The 8 essential stones for clairaudience: How to use them to amplify your spiritual listening

In the silence of our mind, a soft and subtle melody often seeks to guide us. This harmony, known as clairaudience, is the echo of the universe conversing directly with our soul. Awakening to this celestial symphony is not a path reserved for a mystical elite, but a possibility accessible to all, in particular thanks to the energy of stones for clairaudience. These earthly allies open the doors to deep spiritual practice, allowing us to perceive the often inaudible whispers of our intuition and spiritual guides.

Clairaudience, or the ability to perceive sounds or words from beyond, is a precious gift that flourishes in the garden of our consciousness. It manifests itself as a gentle breeze that caresses our understanding, bringing with it messages, warnings or affirmations. Understanding and accepting this gift can transform our reality, providing us with a new perspective, comfort in times of doubt, and guidance in our decisions.

But how can we cultivate this divine connection and recognize our potential for clairvoyance? This is where stones come into the picture as essential tools. Chosen for their resonance with our energy centers, these stones for spiritual practice are catalysts, amplifying our internal auditory perception. They act like mirrors, reflecting our inner truth and helping us to truly listen, perhaps for the first time, to the whispers of our soul and the universe.

In this oasis of knowledge, we will explore together the secrets of the stones dedicated to clairaudience. We will learn to use them to awaken and refine our listening, thus guiding us on the luminous path of spiritual wisdom. Let's embark together on this sonic journey, where each stone reveals a unique note, a vibration intended for us, in the great symphony of existence.

My “Magic Formula”

CLAIRAUDIENCE bracelet, Awakening the senses

Discover the power of the CLAIRAUDIENCE Bracelet, a symphony of harmonious vibrations encapsulated in the resplendent beauty of Lapis lazuli , Aquamarine , and Labradorite .

Wear this bracelet to connect with your inner wisdom during meditation, to facilitate communication with your spirit guides, or simply to remind yourself that you are supported on your spiritual journey. It's more than an accessory; it is your personal anchor in the constant flow of cosmic knowledge, a tangible reminder of your sacred journey toward spiritual awakening.

The path to clairaudience

Opening up to the symphony of the universe is not an act but a journey, a delicate dance between the soul and the cosmos. Clairaudience, this divine ability to hear beyond earthly veils, is a path paved with revelations, wonder, but also doubts. As with any spiritual quest, recognizing one's gift of clairvoyance is the first step towards enlightened spiritual practice, a step that we are all capable of taking with love, patience and the appropriate stones for clairaudience.

Awakening of internal auditory perception: This journey begins within us, where silence speaks. The awakening of auditory perception is not a flash of clarity but a gradual dawn. It's about paying attention to inner whispers, to the fleeting impressions left by unspoken words, or to that inner music that seems to spring from nowhere. Stones for spiritual practice are silent companions in this phase, balancing our energies to better perceive these subtle messages.

Recognition of the signs of clairaudience: How do you know if you are clairaudient? The signs can be as light as a feather in the wind. Maybe you hear your name whispered softly when no one is around, or advice whispered in your ear at just the right moment. These manifestations require attentive listening, an open heart, and a willingness to understand and accept this gift without fear.

Acceptance of your donation: Accepting this gift is not always a journey without obstacles. There are moments of resistance, questioning, even denial. Here, the stones for the awakening of auditory perception become beacons of light. They remind us that this gift is an extension of our being, a blessing and not a burden. They help us ground ourselves, embrace our truth and let clairaudience bloom in the garden of our essence.

Each step of this path is crucial, preparing us to become the repository of the secrets of the universe, to dialogue with subtle energies and to understand our role in this web of interconnections. Clairaudience stones are our guides, holding our hand as we learn to navigate this uncharted territory of our psyche, bringing us ever closer to the divine harmony that resides within each of us.

Stones and crystals to stimulate clairaudience

In the sanctuary of our being, where echoes of the invisible resonate, stones and crystals reveal themselves like celestial keys. These guardians of the Earth, formed by the very breath of creation, are invaluable allies in our quest for clairaudience. Each stone, with its vibratory melody, is a portal to dimensions where the voices of the universe become clearer, more tangible. Let's embrace the wisdom of these stones for spiritual practice together, and discover how they build bridges between our world and the whispers of the ether.

  1. Lapis Lazuli: Guardian of the spiritual realm, Lapis Lazuli is a compass for the soul, guiding us towards deep inner listening. Its resonance with the third eye awakens auditory perception, inviting us to discern the truths hidden in the silences between worlds.

  2. Celestine: Like a shooting star in the midnight sky of our psyche, Celestine illuminates the path to clairaudience. It brings serenity, opening our senses to the celestial symphony that plays beyond earthly borders.

  3. Amethyst: A bridge between the earthly and the divine, Amethyst is the stone of transition. It cleanses the aura, clears the mind and prepares us to receive divine messages, raising our clairaudience from whispers to clarity.

  4. Turquoise: Turquoise is the talisman of spiritual harmony, balancing our energies to create an inner sanctuary where the voices of the universe can resonate clearly, helping us recognize our gift of clairvoyance.

  5. Clear Quartz: A mirror of the soul, Clear Quartz amplifies the energy, thoughts and sounds of the other world. It refines our listening, allowing us to perceive the divine whispers often lost in the tumult of our earthly existence.

  6. Sodalite: Bringing calm and understanding, Sodalite dispels the doubts and fears that often hinder our path to clairaudience. She is the lighthouse in the storm, guiding our senses towards enlightened auditory perception.

  7. Labradorite: Protector of inner journeys, Labradorite is a stone of transformation. It accompanies us into the depths of our psyche, revealing the beauty and truth that reside in sacred silences.

  8. Aquamarine: Soft and pure, Aquamarine is an oasis of peace. It calms the mind, clarifies thought and invites heavenly messages into our consciousness, expanding the horizons of our clairaudience.

Each of these stones for clairaudience is a link in a sacred chain that connects us to the divine. By welcoming them into our spiritual practice, we honor our commitment to ourselves and our evolution. They are guides, teachers and friends on this path of awakening, reminding us that each step is a step towards home, towards unity with the cosmos.

Detailed exploration of the stones

Let's delve into the mystical universe of each stone, exploring their essence, their power and how they can enrich our journey to clairaudience. These gems of the Earth are more than just objects; they are living entities, vibrating with ancient energies, ready to guide us.

Lapis lazuli

  • ”What it looks like:“ Lapis Lazuli, like a fragment of the starry sky, captivates with its veins of gold against a background of deep, royal blue, evoking the mysteries of the universe at night.

  • “What it does:” This stone is the key to the vault of heaven, unlocking our third eye and awakening our ability to perceive divine sounds. It encourages honesty of mind and facilitates clear communication with spiritual guides.

  • “How to use it”: Meditate with Lapis Lazuli by placing it on your forehead to stimulate the third eye. Visualize its blue energy infusing your mind with starlight, illuminating your path to clairaudience.

Lapis lazuli bracelet
Wisdom, Expression, Connection
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Lapis lazuli bracelet
Lapis Lazuli Properties PHYSICAL PLAN Recommended in case of insect bite or rash. It plays a role in strengthening the lungs, strengthens the throat, activates the functioning of the thymus and provides help in diseases of the pharynx. The stone...
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Lapis lazuli and Angelite bracelet
Wisdom, Peace, Intuition
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Lapis lazuli and Angelite bracelet
Lapis Lazuli Properties PHYSICAL PLAN Recommended in case of insect bite or rash. It plays a role in strengthening the lungs, strengthens the throat, activates the functioning of the thymus and provides help in diseases of the pharynx. The stone...
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Super Seven and Lapis lazuli bracelet
Wisdom, Harmony, Expression
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Super Seven and Lapis lazuli bracelet
Super Seven Properties Spiritual Healing Properties The Super Seven invites us to do our part to raise the collective consciousness of humanity. It is a remarkable crystalline ally for anyone who wants to save the world, heal the world, or...
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Labradorite and Lapis lazuli bracelet
Transformation, Wisdom, Expression
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Labradorite and Lapis lazuli bracelet
Labradorite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties of Labradorite Labradorite evokes the energy of the stars and the impressive northern and southern lights. It is a stone of great magic, which awakens our natural gifts and connects us to a mysterious world...
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Lapis lazuli mala necklace - 108 8mm beads
Wisdom, Expression, Connection
Lapis lazuli mala necklace - 108 8mm beads
Ritual Here's a simple but powerful ritual you can practice with your mala necklace, along with a positive affirmation. This ritual aims to ground you, boost self-confidence and encourage inner strength. Preparing the space: Find a quiet place where you feel...
Lapis lazuli and Ocean Jasper bracelet
Wisdom, Relaxation, Understanding
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Lapis lazuli and Ocean Jasper bracelet
Ocean Jasper Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Ocean Jasper inspires us to be an active force of goodness in the world. It reminds us that we have a duty to others, as well as to ourselves, and that one of the...
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Bracelet in black Tourmaline and Lapis lazuli
Protection, Wisdom, Balance
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Bracelet in black Tourmaline and Lapis lazuli
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  • ”What it looks like: “Célestine is crystalline softness, with its pale blue hues recalling the serenity of calm water, a mirror reflecting the sky in its most peaceful hours.

  • “What it does:” It brings harmony, facilitates connection with the higher realms and amplifies divine messages. Celestine calms the hyperactive mind and instills deep peace, conducive to inner listening.

  • “How to use it”: Keep a Celestine near your bed to invite revelations through dreams. Before sleeping, hold it in your hands, release your earthly thoughts and invite heavenly guidance to manifest.


  • ”What it looks like: “Amethyst, in its purple splendor, is a window to infinity, its shades of purple recalling the depths of the cosmos, an echo of divine wisdom.

  • “What it does:” This stone transforms low energy into high vibrations, clearing the mind of mists of confusion and opening the way to clairvoyance and clairaudience.

  • “How to use it”: Create a circle of Amethyst around you during your meditations, imagining each stone as a star guiding your mind to the confines of spiritual hearing.

Amethyst Bracelet
Peace, Intuition, Protection
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Amethyst Bracelet
Amethyst Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Amethyst is a highly mystical stone that encourages spirituality and spiritual insights. It strengthens our sense of justice and encourages us to act with deep integrity. Amethyst is a very good meditation stone and can...
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Amethyst and Super Seven Bracelet
Meditation, Healing, Harmonization
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Amethyst and Super Seven Bracelet
Amethyst Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Amethyst is a highly mystical stone that encourages spirituality and spiritual insights. It strengthens our sense of justice and encourages us to act with deep integrity. Amethyst is a very good meditation stone and can...
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White Moonstone and Amethyst Bracelet
Harmony, Intuition, Consciousness
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White Moonstone and Amethyst Bracelet
White Moonstone Properties Spiritual Healing Properties of Moonstone Moonstone evokes the goddess and energy of the crescent and full moon. She invites us to dance in sensual celebration and be comfortable exploring the many mysteries of the world. It can...
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Amethyst and Angelite Bracelet
Peace, Intuition, Elevation
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Amethyst and Angelite Bracelet
Amethyst Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Amethyst is a highly mystical stone that encourages spirituality and spiritual insights. It strengthens our sense of justice and encourages us to act with deep integrity. Amethyst is a very good meditation stone and can...
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Amethyst mala necklace - 108 8mm beads
Serenity, Intuition, Consciousness
Amethyst mala necklace - 108 8mm beads
Ritual Here's a simple but powerful ritual you can practice with your mala necklace, along with a positive affirmation. This ritual aims to ground you, boost self-confidence and encourage inner strength. Preparing the space: Find a quiet place where you feel...
Amethyst and Ocean Jasper Bracelet
Clarity, Stability, Connection
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Amethyst and Ocean Jasper Bracelet
Amethyst Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Amethyst is a highly mystical stone that encourages spirituality and spiritual insights. It strengthens our sense of justice and encourages us to act with deep integrity. Amethyst is a very good meditation stone and can...
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Black Onyx and Amethyst Bracelet
Protection, Serenity, Intuition
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Black Onyx and Amethyst Bracelet
Properties Black Onyx Spiritual Healing Properties Onyx teaches us the importance of self-control, or the ability to harness our own strength and focus, in pursuit of our most important goals. It is a wonderfully grounding, centering and balancing stone for...
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Amethyst and Rose Quartz Bracelet
Peace, Unconditional Love, Balance
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Amethyst and Rose Quartz Bracelet
Amethyst Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Amethyst is a highly mystical stone that encourages spirituality and spiritual insights. It strengthens our sense of justice and encourages us to act with deep integrity. Amethyst is a very good meditation stone and can...
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  • ”What it looks like: “Turquoise is the desert oasis, a jewel of blue and green where earth meets sky, a sanctuary of peace in the aridity.

  • “What it does:” It balances our energies, aligns the chakras and facilitates authentic expression, helping us communicate our truth and receive the whispers of the universe.

  • “How to use it”: Wear Turquoise as a pendant near the throat, visualizing its energy as a bridge between your inner voice and messages from the divine.

Turquoise Bracelet
Protection, Healing, Communication
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Turquoise Bracelet
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Turquoise and Prehnite Bracelet
Healing, Intuition, Expression
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Turquoise and Prehnite Bracelet
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Green Aventurine and Turquoise Bracelet
Abundance, Protection, Balance
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Green Aventurine and Turquoise Bracelet
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Bracelet in Turquoise and Golden Rutilated Quartz
Guidance, Protection, Creativity
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Bracelet in Turquoise and Golden Rutilated Quartz
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Clear Quartz

  • ”What it looks like: “Clear Quartz is a song of crystalline light, capturing the essence of morning dew and the splendor of snow-capped peaks, a pure reflection of all that is possible and luminous.

  • “What it does:” A supreme energy amplifier, this master healer clears hearing, removes energy blockages, and serves as a channel for spiritual messages. It helps us hear clearly without being overwhelmed by the noises of our environment or our internal thoughts.

  • “How to use it”: When meditating, hold a Clear Quartz in each hand, feeling its energy like a purifying waterfall that washes your inner being, amplifying the sounds and guidance of spirit you are meant to hear.

Clear Quartz Bracelet
Clarity, Amplification, Harmony
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Clear Quartz Bracelet
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Garnet and Clear Quartz Bracelet
Vitality, Clarity, Protection
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Garnet and Clear Quartz Bracelet
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Clear Quartz and Labradorite Bracelet
Amplification, Intuition, Protection
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Clear Quartz and Labradorite Bracelet
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Clear Quartz and Smoky Quartz Bracelet
Clarity, Anchoring, Transformation
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Clear Quartz and Smoky Quartz Bracelet
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  • ”What it looks like: “Sodalite, with its elegant royal blue marbled with white, is a reminder of the night skies, a realm where logic meets intuition.

  • “What it does:” This stone harmonizes the intellect and intuition, calms fears and clarifies perception, creating the perfect environment for unfettered clairaudience. It encourages confidence in our inner voice and our psychic abilities.

  • “How to use it”: Place Sodalite on your third eye during meditation, and imagine its blue energy dispelling clouds of confusion or doubt, revealing the starry sky of your emerging clairaudience.

Sodalite Bracelet
Wisdom, Clarity, Expression
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Sodalite Bracelet
Sodalite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Sodalite is a stone for seekers of truth, and for all those on a spiritual path. It encourages us to maintain our most cherished and idealistic beliefs and to act fearlessly to make that ideal...
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Angelite and Sodalite Bracelet
Peace, Intuition, Authenticity
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Angelite and Sodalite Bracelet
Angelite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Angelite has an exceptionally high vibration and is one of the best stones for compassion. She sings of peace and helps us see each person as a dear friend who deserves the best. Angelite encourages...
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Sodalite and Howlite Bracelet
Intuition, Calm, Rational thinking
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Sodalite and Howlite Bracelet
Sodalite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Sodalite is a stone for seekers of truth, and for all those on a spiritual path. It encourages us to maintain our most cherished and idealistic beliefs and to act fearlessly to make that ideal...
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Rhodonite and Sodalite Bracelet
Healing, Intuition, Serenity
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Rhodonite and Sodalite Bracelet
Rhodonite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Rhodonite is one of the most powerful stones for love and healing. It is a heart-centered stone that teaches us that our greatest potential is achieved by loving as deeply and purely as possible. It...
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  • ”What it looks like: “Labradorite is a crystallized Aurora Borealis, a dancing light show, with flashes of bright colors hidden within its dark heart, a whispered secret of the Earth itself.

  • “What it does:” Protector of inner journeys, Labradorite is a stone of transformation. It awakens psychic abilities, repels negative energies and attracts experiences that increase synchronicity and clairaudience.

  • “How to use it”: Wear Labradorite as jewelry or keep it in your pocket, touching it when seeking guidance. Visualize its mystical light as a shield and a magnet, attracting the sounds and messages that are meant for you.

Labradorite Bracelet
Purification, Intuition, Peace
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Labradorite Bracelet
Labradorite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties of Labradorite Labradorite evokes the energy of the stars and the impressive northern and southern lights. It is a stone of great magic, which awakens our natural gifts and connects us to a mysterious world...
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Labradorite and Aquamarine Bracelet
Protection, Serenity, Clarity
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Labradorite and Aquamarine Bracelet
Labradorite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties of Labradorite Labradorite evokes the energy of the stars and the impressive northern and southern lights. It is a stone of great magic, which awakens our natural gifts and connects us to a mysterious world...
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Blue Tiger's Eye and Labradorite Bracelet
Insight, Protection, Mental Clarity
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Blue Tiger's Eye and Labradorite Bracelet
Properties of Blue Tiger's eye Spiritual Healing Properties The Blue Tiger's eye teaches our souls to fly and our visions to be sharp and true. It increases our sense of intuition and increases certain psychic abilities such as clairvoyance. Blue...
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Labradorite and Lapis lazuli bracelet
Transformation, Wisdom, Expression
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Labradorite and Lapis lazuli bracelet
Labradorite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties of Labradorite Labradorite evokes the energy of the stars and the impressive northern and southern lights. It is a stone of great magic, which awakens our natural gifts and connects us to a mysterious world...
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Labradorite mala necklace - 108 8mm beads
Protection, Intuition, Clarity
Labradorite mala necklace - 108 8mm beads
Ritual Here's a simple but powerful ritual you can practice with your mala necklace, along with a positive affirmation. This ritual aims to ground you, boost self-confidence and encourage inner strength. Preparing the space: Find a quiet place where you feel...
Labradorite and black Obsidian bracelet
Protection, Intuition, Strength
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Labradorite and black Obsidian bracelet
Labradorite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties of Labradorite Labradorite evokes the energy of the stars and the impressive northern and southern lights. It is a stone of great magic, which awakens our natural gifts and connects us to a mysterious world...
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Labradorite and white Moonstone bracelet
Intuition, Balance, Connection
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Labradorite and white Moonstone bracelet
Labradorite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties of Labradorite Labradorite evokes the energy of the stars and the impressive northern and southern lights. It is a stone of great magic, which awakens our natural gifts and connects us to a mysterious world...
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Duo of bracelets in Labradorite, Moonstone and black Obsidian
Protection, Intuition, Anchoring
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Duo of bracelets in Labradorite, Moonstone and black Obsidian
Labradorite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties of Labradorite Labradorite evokes the energy of the stars and the impressive northern and southern lights. It is a stone of great magic, which awakens our natural gifts and connects us to a mysterious world...
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Rose Quartz and Labradorite Bracelet
Love, Protection, Creativity
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Rose Quartz and Labradorite Bracelet
Properties Rose Quartz Spiritual Healing Properties Rose Quartz awakens unconditional love and compassion in us and asks us to use this energy to bless the world. He encourages us to ask the hard questions and realize the simple answer. Who...
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Clear Quartz and Labradorite Bracelet
Amplification, Intuition, Protection
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Clear Quartz and Labradorite Bracelet
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  • ”What it looks like: “Aquamarine is a drop of ocean, a fragment of the eternal sea, its transparent blue-green carrying the wisdom of the tides and the calm of deep waters.

  • “What it does:” This stone soothes the mind, clarifies perception, and invites fluid communication with the divine. It helps to verbalize our inner experiences, thereby strengthening our confidence in clairaudience.

  • “How to use it”: During moments of quiet reflection, hold Aquamarine and breathe deeply into its oceanic essence. Imagine each breath as a wave washing away debris on the beach of your consciousness, leaving behind clear sand and deep listening.

Aquamarine Bracelet
Serenity, Communication, Clarity
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Aquamarine Bracelet
Aquamarine Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Aquamarine encourages spiritual growth and greater awareness. She invites us to value deep, clear thinking in our spiritual lives and to take lessons from the spiritual world and put them into practice here on earth....
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Labradorite and Aquamarine Bracelet
Protection, Serenity, Clarity
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Labradorite and Aquamarine Bracelet
Labradorite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties of Labradorite Labradorite evokes the energy of the stars and the impressive northern and southern lights. It is a stone of great magic, which awakens our natural gifts and connects us to a mysterious world...
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Aquamarine and Ocean Jasper Bracelet
Serenity, Anchoring, Harmony
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Aquamarine and Ocean Jasper Bracelet
Aquamarine Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Aquamarine encourages spiritual growth and greater awareness. She invites us to value deep, clear thinking in our spiritual lives and to take lessons from the spiritual world and put them into practice here on earth....
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Aquamarine and Amazonite Bracelet
Serenity, Communication, Protection
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Aquamarine and Amazonite Bracelet
Aquamarine Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Aquamarine encourages spiritual growth and greater awareness. She invites us to value deep, clear thinking in our spiritual lives and to take lessons from the spiritual world and put them into practice here on earth....
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Aquamarine mala necklace - 108 8mm beads
Serenity, Communication, Consciousness
Aquamarine mala necklace - 108 8mm beads
Ritual Here's a simple but powerful ritual you can practice with your mala necklace, along with a positive affirmation. This ritual aims to ground you, boost self-confidence and encourage inner strength. Preparing the space: Find a quiet place where you feel...
White Moonstone and Aquamarine Bracelet
Harmony, Communication, Connection
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White Moonstone and Aquamarine Bracelet
White Moonstone Properties Spiritual Healing Properties of Moonstone Moonstone evokes the goddess and energy of the crescent and full moon. She invites us to dance in sensual celebration and be comfortable exploring the many mysteries of the world. It can...
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These explorations remind us that we are never alone in our spiritual quest. Each stone is a companion, a guide, and a support, reminding us of the beauty of our inner journey and the music that waits to be heard in the secret chambers of our soul.

Methods for integrating these stones into your spiritual practice

The harmonious union between man and mineral is an ancestral art, a sacred dance that awakens the echoes of our inner wisdom. The stones for clairaudience, these earthly fragments vibrant with mystery, only ask to enrich our spiritual quest. Their crystalline whisper cuts through the veils of the ordinary, inviting us into a sanctuary of divine resonance. How then, with grace and intention, do we weave these allies into the fabric of our daily spiritual practice? Here are methods imbued with gentleness and power, bridges between our heart and the whispers of the Earth.

Meditation with stones: Meditation is the gateway to the soul, and in the company of the stones, this journey becomes a pilgrimage within our inner sanctuary. Hold your clairaudience stone in your hand or place it in front of you, close your eyes and breathe. Let its essence blend into your breath, establishing a common rhythm. Visualize a light emanating from the stone, enveloping every corner of your being, awakening your auditory perception and revealing the hidden symphonies of the universe.

Wearing jewelry or amulets: Transform these crystalline guardians into talismans of protection and guidance. By wearing stone-encrusted jewelry for spiritual practice, you keep their healing and amplifying vibrations close to your energy field. Whether it is a Lapis Lazuli pendant resting on your heart or a Turquoise bracelet adorning your wrist, you carry a fragment of the divine, a constant reminder of your spiritual path and your ability to perceive au- beyond the ordinary senses.

Placement of stones in strategic locations: Your environment influences your journey to clairaudience. Create a sacred altar where your stones can rest, or place them strategically throughout your home to bring harmony to the space. An Amethyst near your bed invites serenity and clairvoyance into your dreams, while a cluster of Clear Quartz in your meditative space clears the mood, preparing your mind to receive heavenly messages.

Mindful listening practices: Integrate mindful listening into your daily life. Take a moment each day to sit in silence with an auditory awareness stone. Listen to the sounds around you, then direct your attention inward, listening to the pulsations of your own universe. It is in this silence that clairaudience messages often find a way to reveal themselves.

Each stone is a world, a library of wisdom. By inviting them into our spiritual practice, we are not just adopting tools; we welcome guides, masters, friends. We recognize that our path to clairaudience is not a solitary journey, but a path dotted with outstretched hands, whispering voices, and crystalline laughter shared with the Earth herself.


Over the years, in the sanctuary of lithotherapy, I have witnessed silent miracles and whispered revelations, embodied by individuals whose lives have been touched and transformed by clairaudience stones. Their stories are symphonies of hope, tales of self-discovery, and odes to the resilience of the human spirit. Here are some of those intimate journeys, shared with courageous vulnerability and unwavering faith in the power of stones.

Julien, 27 years old: "I have always felt a veil between the world and me. When I found the Célestine , this stone for awakening auditory perception, everything has changed. She was like a gentle breeze that cleared the mist, allowing me to hear the whispers of the universe for the first time. It was a symphony of truth and guidance."

Emmanuelle, 50 years old: “In meditation, I reached heights, but I knew there was more. Labradorite , this stone for spiritual practice, has opened doors in my mind. She was a flame in the darkness, revealing hidden paths, inviting me to listen deeply. My clairaudience has blossomed like never before.”

Théo, 38 years old: "Strange dreams tormented me, sounds I could not understand. Amethyst , this stone for recognizing one's gift of clairvoyance, became my guide. In its purple glow, I found clarity, learning to discern messages that were meant for me. I realized that I was not cursed, but blessed."

Clara, 44 years old: "Mediumship runs in my family, but I had always rejected it. When I accepted my heritage, the Clear Quartz came into my life, a stone for clairaudience. It amplified what I knew was there, but had never fully heard. It was like tuning into a long-forgotten frequency.”

These testimonies are stars in the vast galaxy of healing and spiritual discovery. Each story is a reminder that we are not alone in our struggles, our doubts, or our thirst for truth. Stones, in their silent wisdom, are constant companions, offering comfort, revealing secrets, and guiding us toward harmony with the cosmos. If your heart resonates with these stories, take heart. Your journey is sacred, and your quest for clairaudience is a path paved with miracles just waiting to be revealed.


As we come to the end of this sacred journey through the mysteries of clairaudience and the transformative power of the stones, it is essential to recognize that each step we have taken together is infused with the beauty of spiritual awakening. Clairaudience stones are not simple tools; they are traveling companions, guardians of ancient wisdom, and mirrors reflecting our true essence.

Each stone we have explored – Lapis Lazuli, Celestine, Amethyst, and others – is not just a key to unlocking our spiritual hearing abilities. They are beacons that illuminate our path towards a deeper understanding of ourselves and the universe around us. They teach us the humility, patience, and courage necessary to delve into the depths of our soul and listen to the often ignored whispers of our intuition.

As you integrate these stones into your spiritual practice, remember that clairaudience is not a gift reserved for a chosen few. It is an innate ability, a spiritual birthright that everyone can cultivate. It's not just about hearing, but about listening - listening with heart, mind, and soul, and allowing this divine symphony to guide our thoughts, our actions, and our faith .

For those embarking on this quest, know that you are not walking alone. Each stone is an ally, each clairaudience echo a confirmation of your intimate connection with the cosmos. You are invited not only to recognize your gift of clairvoyance but to embrace the magnificence of your multidimensional being.

In conclusion, dear readers, keep your hearts open and your minds receptive. Clairaudience stones are your guides, and your journey has only just begun. May you find the courage to follow the whispers of your soul, for that is where the true magic lies. In this quest, you will not only discover the mysteries of the universe, but you will encounter the purest echo of your true self.

My “Magic Ritual”

CLAIRAUDIENCE bracelet, Awakening the senses

What you will need:

  • Your CLAIRAUDIENCE Bracelet
  • A candle (preferably white or blue)
  • Incense or sage to purify (optional)
  • A quiet space where you will not be disturbed

Ritual steps:

  1. Preparing the sacred space: Start by creating a peaceful space for your ritual. This could be a meditation corner, an altar, or any place where you feel relaxed. Light the candle and, if desired, the incense or sage to purify the space, removing any negative energy.

  2. Bracelet Cleansing: Before putting on your bracelet, hold it in your hands and imagine white or blue light enveloping it, removing any residual energy. You can also gently pass it through the smoke of incense or sage if you use this cleaning method.

  3. Centering and breathing: Sit comfortably with your bracelet and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths, focusing on each inhalation and exhalation. Feel grounded and present in this moment.

  4. Activation of the bracelet: Gently put on the CLAIRAUDIENCE bracelet. Hold your wrist with your opposite hand and feel the connection with the stones, their energy gently pulsing through you.

  5. Affirmation and intention: Focus on your third eye (the point between your eyebrows) and visualize it illuminating with indigo light. Repeat the following affirmation three times, feeling it deeply in your heart and mind:

    "With clarity and connection, I open my senses beyond the veil. My bracelet is the key to harmony, amplifying my clairaudience and guiding my inner listening. I am receptive to messages from the universe, welcoming wisdom with an open heart and a quiet mind."

  6. Meditation and Listening: Stay in this quiet space for a few minutes, allowing yourself to feel any sensation, image, or sound that comes to you. Don't try to force anything; just let the experiences come and go naturally.

  7. Closing the ritual: When you feel ready, gently bring your attention back to your breathing, take a few deep breaths, and slowly open your eyes. Extinguish the candle and, if you wish, express a little gratitude to the stones and the universal energy for their guidance.

Wear your bracelet throughout the day to continue to encourage clairaudience and stay connected to your intention. This ritual can be repeated as often as necessary, especially during new lunar phases or when you feel the need for a deeper connection.

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