The 10 essential stones to counter aggression and how to use them to calm your mind after a conflict

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, aggression can sometimes take over, creating waves of negative energy that disrupt our inner balance. This is where lithotherapy, an ancient and respected practice, can play a crucial role. By using specific stones, known as "aggression stones", we can learn to manage, channel and even transform this energy into a positive force.

Aggression, although often stigmatized, is a natural human emotion. It can be a sign of unresolved frustration, a feeling of injustice, or simply a need to assert oneself. However, when left unchecked, aggression can become destructive, to ourselves and those around us. This is why it is essential to find healthy and effective ways to manage aggression.

Lithotherapy offers a natural and holistic solution to channel aggression. By using specific stones, we can rebalance our energies, soothe our mind and regain our serenity. These “stones of aggression” are valuable tools that help us navigate the sometimes tumultuous waters of our emotions.

In this article, we'll explore ten essential stones for countering aggression and how to use them to calm your mind after conflict. We will delve into the fascinating world of lithotherapy, learning to recognize, understand and use these stones to channel aggression in a positive way.

Whether you are new to lithotherapy or looking to expand your knowledge, this article is designed to guide you with compassion and expertise. So, prepare to embark on a journey of discovery and self-healing, where each stone is a step towards better management of aggression.

My “Magic Formula”

AGGRESSIVENESS bracelet, quiet strength

Discover the “Aggressiveness Bracelet”, a perfect harmony of Lapis lazuli, Sodalite and Howlite , chosen specifically for their ability to channel and soothe aggression. Each stone has been carefully selected for its power and energy, providing the perfect balance for those seeking to find inner peace after conflict.

Wear it every day to remind yourself of the quiet strength that resides within you. Let these stones guide you towards a peaceful mind, transforming aggression into positive and constructive energy.

Steps to controlling aggression

Aggression, like any other emotion, is an energy that must be recognized, understood and channeled appropriately. When we talk about “mastering aggression,” we are not talking about suppressing or negating this emotion, but rather transforming this raw energy into a constructive force. Here are the key steps to achieve this, with the invaluable help of the stones of aggression.

Recognition of aggressive emotions

The first step to managing aggression is to recognize it. It is essential to accept that aggression is part of our emotional spectrum and that it has the right to exist. Only by recognizing and accepting our aggression can we begin to work with it. Aggression stones can help us in this step, helping us connect to and understand our emotions.

Understanding the causes of aggression

Once we recognize our aggression, the next step is to understand its causes. Aggression is often a sign of an unmet need or frustration. By identifying these triggers, we can work to resolve these underlying issues and reduce our aggression. Stones for managing aggression can help us achieve mental clarity and introspection needed for this stage.

Learn to channel aggression

The final step is learning to channel our aggression constructively. This might mean learning to express our needs assertively, to use our aggression as a driving force for change, or to transform that energy into creativity. Stones for channeling aggression can help us in this step, helping us transform our aggressive energy into a positive force.

By following these steps, with the help of the Aggression Stones, we can learn to harness our aggression and transform it into a positive force in our life. In the following sections, we will explore these stones in detail and how to use them to manage and channel our aggression.

Stones and crystals to counter aggression

In the vast realm of lithotherapy, certain stones stand out for their ability to soothe, channel and transform aggressiveness. These “stones of aggression” are true allies for those who seek to manage their emotions with wisdom and compassion. They act as reflecting mirrors, helping us see our emotions clearly, and as guides, showing us the path to greater self-control.

Here is a list of ten essential stones to counter aggression. Each of them has unique properties that can help us calm our minds and channel our energy constructively.

  1. Amethyst : Known for its ability to soothe the mind and promote serenity.
  2. Lapis Lazuli : Helps express one's feelings and thoughts in a clear and respectful manner.
  3. Red Jasper : Encourages patience and understanding with oneself and others.
  4. Rose Quartz : Promotes self-love and compassion, helping to dispel aggression.
  5. Citrine : Helps transform negative energy into positive energy.
  6. Aventurine : Promotes calm and tranquility, helping to calm aggression.
  7. Black obsidian : Helps with emotional release, allowing you to release aggression in a healthy way.
  8. Sodalite : Encourages peaceful communication and honest expression of emotions.
  9. Black Tourmaline : Helps balance energies and dispel negative emotions.
  10. Howlite : Helps calm the overactive mind and reduce feelings of aggression.

In the following sections, we'll explore each of these stones in detail, discovering what they look like, what they do, and how to use them to manage aggression. Whether you are a beginner in lithotherapy or looking to deepen your knowledge, these stones for channeling aggression will be your guides on the path to self-mastery.

Detailed exploration of the stones


What it looks like: Amethyst, with its shades of deep purple and soft lavender, evokes a starry night sky. Its shimmering crystals seem to contain distant galaxies, inviting us on an inner journey of discovery and transformation.

What it does: Amethyst is a stone of aggression that calms the mind and promotes serenity. It helps dispel negative thoughts and turbulent emotions, creating space for tranquility and clarity. By promoting a state of calm and relaxation, Amethyst helps us manage our aggression and transform it into positive and constructive energy.

How to use it: To use Amethyst to manage aggression, start by holding it in your hand during your meditation sessions. Imagine its calming energy spreading throughout your body, calming your mind and soothing your heart. You can also place it under your pillow at night to promote peaceful sleep and restful dreams.

Amethyst Bracelet
Peace, Intuition, Protection
Amethyst Bracelet
Amethyst Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Amethyst is a highly mystical stone that encourages spirituality and spiritual insights. It strengthens our sense of justice and encourages us to act with deep integrity. Amethyst is a very good meditation stone and can...
Amethyst and Super Seven Bracelet
Meditation, Healing, Harmonization
Amethyst and Super Seven Bracelet
Amethyst Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Amethyst is a highly mystical stone that encourages spirituality and spiritual insights. It strengthens our sense of justice and encourages us to act with deep integrity. Amethyst is a very good meditation stone and can...

Lapis lazuli

What it looks like: Lapis Lazuli is a deep blue stone, dotted with golden flecks that resemble stars in a night sky. It evokes a feeling of mystery and depth, like an unexplored ocean of wisdom and knowledge.

What it does: Lapis Lazuli is a stone for managing aggression that encourages the clear and respectful expression of our feelings and thoughts. It helps us to communicate assertively, without falling into aggression. By promoting understanding and empathy, Lapis Lazuli helps us resolve conflicts peacefully and constructively.

How to use it: To use Lapis Lazuli, wear it as jewelry or keep it close to you when you need to have difficult conversations. Imagine its blue energy enveloping you, helping you express your thoughts and feelings clearly and respectfully.

Lapis lazuli bracelet
Wisdom, Expression, Connection
Lapis lazuli bracelet
Lapis Lazuli Properties PHYSICAL PLAN Recommended in case of insect bite or rash. It plays a role in strengthening the lungs, strengthens the throat, activates the functioning of the thymus and provides help in diseases of the pharynx. The stone...
Lapis lazuli and Angelite bracelet
Wisdom, Peace, Intuition
Lapis lazuli and Angelite bracelet
Lapis Lazuli Properties PHYSICAL PLAN Recommended in case of insect bite or rash. It plays a role in strengthening the lungs, strengthens the throat, activates the functioning of the thymus and provides help in diseases of the pharynx. The stone...

Red Jasper

What it looks like: Red Jasper is a stone of aggression that resembles a fiery flame captured in the stone. Its shades of red, orange and brown evoke the warmth of a campfire, creating a feeling of comfort and security.

What it does: Red Jasper is known to encourage patience and understanding with oneself and others. It helps quell aggression by reminding us that we are all human and we are all doing our best. By promoting tolerance and empathy, Red Jasper helps us manage our aggression in a constructive way.

How to Use: To use Red Jasper, hold it in your hand while you practice meditation or mindfulness. Imagine its warm energy spreading throughout your body, calming your aggression and filling you with patience and understanding.

Red Jasper Bracelet
Stability, Energy, Confidence
Red Jasper Bracelet
Red Jasper Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Red Jasper is a dynamic stone that combines courage and strength with love and gentleness. His energy resembles that of a loving father, protective and caring towards his children. It can help us feel...
White Moonstone and Red Jasper Bracelet
Intuition, Vitality, Stability
White Moonstone and Red Jasper Bracelet
White Moonstone Properties Spiritual Healing Properties of Moonstone Moonstone evokes the goddess and energy of the crescent and full moon. She invites us to dance in sensual celebration and be comfortable exploring the many mysteries of the world. It can...

Rose Quartz

What it looks like: Rose Quartz is a soft, calming stone, with undertones of pink that evoke a tranquil dawn. It looks like a cloud of cotton candy, bringing a feeling of softness and comfort.

What it does: Rose Quartz is a stone for managing aggression that promotes self-love and compassion. It helps us treat ourselves with kindness and understand that we deserve love and respect. By helping us to love ourselves, Rose Quartz helps us manage our aggression and transform it into an energy of love and compassion.

How to use it: To use Rose Quartz, wear it as jewelry or place it somewhere you will see it often. Every time you see him, remember to treat yourself with love and kindness. Imagine its pink energy enveloping you, calming your aggression and filling you with love and compassion.

Rose Quartz Bracelet
Love, Peace, Self-Acceptance
Rose Quartz Bracelet
Properties Rose Quartz Spiritual Healing Properties Rose Quartz awakens unconditional love and compassion in us and asks us to use this energy to bless the world. He encourages us to ask the hard questions and realize the simple answer. Who...
White Moonstone and Pink Quartz Bracelet
Intuition, Love, Healing
White Moonstone and Pink Quartz Bracelet
White Moonstone Properties Spiritual Healing Properties of Moonstone Moonstone evokes the goddess and energy of the crescent and full moon. She invites us to dance in sensual celebration and be comfortable exploring the many mysteries of the world. It can...


What it looks like: Citrine, with its luminous golden hues, resembles a ray of sunlight captured in stone. It evokes the warmth of a summer day, bringing a feeling of joy and optimism.

What it does: Citrine is a stone of aggression that helps transform negative energy into positive energy. It helps us see the bright side of things and use our aggression as a driving force for positive change. By promoting optimism and joy, Citrine helps us manage our aggression in a constructive way.

How to use it: To use Citrine, wear it as jewelry or place it in a prominent place. Every time you see her, remember to look on the bright side and use your aggression in a positive way. Imagine its golden energy enveloping you, transforming your aggression into a positive force.

Citrine Bracelet
Prosperity, Creativity, Joy
Citrine Bracelet
Citrine Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Citrine has one of the most powerful energies of all crystals. It purifies the energy of everything around it and is one of the few "self-cleansing crystals" capable of maintaining its own bright energy field....
Citrine and Fluorite Bracelet
Abundance, Concentration, Confidence
Citrine and Fluorite Bracelet
Citrine Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Citrine has one of the most powerful energies of all crystals. It purifies the energy of everything around it and is one of the few "self-cleansing crystals" capable of maintaining its own bright energy field....


What it looks like: Aventurine, with its shades of green and shimmering bursts, resembles an enchanted forest. It evokes a feeling of calm and tranquility, like a peaceful walk in nature.

What it does: Aventurine is a stone for managing aggression that promotes calm and tranquility. It helps us calm our minds and find inner peace, even in the most tumultuous moments. By promoting tranquility and calm, Aventurine helps us manage our aggression in a constructive way.

How to Use: To use Aventurine, hold it in your hand while you practice meditation or mindfulness. Imagine its green energy spreading throughout your body, calming your aggression and filling you with calm and tranquility.

Green Aventurine Bracelet
Luck, Tranquility, Well-being
Green Aventurine Bracelet
Properties Green Aventurine Spiritual Healing Properties of Green Aventurine Green Aventurine is a stone of freedom and good fortune. He is a courageous companion who joins us in our quest to free ourselves from all that limits our joy and...
Green Aventurine and Prehnite Bracelet
Balance, Intuition, Well-being
Green Aventurine and Prehnite Bracelet
Properties Green Aventurine Spiritual Healing Properties of Green Aventurine Green Aventurine is a stone of freedom and good fortune. He is a courageous companion who joins us in our quest to free ourselves from all that limits our joy and...

Black Obsidian

What it looks like: Black Obsidian, with its smooth surface and deep black color, resembles a dark mirror. It evokes a feeling of mystery and depth, like a moonless night.

What it does: Black Obsidian is a stone for managing aggression which helps with emotional release. It helps us release aggression in a healthy way, allowing us to recognize and accept our emotions without judgment. By promoting emotional release, Black Obsidian helps us manage our aggression in a constructive way.

How to Use: To use Black Obsidian, hold it in your hand while you practice meditation or mindfulness. Imagine its dark energy spreading throughout your body, helping to release your aggression in a healthy way. You can also place it under your pillow at night to promote restorative dreams and emotional release.


What it looks like: Sodalite, with its shades of blue and white veins, resembles a stormy sky. It evokes a feeling of strength and determination, like a storm clearing the air.

What it does: Sodalite is a stone for managing aggression that encourages peaceful communication and honest expression of emotions. It helps us express our aggression in a constructive way, helping us find the right words and communicate our feelings in a respectful way. By promoting peaceful communication, Sodalite helps us manage our aggression in a constructive way.

How to use it: To use Sodalite, wear it as jewelry or place it in a place where you will have difficult conversations. Imagine its blue energy enveloping you, helping you express your aggression in a constructive and respectful way.

Sodalite Bracelet
Wisdom, Clarity, Expression
Sodalite Bracelet
Sodalite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Sodalite is a stone for seekers of truth, and for all those on a spiritual path. It encourages us to maintain our most cherished and idealistic beliefs and to act fearlessly to make that ideal...
Angelite and Sodalite Bracelet
Peace, Intuition, Authenticity
Angelite and Sodalite Bracelet
Angelite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Angelite has an exceptionally high vibration and is one of the best stones for compassion. She sings of peace and helps us see each person as a dear friend who deserves the best. Angelite encourages...

Black Tourmaline

What it looks like: Black Tourmaline, with its deep black color and angular shapes, looks like a piece of the starry night. It evokes a feeling of protection and security, like a shield against negative energies.

What it does: Black Tourmaline is a stone for managing aggression that helps balance energies and dissipate negative emotions. It helps us stay grounded and centered, even in the most difficult situations. By promoting balance and protection, Black Tourmaline helps us manage our aggression in a constructive way.

How to use it: To use Black Tourmaline, wear it as jewelry or place it in a place where you most often feel aggressive. Imagine its dark energy enveloping you, protecting you from negative energies and helping you stay centered and balanced.

Black Tourmaline Bracelet
Protection, Anchoring, Purification
Black Tourmaline Bracelet
Protection, Ancrage, Purification Un sanctuaire de force et de protection, la Tourmaline Noire est le gardien ultime contre les énergies négatives et les influences perturbatrices, offrant ancrage et sérénité pour naviguer avec confiance dans le tumulte du quotidien. Ce bracelet...


What it looks like: Howlite, with its gray veins on a white background, resembles a winter landscape. It evokes a feeling of calm and tranquility, like a peaceful walk in the snow.

What it does: Howlite is an aggression management stone that helps calm the overactive mind and reduce feelings of aggression. It helps us slow down, breathe and take a step back, allowing us to manage our aggression in a more thoughtful and conscious way.

How to Use: To use Howlite, hold it in your hand while you practice meditation or mindfulness. Imagine its white energy spreading throughout your body, calming your mind and reducing your aggression. You can also place it under your pillow at night to promote peaceful sleep and restful dreams.

Howlite bracelet
Peace, Relaxation, Understanding
Howlite bracelet
Paix, Relaxation, Compréhension Un havre de paix et de réflexion, ce bracelet en Howlite est une ode à la tranquillité d'esprit et à la clarté émotionnelle. Parfait pour ceux qui cherchent à apaiser le stress, à encourager la patience et...
Snowflake Howlite and Obsidian Bracelet
Calm, Discernment, Transformation
Snowflake Howlite and Obsidian Bracelet
Properties Snowflake Obsidian Spiritual Healing Properties Snowflake obsidian has a slightly gentler energy than pure black obsidian. It helps reveal unhelpful habits and beliefs that limit our lives. When used with conscious intention, snowflake obsidian deepens meditation to a remarkable...

How to use these stones to counter aggression

Using Aggression Stones to manage and channel your negative energy can be a deeply transformative experience. However, it is essential to know how to use these stones effectively to maximize their benefits. Here are some methods you can adopt to incorporate these stones into your daily routine.

Meditation with stones: Meditation is a powerful practice for calming the mind and managing aggression. By integrating the stones of aggression into your meditation sessions, you can amplify these effects. Simply hold the stone in your hand or place it in front of you while you meditate. Focus on the energy of the stone, letting its calming vibrations calm you and help you release your aggression.

Wearing jewelry or amulets: Wearing jewelry or amulets made from stones of aggression is another effective way to benefit from their calming properties. Whether in the form of a necklace, bracelet or pendant, these jewelry allow you to keep the stone close to your body throughout the day, helping you manage your aggression on an ongoing basis.

Placing stones in strategic locations: Placing aggression stones in strategic locations in your home or workplace can also help quell aggression. Choose places where you spend a lot of time or where you feel the most aggression. The calming energy of the stone can help create a calmer, more peaceful environment.

By using these methods, you can make the most of the aggression stones and use them to manage and channel your aggression effectively. Remember, the key is to work with the stone, inviting it to assist you on your journey toward greater self-mastery.


Over the years, I have had the privilege of meeting many souls seeking to control their aggression. Each of them has a unique story, but all share one thing in common: the profound transformation they have experienced thanks to the power of the stones of aggression. Here are some testimonies that illustrate the profound impact of lithotherapy on the path to self-mastery.

Julien, 38 years old: "I have always had difficulty managing my anger. I discovered Amethyst , a stone of aggression, and it changed my life. Every time I wore it, I felt a feeling of calm, like a soothing breeze. It helped me channel my anger and find inner peace."

Nathalie, 45 years old: "Faced with the constant challenges in my personal life, I had difficulty keeping calm. A friend gave me a Sodalite , a stone to manage aggression. Since then, I have felt more serene when faced with challenges, ready to face difficulties with calm and determination."

Maxime, 30 years old: "I have always been impulsive. Black Obsidian , this powerful stone for managing aggression, showed me the path to patience. It taught me to take a step back before reacting and to channel my energy constructively."

These testimonies are only a small part of the many stories of transformation that I have had the honor of hearing. Each stone, with its unique energy, has the power to accompany, guide and transform. If you recognize yourself in any of these stories, know that you are not alone. The stones are there, ready to support you on your path to mastering your aggression.


As we take this journey through the Stones of Aggression, we have discovered how these natural wonders can help us manage, channel and transform our aggression. Each stone, with its unique energy, offers a path to greater self-understanding and deeper self-mastery.

Whether it is calming Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli encouraging respectful communication, Red Jasper promoting patience, or Black Obsidian helping with emotional release, each stone has its place in our journey towards mastering aggression. They remind us that our aggression is not a flaw, but an energy that, when properly channeled, can become a driving force for positive change.

By using these stones for meditation, wearing them as jewelry, or placing them in strategic locations, we can integrate their calming energy into our daily lives. The testimonies we have shared illustrate the transformative power of these stones and how they have helped many people manage their aggression.

Ultimately, remember that you are not alone in your journey. Whether you are at the beginning of your aggression control journey or have already made significant progress, the stones are here to support you. They are ready to accompany you, guide you and help you transform your aggression into a positive force.

So why not pick up an Aggression Stone and start your transformation journey today? Who knows, maybe you will discover an inner strength you never knew you had, and a peace you never imagined.

My “Magic Ritual”

AGGRESSIVENESS bracelet, quiet strength

Preparation :

  1. Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed for at least 10 minutes.
  2. Sit comfortably, preferably on the floor, with your back straight.
  3. Light a candle, preferably blue or white, to promote peace and clarity.
  4. Place the Aggressiveness Bracelet in front of you.


  1. Close your eyes and take three deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth.
  2. Take the bracelet in your hands and feel the coolness of the stones against your skin.
  3. Visualize a blue light emanating from the stones, enveloping your entire being.
  4. Repeat the following affirmation out loud or in your mind, three times: “With each breath, I release my aggression and welcome peace and clarity into my mind and heart.”
  5. Imagine any aggression or tension leaving your body with each exhale, replaced by serenity and tranquility.
  6. When you feel ready, open your eyes and put on the bracelet. Imagine it acting as a shield, protecting you from aggression and reminding you to stay calm and centered.

Fence :

  1. Extinguish the candle and thank the stones for their energy and support.
  2. Wear the bracelet throughout the day, reminding yourself of your intention and affirmation every time you look at it or touch it.

This ritual can be practiced every morning or whenever you feel the need to refocus and manage your aggression.

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