• Sacral chakra color

    Orange Chakra, also known as Sacral Chakra, is the 2nd chakra from the bottom, located in the lower abdomen, approximately 5 cm below the navel. In Sanskrit, the orange chakra is called Svadhisthana, which means "gentleness." Looking through the lenses of this chakra, you will see the possibilities of experiencing the sweetness, pleasure and delights of life. As you may already know, each chakra...
  • Yoga postures of the sacral chakra

    The sacral chakra helps you express your emotions in a healthy way. The second chakra, or Svadhisthana in Sanskrit, governs all aspects of your sexuality, sensuality, relationships and emotional intelligence. Its color is orange and it is located in the lower part of the abdomen. When your second chakra is open and healthy, you feel joyful, happy, and passionate about life. You also give...
  • Sacral Chakra Meaning

    The sacral chakra is the second chakra in the body, which governs your ability to experience pleasure and live a life full of joy. The sacral chakra also helps you express yourself creatively and sexually. The element associated with the second chakra is water, and the color of the sacral chakra symbol is orange. The sacred chakra symbol resembles a lotus mandala and it...
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