• Why affirmations are not enough

    Your thoughts shape your reality. Creating the perfect you is easy: rehearse in your head who you want to be and what you want to achieve several times a day. You will be who you want, and you will get what you want. For example, if I want to earn 20,000 euros per month, just fix this concept in your mind by repeating something...
  • Transform your life with stones

    We find a ton of articles, posts, and videos about the healing properties of crystals and gemstones, but what exactly should we do with them to benefit from their energy? What exactly is the step-by-step process we should follow to experience the powerful healing energy of crystals, especially if we are at the beginning of our journey into the Crystal Kingdom? What crystals should...
  • Setting Intentions with Stones

    Did you know that it is important to set intentions with your crystals? Although all stones naturally have certain properties and things they can help you with, it is important to let your stones know exactly what you want them to help you with. And these intentions can change over time. Setting intentions with your crystals is a powerful exercise that can help you...
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