Yoga postures of the sacral chakra

Complete guide



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yoga Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra helps you express your emotions in a healthy way. The second chakra, or Svadhisthana in Sanskrit, governs all aspects of your sexuality, sensuality, relationships and emotional intelligence. Its color is orange and it is located in the lower part of the abdomen.

When your second chakra is open and healthy, you feel joyful, happy, and passionate about life. You also give yourself full permission to enjoy all of life's pleasures.

So, what are the benefits of yoga for your sacral chakra?

Adding yoga to your daily routine is a perfect way to relax and align all the chakras in your body.

There are many yoga postures (asanas), which can be used for individual chakras, but keep in mind that ultimately they will bring many benefits to your body as a whole.

The sacral chakra is your main emotional center. Pent up emotions and feelings are very often trapped in your physical body, and exercise is one of the best ways to release them and let them go.

Balancing the sacral chakra with yoga involves strengthening and softening your hips and all the muscles surrounding your pelvis.

A yoga practice that emphasizes opening the hips will help you relax and regain your emotional balance.

Les pierres correspondant aux Chakras

Il est largement admis que certains cristaux et pierres contiennent une énergie vibratoire élevée, qui peut vous être transmise et rétablir votre propre équilibre énergétique. Trouver les pierres qui correspondent au chakra que vous voulez soigner.

Goddess Pose – Utkata Konasana

Goddess Pose – Utkata Konasana

Goddess pose is a great hip opener, stimulating everything below the waist. Utkata Konasana stretches the adductors of the inner thighs and develops the calves, quadriceps, glutes and core.

This posture will connect you to the creative, feminine energy of the Hindu goddess Kali, who is often depicted in a similar position.

Stand with your feet apart and rotate them outward. Start to slowly bend your knees and bring your thighs parallel to the floor.

Continue to push your knees back and engage your core muscles. Next, bend your elbows 90 degrees at shoulder height.

You can have your palms open or in gyan mudra. Try holding this pose for 1 minute and find organic movement as you relax here, and move gently from side to side.

Crescent Moon Pose | Anjaneyasana

Crescent Pose / High Lunge | Anjaneyasana

High lunge (Crescent Pose) or Anjaneyasana is a hip-opening pose that tests your coordination, strength and concentration skills.

The high lunge is typically performed in most standard yoga sequences.

Anjaneyasana is a classic full-body pose that has many health benefits. It strengthens the knees, thighs, hips, spine, chest and shoulders.

Start by stepping your right foot forward until you feel a slight stretch in your left hip. Raise your chest, raise your arms, and look upward toward your hands.

Keep your chest lifted and let your pelvis sink. Anjaneyasana gives you the opportunity to stay focused because you need to maintain balance.

Stretched Triangle Pose | Utthita Trikonasana

Triangle Pose | Utthita Trikonasana

Utthita Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) is a fundamental yoga pose in almost all forms of yoga.

If you are new to yoga, you will definitely experience this in one of your first yoga sessions and for years to come.

You may develop a love-hate relationship with Trikonasana because this pose requires you to stand and test the flexibility of your legs, hamstrings, and hips.

Start by placing your right arm on your ankle and work to open (lift) your right hip upward.

When your hips are overlapped, extend your right hand upward and look toward the ceiling.

Avoid the temptation to bend your right leg to reach the floor with your right hand. It is most important that you keep your right leg straight. You can place a yoga block on the floor next to your leg.

Pigeon pose | Eka Pada Rajakapotasana

Pigeon pose | Eka Pada Rajakapotasana

Pigeon pose is great for losing tension and maintaining hip stability because it stretches both the short hip rotators and the hip flexors (muscles moving around the front of the thighs and pelvis). ).

Pigeon pose is excellent for the sacral chakra because it tests your emotional ability to remain calm in stressful situations.

Sometimes it can even trigger an emotional release and make you cry by bringing up pent-up anxiety, anger or fear.

Pigeon pose is actually a deep stretch, and it should be done at the end of your yoga practice, when the body is well warmed up.

Always start by adjusting the leg to avoid excessive pressure on the knee and center the pelvis. Breathe deeply into your stomach to feel a complete relaxation of the hips. You can stay in this posture for up to 10 minutes.

Your Favorite Yoga Positions for the Sacral Chakra

Now it's your turn.

  • Have you tried any of the postures mentioned in this article?
  • Did I forget to mention some of your favorite poses?

Our complete Chakra guides

If you enjoyed this article and would like to learn how to balance and heal your other chakras, please feel free to check out our other chakra healing guides.

Root chakra

Sacral chakra

Solar plexus chakra

Heart chakra

Throat Chakra

Third eye chakra

Crown Chakra

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