. As you end the day, meditate with a crystal corresponding to a chakra to reprogram your intentions. Focusing on the magnitude and clearing anxieties from your mind, cleanse yourself in a bath of positive light.

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