Blue stones
There are a large number of shades for the color blue, from light blue to navy blue to blue green.
Blue was worn by the poets of Antiquity giving Minerva, goddess of wisdom , a blue cloak, and Juno a sky blue scarf.
Blue stones represent the color of the oceans, mystical sleep and deep twilight . Blue is the color of inspiration , sincerity , spirituality , harmony , inner peace , calm and logic . It is a calming color and would help you sleep .
Dark blue is compared to the sky , the celestial , the intangible , moderation and truth . It brings harmony , inner peace and calms the nerves .
The color sky blue indicates a clear sky and is then associated with different needs . They can be the need to breathe , to have air , oxygen , freshness , exchange or even sharing and communication .
Associated with the Throat Chakra , the color light blue acts on a physical level and is linked to the fresh , cold , silent and airy elements .
Offering a fine blue stone is a sign of peace and friendship.
Directory of different stones
Blue Lace Agate, Aquamarine, Angelite, Blue Apatite , Blue Aragonite , Benitoite, Blue Chalcedony , Celestine, Chrysocolla, Covellite, Dumortierite, Hemimorphite, Blue Kyanite, Lapis Lazuli, Larimar, Blue Opal , Blue Quartz , Blue Sapphire , Shattuckite, Sodalite, Turquoise, Tanzanite…
Example of the virtues of stones in lithotherapy
Dark blue stone
Blue Sapphire : It promotes inspiration , spiritual elevation and meditation . It calms mental activity and anger and encourages dynamism and calms fears . Stone stimulating creativity and concentration , it accompanies and optimizes depressive states by restoring the joy of living. It helps raise the self-confidence and courage of the person who wears it.
Light blue stone
Turquoise : The Turquoise stone helps on a psychological level and in this sense, the renewed confidence allows you to develop communication with others. Empathy is there. The mood is stabilized, anger subsides and inner calm is restored. Turquoise thus avoids changing moods randomly and without reason. It fights against fatigue , against contrasting and driven moods.
Lithotherapy will allow the strengthening of the body meridians as well as the energy fields . Always with the aim of limiting excesses , Turquoise reduces excess acidity, it will regulate the diet . It is widely used by lithotherapists to optimize the healing of the stomach , rheumatism , cramps and pain of all kinds (muscular, etc.). This stone is a detoxifier and anti-inflammatory. Turquoise helps strengthen eyesight and in particular treat certain diseases such as cataracts .
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