• How do talismans and amulets work?

    Pliny the Elder defined for the first time what an “amulet” was in his Natural History. It was in 77-78 BC. This world comes from the Latin amulētum, which means "object that protects a person from trouble." In fact, the modern name for this tool comes from the ancient Romans, although its origin is actually much older. Prehistoric objects embodying fertility and animals have...
  • Wear a ring with intention

    There are several reasons why you should be interested in the meaning and symbolism of fingers. Wearing rings isn't just about style. In fact, it sends messages to: other people, according to cultural beliefs, tradition and history to your unconscious. it is a powerful tool that you can use to boost your vibrations and stay focused on your objectives and goals. First, think about...
  • The Truth About Manifestation and Stones

    La guérison par les pierres est une thérapie holistique qui exploite le pouvoir énergétique des cristaux et leur influence sur l'équilibre général du corps, de l'esprit et de l'âme. Le principe de base de la guérison par le cristal est que notre corps et le cristal de quartz sont tous
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