Sacral Chakra Meaning

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Sacral Chakra Meaning

The sacral chakra is the second chakra in the body, which governs your ability to experience pleasure and live a life full of joy.

The sacral chakra also helps you express yourself creatively and sexually.

The element associated with the second chakra is water, and the color of the sacral chakra symbol is orange.

The sacred chakra symbol resembles a lotus mandala and it consists of the following elements:

  • 6 petals.
  • Circle with the moon symbol in the middle.
  • The seed mantra व VAM in the center.
  • Let's take a look at each of these elements individually and find out what they mean.

Sacral Chakra Symbol: 6-Petal Lotus Meaning

The six petals of the sacred chakra symbol are sometimes decorated with six Sanskrit letters. They represent 6 negative aspects of our nature that we must overcome to cleanse and purify this center.

  • Anger: बं baṃ
  • Hate: भं bhaṃ
  • Jealousy: मं maṃ
  • Cruelty: यं yaṃ
  • lust: रं raṃ
  • Pride: लं laṃ

According to Hinduism, the number 6 is a symbolic representation of the human spirit, which can be either pure or beyond our control (and the source of our suffering).

In the Bible, the number 6 represents imperfection, and it relates to our weaknesses: we are all vulnerable to sin as human beings.

Sacral chakra symbol: The circle and the moon

The circle is the symbol of cycles, and it refers to perpetual motion, endless transition and continuous change. It encourages us to enter into this flow without using our minds to understand this experience, but rather enjoying the flow itself.

The moon is a feminine symbol, which reflects the flow of time and embodies the endless cycle of change. The phases of the moon symbolize infinity, immortality, enlightenment or the dark side of nature itself.

As it governs the tides, floods, oceans and seasons, it also represents the inner consciousness of human beings on Earth.

According to Vedic astrology, the moon represents the mind and feelings of an individual, and it has great personal meaning for each of us.

Les pierres correspondant aux Chakras

Il est largement admis que certains cristaux et pierres contiennent une énergie vibratoire élevée, qui peut vous être transmise et rétablir votre propre équilibre énergétique. Trouver les pierres qui correspondent au chakra que vous voulez soigner.

Sacral chakra symbol: Makara

There is another element in the tantric representation of the Svadhisthana symbol - this is Makara.

Makara is an aquatic beast from Hindu mythology, similar to an alligator, which hides in the crescent moon.

Makara has a long tail, symbolizing the Kundalini coil, and he is a reflection of your deep desires and unconscious animal impulses.

Sacral chakra symbol with Makara creature

Symbol of the Sacred Deity Chakra: Vishnu

The main deity of the sacral chakra is the Hindu god Vishnu. Vishnu is the preserver, the immortal life force of the universe, and the second of the Hindu trinity (composed of the creator Brahama and the destroyer Shiva).

Typically, Vishnu is depicted with light blue skin and four arms. In each of his hands, he carries:

  • A lotus.
  • A mass (gada).
  • A conch (shankha).
  • A disk (chakra).
Vishnu Brahma Shakti - Hindu Gods

Our complete Chakra guides

If you enjoyed this article and would like to learn how to balance and heal your other chakras, please feel free to check out our other chakra healing guides.

Root chakra

Sacral chakra

Solar plexus chakra

Heart chakra

Throat Chakra

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Crown Chakra

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