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Compatibility with Libra in love, life, sex, communication, friendship and trust

Cosmic Compatibilities

Aries Compatibility

Taurus Compatibility

Gemini Compatibility

Cancer Compatibility

Leo Compatibility

Virgo Compatibility

Libra Compatibility

Scorpio Compatibility

Sagittarius Compatibility

Capricorn Compatibility

Aquarius Compatibility

Pisces Compatibility

Libra and Aries
Libra and Taurus
Libra and Gemini
Libra and Cancer
Libra and Leo
Libra and Virgo
Libra and Libra
Libra and Scorpio
Libra and Sagittarius
Libra and Capricorn
Libra and Aquarius
Libra and Pisces

Libra and Aries

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 80%

Although Aries and Libra are two signs of a masculine nature, they constitute a primitive opposition of the zodiac and present a relationship between Mars and Venus, planets in charge of our sexual life. When they engage in intimate relationships, it is expected that all of their libido and possible issues with sexual expression will come to the surface. The attraction they feel toward each other is great, but their combined signs exhibit passive-aggressive behavior in general, and as a couple, they might tend to hurt each other in intimate relationships.

Ruled by Mars, Aries is a debilitating sign of Saturn and Libra exalts it, so their main problem is lack of emotion and poor boundaries when it comes to sex. Saturn can cool things down a little too much and be a challenge to overcome in their attempts to become sincerely close. When they connect through real emotion and respect each other's boundaries, they have the potential for a very good sex life, because Aries gives initiative and energy to Libra is indecisive, which increases their libido, and Libra awakens the finesse of Aries, teaching them to be selfless lovers and to like to think about their partner's satisfaction.

Trust: 40%

Confidence is not their strong suit and issues about it can torture them for years. The Libra partner has an insecurity problem in general and needs to show their worth through relationships with different people. They love to be loved and seem to hunger for the approval of those around them. Aries finds this stupid but easily becomes jealous and threatens their mutual sense of stability and belief in each other's choices.

Due to Libra's lack of confidence, it is also possible that they doubt everything their partner does. Since Aries does not devote much time or thought to their actions, the lack of conversation about every detail of their personal life can easily arouse suspicion in Libra's mind. The most important thing here is for Libra to work on their self-esteem and focus on their own life instead of trying to blend in with their partner's.

Communication and intelligence: 55%

Aside from the possible conflicts that Libra tries to run away from most of the time, their communication usually serves to feed the hungry Sun of a Libra partner, or the hungry Saturn of Aries. Their opposition covers the points of debilitation and exaltation of Saturn and the Sun, and this manifests itself primarily in their communication and daily functioning. This means that their role in each other's lives is quite simple: Aries must constantly cheer up their Libra partner, showing them how capable and courageous they can be, while Libra takes on the responsibilities of their Aries partner and shows him how to achieve a certain goal. All of this can be quite tiring at times, especially if one of the two has a problem with this hardcore roleplay, or doesn't recognize their partner's effort.

Most of the time, they talk about their daily activities and events, since they don't share many interests. When they talk about different activities and people, they find a common language because Aries helps Libra not be obsessed with others and Libra helps Aries understand points of view different from their own. Their communication might be better if they were in the same profession or shared at least one workplace, as this would cover the basic interests they share and give them more space to balance their opinions .

Emotions: 99%

As crazy as it sounds with the lack of qualities their relationship might suffer from, this is a couple that understands each other very well when it comes to emotions. Aries can awaken Libra's ability to show them through their own open-mindedness. This is something all Libras need, as they have a hard time letting their guard down. Libra, on the other hand, has enough depth to look inside Aries' personality instead of superficially examining their behavior. Of all the zodiac signs, Libra is probably one of the few signs that has a good understanding of Aries' nature. They do not understand their actions and the way they display their emotions, but the core of emotion and sensitive personality is easy to reach from their perspective.

It's safe to say that this is a couple who can solve any problem through the love they have for each other and while their problems may be significant, it is probably an emotional connection so deep that all problems fade away next to it.

Values: 70%

Our values ​​define the direction that leads us to our goal of personal development. Aries has a purpose in the sign of Capricorn because it is the sign of its tenth house. Capricorn is ruled by exalting Saturn in Libra. In a practical sense, this means that Libra helps Aries achieve their goals, while respecting the necessary values. This is an interesting observation because the sign of Aries is the debilitating sign of Saturn and does not seem to understand the set of values ​​or the exact steps that would lead them to their goal. It's almost as if Libra knows the way for Aries to achieve their goals by discovering new values ​​in relationship with them.

In general, their individual values ​​are different in many ways, but that is exactly the point of their relationship to challenge them and put them right side up. Aries values ​​direct, energetic approach and outspoken people. Libra appreciates tact, finesse and prestige. While Aries does their best to live in the present, Libra examines the past to set goals far into the future. They have a lot to learn from each other, but if they do, they might just set their mutual values ​​somewhere in the middle.

Shared activities: 30%

It is the couple who has a lot of difficulty coordinating their activities. They want to do opposite things most of the time, and the only activity they are always willing to share is sexual activity. Although this is a pillar of a good relationship and anything they can't share may seem irrelevant for a while, they need to find a way to do something else that they all enjoy both. Even if they don't succeed, their relationship can work, but only if the Libra partner lets go of the idea that they must include their partner in everything they do. Aries could help Libra by supporting their independence in any way possible, while agreeing to participate in some of the activities that are important to them.

Summary: 62%

As difficult as it may be to reconcile these two natures, remember that this is a primitive opposition that represents the partners by meaning. Aries and Libra are the couple of the zodiac, as much as all the other opposite signs, because they are each other's seventh house, that of relationships. Even more so if we recognize the fact that Libra is the sign of relationships in general. Any problem they may have with each other is something to work on because it shows what their personal problem is in any relationship. When they are madly attracted to each other and fall in love, there is almost nothing that can separate them, no matter the differences. Wouldn't we all like to find the right balance with our loved one? They need to work on their bond, that's a fact, but their relationship is the promise of a perfect fit of two souls destined to be together.

Libra and Taurus

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 35%

The relationship between Taurus and Libra has a special flavor, since both signs are ruled by Venus, but represent completely different characteristics. While Taurus likes to be comfortable and relies on their sense of touch and taste, Libra wants everything to be pretty and relies on their sense of sight and smell. They are connected in some way, but for the most part they have this different approach to Venus as the planet of sexual pleasure.

The main difference between these signs is their planet of exaltation. Taurus exalts the Moon and Libra exalts Saturn. It's as if they adore opposite things and while Taurus will prioritize emotions and tenderness in a sexual relationship, Libra will focus on depth and good timing. It won't be easy for them to understand what the other person wants and they might both end up seeming to need each other - from Taurus to Libra because of their emotional neediness and from Libra to Taurus because of their physical need.

As different as they may be, they are still two signs ruled by Venus and they can be quite attracted to each other. As a feminine and masculine sign, they could overcome their differences and try to get to know "the other side of Venus" instead of expecting the impossible from the other. They are both gentle lovers who enjoy relationships without stress or drama, so with enough patience, they could get along wonderfully.

Trust: 30%

Taurus' confidence can be damaged by Libra's need to be liked by everyone, especially if she isn't sure she wants to be with her Taurus partner. If Libra can't make this basic decision, the uncertainty would be a blow to Taurus' ego and it will be very difficult to recover after realizing that they are not wanted with certainty.

Even though they are Libra's first choice, there is still the issue of flirting with so many other people. With truly insecure Libra specimens, it is almost impossible to have a trusting relationship, as their need for acceptance can go very far and even lead them into infidelity. Their quality, however, lies in their vision of justice, and they will rarely act on their insecurities, but still, who could be sure when the atmosphere is so unstable, especially when someone so stable that Taurus is trying to fit in.

Communication and intelligence: 5%

These two are going to drive each other crazy. On the one hand, you have Taurus, who never doubts his character, who never moves and who is annoyingly immutable. On the other hand, you have Libra, indecisive and never sure of what she wants. It seems impossible for them not to get on each other's nerves on a daily basis.

The main challenge here is their primary opinion of each other. As two faces of Venus, these signs represent a country girl (Taurus) and a city girl (Libra). If you combine this with the fact that Libra has a setting Sun, their ego problem would easily make them feed on their refined, city girl image and they might criticize the "peasant girl" for her lack of style and rusticity. They simply don't understand that the fact that Taurus likes comfortable things is not always reflected in their lack of style and that they cannot accept the differences in their appearance.

You could say it's pretty superficial, but it's actually a really deep insecurity issue. Libra does not criticize Taurus because he is a very good person, but because he is afraid of not being one. Taurus will easily feel insecure because of this critical gaze and dive into his feelings of guilt, almost as if he has always been looking for someone to awaken the guilt in him, but without the ability to change and accept criticism as constructive. While it's not something either of them will say out loud, it can be felt in their relationship, even by those around them.

Emotions: 25%

If they are attracted to each other just enough, they might fall madly in love, but in most cases, they are both too cautious to end up in a romantic relationship. Although Taurus and Libra are both looking for someone who will knock them off their feet, they will rarely be that lucky with each other. Taurus will usually decide not to give Libra enough space to discover them, while Libra will spend too much time looking for flaws. As Venus-ruled signs, they are both complemented by Mars-ruled signs and normally seek a partner with initiative, only to have a quick and exciting start and not have enough time to think.

Values: 40%

Venus, their ruler, represents value itself. So it could be said that they value the same things the same way because of the similarities that manifest in what their ruler likes or dislikes, but in different ways. Of course, they both want true, magical, mystical love with Venus exalted in Pisces, but Taurus values ​​tenderness and contact to achieve it, while Libra values ​​responsibility and seriousness. However, their end goals are the same and they value the other's ability to love them above all. This could be their true connection point if they fall for each other.

Shared activities: 65%

It's not difficult to find activities for this couple to share, as long as they aren't boring for either of them. Although Taurus doesn't really need to go to soulless matinees and art exhibitions, they could have a pleasant time in a cozy art gallery where warm-colored works of art are displayed . Libra will rarely go for a walk in the mud, but they might take a walk around town, where they could both be seen wearing their new outfits. With their mutual love of beautiful things and love in general, they will find an enjoyable way to spend their time together if they are open enough to make a few changes to their usual routine.

Summary: 33%

Watch out for Libra, because Taurus is here to awaken your inner fears and bring them to the surface! Taurus also needs to be careful, as their need to feel guilty could flourish with a Libra. This relationship is a lesson that the two will never forget, especially if they manage to build enough understanding and tenderness between them. The only way for them to be happy would be to accept what they do not want to face in their own inner world. If they succeed, you can imagine what a complete Venus would look like.

Libra and Gemini

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 80%

Both Gemini and Libra are guided by the element of Air, which should give them a head start on their mental connection and verbal understanding. When it comes to sex, this is a plus, as they will both be free to communicate whatever bothers or satisfies them. Libra's fragile ego can be lifted by Gemini's charm and approach to sex. They seem to know how to make things a little less serious and this will help their Libra partner open up and share their emotions through sex as well. When the Gemini partner sees how gentle Libra can be, despite seeming so fussy and cold, they won't have much choice but to share their emotions equally.

The main goal of their sex life is, in fact, to balance these emotions. Libra is a sign ruled by Venus, sexual, sensual and seductive, while Gemini is ruled by Mercury, having no sexual or emotional wisdom. The basis of a good sex life between them is their curiosity, because Libra is always curious about their partner, just like Gemini is curious about everything else. Although Libra may be indecisive, Gemini will have no problem thinking of a different approach and finding new techniques, new words, and new adventures to spice up their sexual encounters.

Confidence: 95%

When Libra decides to be with someone, even if it's after a long, hard inner battle, they will likely believe their words and actions. When they choose a partner, they choose him for his character and frank nature. Libra has no reason to doubt their own judgment and will likely believe their Gemini in all cases except when their dishonesty is too obvious. In return, Gemini will respect Libra's need to flirt in order to be accepted and liked by others. Not only will they not find it threatening, but they will actually enjoy a consequence of this behavior – their own freedom.

Communication and intelligence: 60%

The Gemini partner is very opinionated and Libra tends to take many things their partner says as a personal insult. Although Gemini, in most cases, follows their rational nature and comments on things simply because they want to talk, it will be difficult for Libra to overcome some of the things they might say. The Libra sign is very sensitive to any sort of imposing will or criticism and will recognize it even if Gemini has no idea what their partner is imagining. Who can say which of them is right?

Since two people cannot agree on everything every time each of them opens their mouth to speak, Gemini and Libra can have very hurtful and difficult communication due to mutual lack of tolerance. The Gemini partner would rather go blind than accept that he lacks tolerance, but the truth is that he can be quite strict when it comes to someone's mental activity and opinions. Libra is in most cases quite hurt by the pressure on his personality produced in his primitive family, so he will have a very bad reaction to this behavior even if Gemini didn't mean anything bad.

The main problem here is that Gemini lives to learn and teach what they have learned. They often present themselves as someone who knows things, and Libra may see this as a need to prove their intellectual dominance. Even though it's not their intention in most cases, sometimes a single sentence spoken by Gemini can hurt Libra for years. Libra can learn from a teacher, from someone who has proven their worth, but hardly from their know-it-all partner.

Emotions: 90%

The way Libra's emotions develop is something that really suits Gemini. They seem to be in sync as Libra's partner searches for depth, and Gemini flies everywhere in search of a new discovery. They won't even notice as the love between them starts to show, with one of them running around and the other thinking about why they wouldn't be perfect together.

It could be said that neither is very emotional, but Libra is ruled by Venus, so there is a strong connection to an emotional plain here. The problem develops when they both talk too much about their emotions, while neither of them stops to actually feel. They can remain detached and distant, unless Libra falls in love deeply enough to follow their Gemini partner wherever they go, and Gemini falls in love deeply enough that all words lose their meaning.

Values: 55%

While Libra will appreciate consistency and someone being responsible and reliable, Gemini will be very different from that, with opposite values ​​as well. Gemini will appreciate a person's creativity and intellectual strength, something Libra cannot respond to if their Sun is at its lowest. Their meeting point is in their value of intellect, strange as that may seem. They are both air signs and pay a lot of attention to their partner's mental personality and way of thinking. They might find a way to tease each other with words, seduce each other, and ultimately find a way to communicate everything else - in case they both care enough.

Shared activities: 85%

Activities common to Libra and Gemini
Libra is the typical chameleon of activities when falling in love. She wants to examine her partner's world, from start to finish, and will happily follow him in all his activities expecting the same in return. However, it can end unhappily, leaving Libra with depleted energy and unfulfilled wishes. Geminis don't care about following their partner just because they want to be followed. Both should keep their expectations low and let their partner surprise them with something new and exciting. They will enjoy various activities together, but to do so, they must start by respecting each other's boundaries and desires.

Summary: 78%

Gemini and Libra partners aren't always a perfect couple, although their signs are mutually supportive. If the Libra partner has trouble being alone and doing things on their own, this is not something the Gemini will easily understand. Due to their lack of personal boundaries, Libras will often let their Gemini partners run the show until all their energy is exhausted and they feel like they just have to lie down and turn off their power. brain. If they want to work on their relationship and be happy, Libras need to respect their Gemini partner enough to let them be their teacher, lover, and friend. In return, Gemini will need to take care of their Libra partner, respecting their boundaries and their need for privacy.

Libra and Cancer

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 40%

At first glance, Cancer and Libra may seem very far apart. Both signs have difficulty accepting Mars, leading to a lack of passion and initiative in their sex lives. However, Libra's tact and caution can really soothe Cancer. This is mainly because Saturn, the ruler of the sign opposite Cancer, is exalted in Libra. Although initiative may be lacking, there is a chance that Cancer and Libra will work very well in their sex lives if they spend enough time together.

The problem with their sexual connection lies in their element, more than anything else. Cancer belongs to the Water element and Libra is an Air sign. Although Libra's partner can be extremely patient and kind, the Air element still has a speed that Cancer may have difficulty adapting to.

The things they would like to try will be very different, as Cancer needs an emotional connection and Libra needs contact, touch and experience before being too emotional. Libra is not often inspired by Cancer's nature and will not normally fall in love with them at first sight. Their sex life can be very good if they already share deep emotions, so it would be better if they start a relationship with friendship, already knowing each other to a certain extent and sharing certain feelings in addition to a possible attraction.

Trust: 30%

Cancer may be one of the most confident signs of the zodiac, but there is an irritating side to Libra's nature, to which they are rarely immune. While Cancer desires a quiet family life, without interference from other people, Libra cannot seem to distance themselves from others, seeking their affection and approval day after day. At some point, the Cancer partner has to ask themselves if this is the kind of partner they want to have children with. On the other hand, Libra finds Cancer's approach to romantic relationships a bit unrealistic. This can easily lead to a lack of confidence in Libra, especially if the Sun is in the latter degrees of the sign.

Communication and intelligence: 50%

As signs ruled by Venus and the Moon, it can be assumed that their relationship is in some way very important. Although Libra is responsible for the higher, spiritual nature of Venus, it remains a sign of relationships and the Moon will only emphasize the need for closeness and harmony. Their communication won't be too difficult, but there's a chance they won't share many interests or respect each other enough for it to have real quality.

Their main problem might appear if they start making unrealistic plans together. Cancer's expectations with Capricorn as the opposite sign would be extremely practical and strict. Libra does exalt Saturn, but it is not an Earth sign, and usually they stay in the realm of ideas instead of a practical approach to materialization. Cancer doesn't understand how someone can be so far from reality and this could lead to a strange passive conflict that could endanger their entire relationship. Cancer must realize that Libra has its place among the Air signs, in the realm of ideas - not necessarily their realization.

It's important to remember that Libra has a troubled Sun and is generally looking for a partner with more fire and passionate energy than Cancer normally has. As ugly as it sounds, they need someone to feed them, and they normally have strong relationships with Fire signs who produce enough energy even for their loved ones, or Air signs who don't. 'don't really care. The sign of Cancer unconsciously calculates and distributes energy according to its inner list of priorities, and it will rarely have an excess large enough to flood Libra with it.

Emotions: 15%

Both the Moon and Venus represent emotions, and they are two very emotional signs. However, their emotional context is very different, as Cancer is looking for a love on Earth and Libra is looking for someone to take to heaven. This is exactly where the spiritual side of Libra Venus takes away their real chance of sharing a life together. This is a Venus who does not need to eat or sleep, as long as she feels the unique and balanced love. Cancer will understand this idea to a certain extent, but will likely seek a stronger partner when they realize that this is a pattern that is not likely to change.

As two cardinal signs, they could have a long and unsatisfying relationship because they are both waiting for a breakthrough moment to set them free. In some cases, they should be advised to change if they are unhappy, and to look for someone who could make them happier.

Values: 20%

As both are signs of relationships - family relationships or relationships with partners - they will both enjoy a pleasant and joyful connection between two people. If they find it in each other, they will certainly have a hard time letting it go, both understanding that it is not so easy to find. However, their entire value system differs greatly beyond the relationship perspective, and while Cancer will value tenderness and care, Libra will value responsibility and platonic love. That doesn't sound very promising, does it?

Shared activities: 10%

Cancer and Libra could do a lot of things together, but it's questionable whether they'll want to. Cancer is a Jupiter-exalting sign and while they might be perfectly happy with a grumpy partner, they would appreciate it if they didn't need to impose their grumpiness on them. Every Cancer has a secret desire to travel the world, while having a secure base to come home to, but Libra could destroy their beliefs and lead them into doubts they simply don't want to face. With Cancer's soft and mellow temperament, Libra will likely feel even more inadequate and cranky, as she needs someone to be her opposition and challenge her to have respect and sexual charge.

Summary: 28%

Probably the biggest restriction in the Cancer and Libra relationship is the things they expect from their partner. Cancer wants someone who is responsible, who will take them by the hand when necessary and who complements their emotional nature with practicality. Libra wants someone who is full of life, energetic, strong and full of initiative to follow their ideas. They can really disappoint each other if expectations are poorly set at the beginning of their relationship. The best way for them to build a love that will last is for both partners to cling to their independence no matter what. If they focus on love and worry about earthly things separately, Cancer might "compromise" heavenly love, as much as Libra would like to have a family.

Libra and Leo

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 90%

When a Leo and a Libra meet, they don't need much time to build a healthy sex life. With Leo's confidence and Libra's sexuality, they tend to inspire each other to become great lovers when they are together. Their sex life is generally respectful, and they feel free to try new things with each other. If they base their relationship on strong mutual attraction, they could enjoy a satisfying sex life for a very long time.

Leo is not afraid of being seen and Libra is a sign that represents the public eye. While this says a lot about their sexual preferences as well, they will generally behave well in public. As soon as restrictions appear, they will have to play out their passionate scenarios at any time, and in any place where they have the chance to be alone, even if only for a minute. Libra is an exalted Saturn sign and it's easy for them to wait and be rational, but with passionate Leo they have a hard time staying in control.

Trust: 40%

It's not so often that Leo and Libra share a relationship filled with mutual trust. The problem here comes with their understanding of the Sun, as it rules Leo and falls into Libra. To add to this, Leo is a falling Neptune sign and Libra can often sense the dishonesty behind Leo's confident act, if there is one. The problem is that they both like to be seen, but in completely different ways. Leo wants to show off everything he has and Libra wants to gain approval from others. Neither of them understands the other, and this can become a reason to become jealous and suspicious. If they want to stay in a trusting relationship, they must start by finding approval and an adequate audience in each other. Only then can they go ahead and look for these elements in other people without arousing suspicion.

Communication and intelligence: 85%

When it comes to the rational side of their relationship, Leo and Libra have a very nice way of supporting each other's personalities and communicating. The sextile between their Suns generally allows them to respect each other, and help each other build stronger personalities, without judgment of any kind. Their Fire and Air elements match perfectly and there's a passionate Leo approach to every Libra idea. Their communication is quick and inspiring, although it can sometimes be difficult to get constructive ideas across if Libra doesn't rely on their cold, rational relationship with Saturn.

The problem arises if Libra feels a kind of jealousy towards their Leo partner for their sometimes unfounded confidence and sense of inner security. The only way Libra can learn to trust themselves too is to accept this Leo ability as the best part of their beautiful character. If Libra starts judging Leo, making assumptions about how their partner should behave but doesn't, their mutual respect will fade and they will both miss the point of their relationship.

Emotions: 99%

These two signs represent our romantic relationships and marriage, and when you look at this couple, you will see that their love for each other is real, evident, demonstrated, and leading them in a certain direction. They will never find themselves in a dead-end relationship, and their faith in love will lead them toward marriage, children, and growing old together, if only they share enough trust and love. Ruled by the Sun and Venus, these signs represent one of the fundamental planetary cycles of love, often linked to periods of eight years. If they stay together longer than that, they might as well get married and have a bunch of kids.

Values: 75%

Nothing is more valuable to Leo than someone's strong personality, their own pride and heroism. Libra, on the other hand, values ​​justice and the ability to be a hero - something they often think they don't have. They are finely compatible when it comes to matters of the Sun and they complement each other well in a way that helps them both learn to express themselves and know their abilities and strengths. This couple's problem lies in their relationship with Saturn, and while Leo represents his detriment, Libra exalts him. While this may be a lesson to learn, the challenge of responsibility they shoulder unequally can tear them apart. Leo must be serious and realize his responsibility to fit in with what Libra appreciates most: reliability and tact.

Shared activities: 60%

There is an uncanny similarity in the speed of these signs. Leo is a Fire sign and as such should not be slow like a Water or Earth sign. Libra belongs to the Air element, and it should be faster than any other element. But if you look at these two signs, you will see that Leo would like to sleep 20 hours a day, and Libra needs to think twice about everything and carefully choose the activities and words they want to say. It doesn't seem that fast, does it? If they share the same interests, they could have an endless field of possibilities for joint activities. They will especially enjoy "red carpet" events and fancy gatherings where they can both show off each other to the world.

The biggest problem in their choice of activities lies in Libra's indecisive nature, which Leo simply does not understand and usually has no patience for. This is where they may give in to the temptation to “help” them decide, by taking the wheel and deciding for them. This can lead to a lack of mutual respect, even if it seems like a small thing that no one notices. They need to give themselves time and stay as independent as possible.

Summary: 75%

If you want to sum up the relationship between a Leo and a Libra, you need to understand that their bond involves the beautiful and difficult dignities of Saturn and the Sun. They have much to learn from each other, and the main goal of their relationship is to reach the point of shared respect and responsibility in a perfect balance of power. It will sometimes be difficult for them to overcome their need to compete, trying to determine who is the best, smartest, or most capable. Even if they don't succeed, their relationship will be a source of pleasure and public display.

Libra and Virgo

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 1%

The sexual relationship between a Virgo and a Libra does not seem like a good choice. Virgo is an Earth sign ruled by Mercury, relying heavily on their intellect, while bringing Venus to its downfall. Libra is an Air sign ruled by Venus, and couldn't be further from Virgo's shy nature or practicality when it comes to sex. They will likely be driven crazy by each other, one obsessively trying to keep things clean and seeming afraid of any emotional contact, and the other strict in his search for spiritual love and a partner he can really talk to.

More often than not, they aren't even attracted to each other, and when they begin a sexual relationship, they face the challenge of speed. Virgo will want to move slowly, and while their mutable quality makes them quite adaptable, it's often not enough to match Libra's air speed. They can find a happy medium, however, where Libra leans on its exaltation of Saturn and slows down, while Virgo adapts and changes more quickly.

If they find the perfect timing, both partners can still find themselves dissatisfied. Virgo expected a fairytale connection seeing the picture Libra shows and she will find so many faults in her partner's approach. Libra's self-esteem doesn't really tolerate that much criticism and she will likely see Virgo as boring, rigid, and oblivious to any emotional connection she would like to make. For this sexual relationship to work, they must coordinate the emotions they give and receive. Only under this condition can they mutually satisfy each other.

Trust: 25%

It's a good thing that Libra exalts Saturn and their need to be fair is, in many cases, more than obvious. If this were not the case, Virgo would immediately reject everything she says. There is a lot of tension between them, as they do not understand each other's primitive nature. It's not so much a matter of trust, but we come to it when the dust settles. There's no way to explain to shy, introverted Virgo why Libra has to come out in the open. It's even less clear why so much attention needs to be paid to their relationship, or why their Libra partner flirts with anyone who looks decent. On the other hand, Libra doesn't really trust Virgo's mood and views their partner's fear of expression as if there is something they want to hide.

Communication and intelligence: 60%

They will understand each other perfectly as long as they talk about taking responsibility and serious topics in life, such as professional choices and their income. This can keep them in a pretty good situation for a while, especially if they share the same professional interests or aim to support each other in learning or advancements of any kind. Even if they broach the subject of emotional contact, they will continue to see things the same way for some time. Both value rational choices and intelligent actions.

But then the real emotions will surface in one of these partners, and they might realize that communication between them is no longer possible. As soon as one of them has to deal with a personal problem, the other seems to freeze, losing any capacity for compassion or closeness. The problem lies in the fact that their relationship is based on their mental connection, which prevents them from truly loving each other and saying a kind word at an important moment.

Emotions: 1%

Their emotional contact relies on the point of their communication as they experience a strange coexistence. There's no couple more prone to emotional separation than these two, and it can lead to so much dissatisfaction on both sides, with both partners unable to end the relationship in which they do not feel well.

Virgo is a sign where Venus is located, which is the ruler of Libra and a planet which, like the Moon, represents our emotions. The value and stability of emotions that Libra must find seem to lose all meaning when rational Virgo arrives. Libra will instantly adapt to their partner's expectations, striving to be the voice of reason, more rational than they actually are. Over time, the emotions they have pushed away build up, returning in a sudden wave that cannot be stopped. There is no way to control Libra's emotional nature, and that is something they will both learn in this relationship.

Values: 30%

They're a couple who value all the same things until they discover that just isn't true. It's a strange deception that develops between them, as if they are both capable of practicing something entirely beyond their reach. The guilt they will unconsciously feel for ignoring the other's emotions (and their own) will overwhelm the satisfaction they feel with each other and leave them in a state of astonishment - how two people who value so many similar things can value something totally different at the end of their relationship?

Shared activities: 65%

Virgo is a mutable sign and will easily adapt to whatever their partner wants. Libra shows enough tact and care so that Virgo does not feel guilty about their choices. There is rarely anything extreme in their contact and they will mostly enjoy each other's usual relational activities. Even their pace can be synchronized quite well, as Virgo is much faster than the rest of the Earth signs, while Libra's indecision makes it rather slow. They need to be especially careful when Virgo helps with decision-making, further straining Libra's already bruised ego. This can lead to serious problems, not only in deciding future activities, but also in their mutual respect.

Summary: 30%

Virgo and Libra can form a very satisfying intellectual bond, as long as they respect each other's feelings. In general, this relationship can sometimes work, and these partners can synchronize their rhythm, choose appropriate activities, and build a satisfying sex life with enough patience and attention. They may, however, have a deep problem with emotional understanding, and the thing they will have the hardest time reconciling is their fragile ego. Virgo, eager to please, will easily take on the responsibilities and decisions that Libra must assume. This will cause Libra to feel inferior and lose respect for their Virgo partner. If this problem is not resolved, their relationship could end due to a lack of respect that they were not initially aware of.

Libra and Libra

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 65%

A great thing in the relationship of two Libras is in their understanding of tasteful behavior. They seem to be perfectly adaptable when it comes to not overstepping boundaries and being as moderate as possible in their sexual expression. It will help them build a strong relationship over time, if they don't start judging each other as soon as one of them breaks out of their strict sexual routine.

As two partners ruled by Venus, they could easily have an initiative problem and this could be an impossible obstacle to overcome. When one person begins to rely on the masculine nature of their sign, a relationship can begin and the main goal then becomes satisfying each other. Their mental compatibility will allow them to understand each other's needs and talk about anything related to their sex lives, but their shared lack of trust could cause them to judge each other in ways they wouldn't judge another partner.

Trust: 35%

Two Libras don't even know how many trust issues they have until they get together. The uncertainty of their decisions can be well understood when it comes to everyday things, but as soon as they show it by choosing each other, everything that has been said will be called into question . The fall of the Sun gives these individuals less light, which means it may be difficult for them to see things clearly. This doesn't stop them from feeling things, and they will sense something is wrong from a thousand miles away, without knowing what it is. Trust is a very sensitive issue when they get to this point, especially if they don't speak their mind while waiting for resolutions. This is the couple most prone to misunderstandings of all the couples in the zodiac.

Communication and intelligence: 80%

We can say with certainty that their communication will evolve into something they will both enjoy, as long as they don't start feeding their bruised egos on each other. When this happens, one of these partners becomes completely oblivious to their behavior, acting like a vampire draining their partner's willpower, day after day. In the worst case, they will both feel permanently powerless, due to the lack of respect they feel for each other, but will lack initiative and seem incapable of resolving the situation that overwhelms them.

As long as they respect each other enough, as two Air signs, communication between them will seem endless. They will always have something to share, in most cases by talking excessively about other people. When they start pointing out each other's faults, perhaps it's best to step back and realize that nothing really needs to be changed. Their mutual acceptance is the only thing that can keep their mental relationship in a good state and their conversations flowing without judgment or unrealistic expectations.

Emotions: 50%

On the one hand, two Venus-ruled signs seem to be made for love, which speaks to the physical and spiritual closeness they can establish through their emotional contact. On the other hand, Libra is a sign that exalts Saturn, which gives them both a cold side, which will not easily allow them to build an intimate relationship. The Air element to which they belong will not help them much, since they will do their best to rationalize things until they lose all emotional value. Two Libras sometimes give the impression of two people who refuse to be in love, due to social or intellectual expectations that cannot be met.

There's this stubbornness in Libra that isn't obvious at first, and if anything can tear this couple apart, it's their need to stick to their beliefs. As if incapable of seeing the bigger picture, they will sometimes sweep their emotions under the rug, only to cling to what they know. It's strange how confident they can be of their knowledge and intelligence when they find themselves together, as if they have finally found someone who seems weaker to them. To stay together, two Libra partners need to turn off their brains and indulge in their feelings and sex. This is the only way for them to build intimacy, otherwise they both risk resisting it out of simple fear and lack of trust.

Values: 99%

The combination of Venus's dominance and Saturn's exaltation means that they share the same values, gathered through similar experiences and relationships. Venus is a planet that talks about value in general, and it's a strong connection point for them, especially since both are unaware of the real value of money. These partners appreciate dedication, a spiritual approach to love, finesse and moderate choices, reasonable behavior that will not be judged by those around them. When it comes to this aspect of their relationship, two Libra representatives seem to be a perfect fit.

Shared activities: 80%

At first glance, we might assume that they will like to show off, inspire others with their love for the world and be in motion to create a certain image by doing everything side by side. The problem arises before it gets there, as they try to decide and agree on where to go in the first place. Both will want to stick to a certain safe routine, rarely willing to meet too many new people. But if their routines don't coincide, they will have to compromise in order to get out of a point of stagnation. When they find a common routine and share friends, common activities will no longer be a problem and they will follow each other with much more ease.

Summary: 68%

The sign of Libra is a sign of relationships and they often have a mission to teach others about relationships with each other. When two Libras start dating, it can be difficult for them to find purpose in their relationship, as they both seem to share a mission and goal related to other people. If they find a meeting point, by combining their activities and sticking to their common values, they will tend to become a perfectly balanced couple. The only thing that both lack, and which is very difficult to develop, is a sense of mutual respect, without passive judgment or expectations. Both are sensitive to this problem with those around them, and when they are together, these problems easily multiply. If they let each other be who they are, they could become an inspiration to us all, teaching us what a productive relationship really is.

Libra and Scorpio

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 45%

They are an intense couple in every way and their sexual relationship is something really exciting and stimulating at the same time. They are linked by their animal natures, pursuing each other, ruled by planets that also rule their opposite signs. This is a complicated sexual contact, because they are ruled by Venus and Mars, as if they were made for each other. However, they seem to lack the touch of the element that they both need, separated by the fast, superficial element of Air in Libra and the emotional, slow element of Water in Scorpio.

Even if they don't make each other happy in other parts of their relationship, when the Libra partner indulges their instinctive, animal side, they easily become one with their Scorpio partner. Their sex life can be incredibly emotional and demanding, as the attraction of their energies is extremely strong and makes them both obsessive and possessive of each other. They are often so bonded that their relationship seems impossible to break. These bonds are created by their physical touch, even if everything else about their relationship leaves them deeply unsatisfied.

Trust: 1%

If Scorpio can't trust anyone, it's Libra. How could he do it when his Libra partner seems to have a clear need to show the rest of the world how attractive and sensual he is. As if that wasn't enough, this Scorpio possessiveness is easily absorbed by Libra, and they will start acting the same way, obsessing every time their partner wants to do something alone. Even though this is a worst-case scenario, this atmosphere will likely be present in any Libra-Scorpio couple on a smaller scale. The question is whether they are ready to live like this every day. If they accept this as a way of sharing true and deep love, then their trust issues won't be a problem, even if they seem weird.

Communication and intelligence: 55%

There is nothing Scorpio can say that Libra isn't able to rationalize. Their communication is the exact place where the Libra to Saturn connection comes in handy. This will give Libra the ability to slow down, breathe, and understand their Scorpio partner's impulsive actions or words. There's just enough depth in these two signs, even though Libra is an Air sign and quite far from planet Earth. This will allow just enough understanding between them in a rational sense.

The problem they face is that they both represent a detriment to the other's rules. This will easily lead to rejecting the other's personality, especially since Libra has to deal with personality problems due to the fall of the Sun, and Scorpio does not accept anything that is not whole. Libra will have difficulty understanding the aggressive and clear side of Scorpio, just as Scorpio will not understand the dishonest act of his Libra partner. Their differences could be very difficult to reconcile if they become too close to each other and start interfering in each other's personal lives and decisions.

Emotions: 25%

Their feelings are incredibly intense when they fall in love. In many cases, love just doesn't happen. Libra is looking for an active and fiery partner who will awaken their life force and bring light into their life. Scorpio is looking for someone physical, sensual and practical, and although Libra can meet these needs to a certain extent thanks to the exaltation of Saturn and the domination of Venus, in most cases this is not the person she wants above all.

When there is a spark between them, it easily turns into a fire, burning down entire cities, forests, and everyone in its path, including the two of them. Scorpio's nuclear energy is ignited by the previous sign, Libra, because it carries information about all the unresolved issues in relationships and all the anger that hasn't been released due to of the forced necessity of appropriate behavior.

In other words, Libra will hoard unexpressed sexual energy and it will erupt in Scorpio, leading to a lifelong war if enough is pushed under the rug. This will be interpreted as the ultimate love, making their emotional relationship ridiculously intense. They need to understand that love is about tenderness as much as anything else and if they don't have it, it may not be love but simple physical attraction and a need to let off steam restrictions.

Values: 10%

Both of these partners value consistency and commitment, and that is what will connect them in the first place. However, the rest of their value systems don't match that much and they won't agree on each other's behavior and expectations. While Libra disapproves of indecent behavior, Scorpio will have friends who are indecent, honest in their actions and fully accepted and respected for it. Libra feels like Scorpio does anything out of the ordinary just to seem special, while Scorpio feels like Libra does anything ordinary just to fit in. The main problem here lies in the value they place on other people's opinions and this will not be easy to overcome.

Shared activities: 35%

If there's one activity that a Libra and a Scorpio can share all the time, it's sex. Scorpio will awaken the animal side of their Libra partner, and the time they spend together will most certainly be focused on both partners following their instincts. Scorpio is an exalted sign of Uranus and will have no patience for Libra's indecision. This is why their needs will not mesh very well in other areas of their lives, and they may not be able to meet each other's expectations. An exception to this rule occurs when Libra turns to the dark side and gives in to Scorpio's need to take them to the Underworld. No other partner will ignite this need in Scorpio like Libra does.

Summary: 75%

The relationship of Libra and Scorpio is by no means easy and light. These two partners will have to face their dark sides through this bond, and while this could lead to an incredible and intense sex life, and emotions that no one else can understand, it could lead them both into a depressive hole from which they will not easily escape. The only way for this couple to last in a satisfying and sweet relationship is for both partners to build strong individual and independent lives, or they will be sucked into the whirlwind of karmic emotions and obsessive, negative expectations.

Libra and Sagittarius

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 90%

The intensity of emotional contact and intimacy between a Libra and a Sagittarius will depend mainly on other factors in the personal charts, but they will most certainly enjoy their sexual relationship. They are very well matched when it comes to sexuality, as neither partner feels pressured and there is just enough space for both to grow, develop, build their self-esteem and feel in security in each other's arms.

Ruled by two benefic planets, Venus and Jupiter, their main goal is to form a pleasant sexual relationship, with the primary goal of making the other person happy. To achieve this goal, they will experiment a lot, and try new things, all followed by a smile and a feeling of lightness, as if sex wasn't really a big deal in the first place. The seriousness of Libra linked to the exaltation of Saturn will give their entire relationship endurance and stability, while Venus, who rules Libra and works with Jupiter, gives enough romance, desire sexual, tenderness and could lead them to a fairy tale ending. This combination of planets sort of forms Neptune, and speaks to the growth of satisfaction leading to orgasmic pleasure, even though both signs may not seem sexual at all to some other members of the zodiac.

Trust: 5%

As noted above, the rulers of Libra and Sagittarius are closely linked to Neptune and the challenge of trust is one of the most important experiences this relationship gives. They can both go to extremes, either having unrealistic faith in the other or distrusting every word and action that is done. The only way to maintain the image of confidence for these signs seems to be to always stay in a fairytale, unrealistic state, and that's something a Sagittarius will never want to do. If the truth is not lived, nothing in the world is beautiful for a Sagittarius Sun. As soon as they begin their search for something different, Libra will sense the change and become frustrated with their inability to create unity with a partner they love.

Communication and intelligence: 85%

It is wonderful to see how Libra softens, forgetting Saturn and his own responsibilities, while Sagittarius' childish nature melts his heart. Even though it is not something with a promising future, because no one can run away from their true nature, it will bring them both joy and happiness, at least for a little while. The Libra partner will be able to relax alongside someone who does not judge, and the Sagittarius partner will have the impression that their energy is well focused on someone who needs a little youth, warmth, light , optimism and creativity in his life.

As long as they don't struggle with ego issues, their communication and intellectual compatibility are a given. The main issue that will eventually surface and need to be dealt with is in the strengths of their Suns. Libra's Sun is weak, and she will easily hand over the steering wheel to someone else who will make positive decisions and actions for her. Sagittarius has too much fiery energy in his Sun, he is active, takes action and is always ready to give a little, even if no one initially asked for it. This could lead to a subtle, hidden, imposing will and a change in character that will leave them both bruised for respect when light is finally shed on the matter.

Emotions: 99%

This couple is one of the most compatible when it comes to the emotional aspect of their relationship. It is not easy for any of them to find love and share it with someone. They are, after all, an air sign and a fire sign. Even though Libra is ruled by Venus, it is linked to mental processes, social adaptation and communication through its element, while Sagittarius has passionate feelings, but it uses its head, spreading its philosophy, more than he actually feels.

When they find themselves together, they seem to be able to find a balance in which they both use their heads just enough, and leave each other enough room for love to blossom. It is a bond that gives both partners the opportunity to understand the depth of their emotions, as beneficial rules allow feelings to surface in a supportive atmosphere. Even if their relationship isn't always destined to be one they stay in for life, it could prepare them for a love they're looking for, giving them a glimpse of what they're capable of.

Values: 75%

These partners will value strength of mind in a way that is only understandable to them. Libra may not seem like a creative person to others, but a Sagittarius sees their intellect through communication and motivates them to show their warmth. This leads to a shared value of their entire relationship and an intellectual understanding that gives them the opportunity to build their common philosophy. Even if they don't start their relationship in the same place, they will have the opportunity to build similar values ​​over time, showing each other what is truly important.

Shared activities: 70%

While we can easily assume that a Libra and a Sagittarius will have plenty of things to do together, chances are their activity choices won't be that similar. Libra wants to stick to their usual routine, and take excursions to things that interest them from time to time. Sagittarius wants to break out of all routine and live a life traveling the world. There are of course exceptions to this rule, and there are fulfilled Libras who will want to travel the world, just as there are Sagittarius representatives who want to follow a certain trail, while fantasizing about their reality. However, in most cases their needs will not align that well and they will likely face the challenge of their usual ego battle in choosing what to do together.

Summary: 71%

The relationship of Libra and Sagittarius in most cases is a beneficial connection that allows these partners to develop their emotional and inner worlds and build their lives without negative influences. However, there is an archetypal battle between them, as Saturn exalts in Libra and doesn't really care for his son, Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius. This could easily lead to a struggle for supremacy and a battle to achieve dominant position among them. This is a continuation of Libra's bruised Sun and a Sagittarius will adapt perfectly to the need to give away any sense of pride out of childish conviction. The only way they can be happy together is to fully respect each other and let the other do what they're supposed to do. Libra should stick to their relationship and love, ruled by Venus, while Sagittarius should stick to their beliefs and breadth, ruled by Jupiter, thus multiplying the love that Libra provides them .

Libra and Capricorn

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 15%

When talking about a sexual relationship between a Libra and a Capricorn, the first thing that comes to mind is expectation. Ruled by Venus and Saturn, they tell the story of a soldier who had to leave his wife and who returned after years of waiting. When it comes to sex, this combination could indicate a lack of sexual activity, although both of these signs find sex extremely important in their lives. To begin with, they might feel no attraction, and even start a relationship on a formed basis of friendship, only to realize that there is no chemistry between them.

If lack of attraction doesn't stop them, something else usually will. It is a combination that gives in to external circumstances and things beyond their control. Both may feel under pressure and their self-esteem may suffer greatly. Yet there is an understanding between them kindled by the exaltation of Saturn in Libra. This allows them to understand the right timing and not make a mistake by expecting what should not be expected. If they overcome all obstacles and form a strong bond through their personal natal positions, Libra and Capricorn can have sex that is rather conservative, approached in a routine manner, and which is only satisfying if they both let it go their strict premises and conditions.

Trust: 80%

One strange thing about a Libra and Capricorn relationship is a really high level of trust between them. Even though Libra can sometimes have questionable motives, a Capricorn partner will make them turn completely towards Saturn and feel guilty at the slightest hint of a possible lie. The only possible problem arises when Capricorn is too strict from the start, making their Libra partner feel inadequate, judged, or even afraid of the consequences of their actions. This could make their relationship dishonest, not because there is actually anything to hide, but because the Libra partner feels the need to protect themselves by clinging to their privacy.

Communication and intelligence: 35%

We wouldn't say that Libra is very stubborn, but when they find themselves in a relationship with a Capricorn, they suddenly become stubborn and sometimes even impossible to talk to. Even though Libra loves Capricorn because of Saturn's exaltation, this manifests itself in the most unusual way, as she seems to feel the need to speak out of spite. It can be a long battle, with no winners or losers, just two people always building walls between themselves, for reasons that aren't clear to those around them.

The biggest obstacles to understanding them are the elements to which they belong. Air and Earth are too far apart and it seems that these partners do not know how to come together on any subject of life. Yet there is a certain caution in these two partners that might give them just enough depth and understanding to have very interesting discussions and motivate each other to build a better foundation for each future debate. If they remain rational in their mental relationships, they could have a lot of fun that other signs could not understand.

The satisfaction they both get from solving serious problems could lead them to a point where they find a solution together, with Libra putting it into words and Capricorn putting it into action. There is probably nothing in the world that can raise their ego higher than situations in which they managed to solve something through simple shared effort.

Emotions: 1%

The hardest thing to reconcile in a Libra and Capricorn relationship is the ways they approach their feelings. Libra is a sign ruled by Venus and its emotions are natural, but generally limited and held back due to the seriousness of its nature and the judgment of others that it fears. Capricorn's mission in life is to accept all emotion, and in most cases, unless enlightened, he will be that force of judgment that holds Libra back. As if that wasn't enough, the whole situation will feed Capricorn's ego and make him believe that he is right in his approach, pushing him further away from his focus.

It is a couple who must strive to find a common language to show what they feel while respecting each other. Capricorn's emotional nature makes him distant to many, but completely untouchable to Libra as soon as he begins to reject his feelings. The only thing to do here is to find a point of absolute respect and acceptance of all emotions and their manifestations. If they allow each other to break things, get angry, cry, make a scene in public, or give in to hysteria, they may find a way to express their love in a special way. which will be correctly understood.

Values: 50%

The most important values ​​that Libra and Capricorn share are the value of time and taking responsibility. This can help them overcome any differences and clashes in attitudes, values ​​or beliefs, because each partner will be ready to understand the full range of responsibilities they have towards the other. As Air and Earth signs, both quite set in their ways, Libra and Capricorn will be very different in the value of words and actions. Libra will communicate and believe that their mind is their greatest asset, while Capricorn won't really care if the results don't manifest in the material world. This is good practice for a Libra partner to get the basics right, but it usually won't be enjoyable for either of them in a romantic relationship.

Shared activities: 25%

The best thing these two can do together is be boring to the rest of the world. Chances are, their relationship has them working hard and relaxing lazily, without putting effort into anything creative or inspiring. They need to keep their passions ignited and create a weekly routine that will get them out of the house and doing something fun.

Summary: 34%

If we have to choose the best word to describe the relationship between a Libra and a Capricorn partner, we would have to say – tough. That's not to say that they won't enjoy the difficulty of being together, or that they won't stay in a relationship for a long time, but it's certainly not a bond that many other signs would engage in. . Their biggest challenge is the lack of respect for emotional value which is usually initiated by Capricorn, but easily continued by Libra. If they find a way to share, show and understand each other's emotions, everything else will seem like child's play.

Libra and Aquarius

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 90%

Aquarius can really help Libra express their sexuality. Problems with the Libra Sun lead to worrying too much about the opinions of others, so representatives of this sign go to extremes when it comes to how they show their sexuality. They will either be afraid of being judged and seem too asexual, or have a need to show it "despite" everyone's opinion, which can be quite repugnant to their partner. When it comes to sexuality, Aquarius has a completely different approach - they simply don't care about anyone's opinion. They live their lives in a constant search for freedom, without taboos and restrictions, and this will help Libra forget about others, at least for a while.

While their sex life can be quite liberating for Libra, it can also be a bit difficult for Aquarius, as he is the one who will have to struggle with Libra's need to fit in. However, as two air signs, they will both tend to be free to express their sexual desires towards each other. They will enjoy experimenting, getting to know themselves and their own inner desires and communicating with ease. Their sexual relations should be a strong pillar of their entire relationship, although they generally consider their verbal way of getting along to be the most important to their bond.

Trust: 85%

Because of their virtuous nature, they could trust each other without exception, if they were that self-confident. Their insecurities coincide very well, and they generally help each other overcome them, but the trust between them must be built, it is not implicit. These two signs like to be attractive to different people and they should find a way to communicate this need in the right way. The problem can arise when Libra starts getting attached and becomes emotionally dependent on their partner. This is not something Aquarius will deal with easily and could damage both partners' trust in each other and their entire relationship.

Communication and intelligence: 40%

Both Libra and Aquarius have a certain image to maintain. Libra wants to look good and act pleasant to others, while Aquarius wants to go in the opposite direction of everyone else, sometimes even if there is no reason to do so. They are both rigid in their beliefs and will not easily change their minds once they decide.

Aquarius won't get much pleasure from waiting for Libra to make a decision in their life, nor will Libra appreciate Aquarius' spontaneous and unpredictable nature. Since they both rely on communication, they will have a lot to talk about and will usually find language to resolve all their problems. However, it will not be easy for them to reconcile certain differences in their approach to things. Libra is indecisive, but once they make a decision, they prefer to stick to it rather than save their relationship, even if it's just a meal. Aquarius tends to walk away as soon as he feels obligated to do something, even if it's the same meal. So basically they might have a huge problem over lunch if we're talking about extremes.

However, they generally understand each other well when it comes to usual, everyday things and have similar beliefs that help them deal well with big life changes. Over time, as they get to know each other, their personalities will get along better and they may realize that they respect each other to a degree that is unattainable with anyone else.

Emotions: 80%

Libra is a sign ruled by Venus, which makes them emotional in a way, but we must remember that it is also a sign of exaltation of Saturn and that detachment is something that makes them feel very GOOD. This is something they will get in an Aquarius relationship and it could help them build a very strong emotional bond. They have strangely different goals in life, but if they harmonize them, their emotional connection should be very strong and develop much faster than we would have expected.

The biggest obstacle that could come in their way is marriage, at some point in their relationship. Libra is a sign that represents marriage and finds it very significant as an institution that Saturn would support. Aquarius might view it as obsolete, or even shun it, and will likely only engage in it for practical reasons. It is important not to put pressure on either partner when this point in their relationship arises, or they may both feel pushed away and angry, leading to unnecessary conflict and even the end of the relationship. their relationship.

Values: 50%

As much as Libra will appreciate intimacy, Aquarius will appreciate solitude. This could represent a big problem in their relationship, and the Libra partner might seem clingy and not at all independent, while the Aquarius might seem like an uncontrollable madman who will do anything to destroy every relationship in the world. Nevertheless, they both value communication and intellectual strengths, enough to talk about their needs and desires, which should help them overcome their differences.

Shared activities: 65%

Aquarius will want to do anything, really, as long as their life doesn't fall into a boring routine. Libra will have a hard time deciding what they want to do, which could drive their partner crazy. If anything can send Aquarius into orbit, it's a lack of spontaneity, and Libra can sometimes be the opposite of spontaneity. These partners might find themselves in a relationship in which only Aquarius pulls the strings and Libra follows. This really wouldn't be a good solution for either partner, and Aquarius will have to learn to be patient so that the respect between them remains intact.

Summary: 68%

There is a strong understanding between a Libra partner and an Aquarius because of their common element, air. Yet it can be quite difficult for their troubled Suns to get along and they will often struggle to adapt to each other's character and find deep respect for each other. The best cure for any problem in their relationship is usually time, but with Aquarius' need for spontaneity, they often won't last long enough for time to fix what's broken. Whatever their story, they will have many exciting things to experience together and if they fall in love, it would be a shame for a couple like this not to give their relationship a chance, however it ends. .

Libra and Pisces

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 50%

Air and Water, Libra and Pisces seem to have almost nothing in common. However, we must not forget their connection through Venus, the ruler of Libra, exalted in Pisces. Since they touch each other through this sensual and loving planet, they can find true sexual satisfaction together. They can both be selfless lovers, caring more about their partner's satisfaction than their own.

Tenderness shouldn't be a problem here, because neither partner will like too much aggression and brutality anyway. They might discover many different sexual preferences that they weren't aware of before, through a connection of very different kinds. If they were not connected by Venus, it would be very difficult for them to form a relationship of any kind, because their approach to life and sexuality is completely different.

The Libra partner wants someone strong, passionate, and confident, while the Pisces partner wants someone gentle, compassionate, and aware of their feelings. Libra will want sexual experiences that are quick and exciting, while Pisces will want them slow and sensual. The main problem of speed is usually overcome by the quickly changeable nature of Pisces, except in cases where they are too shy to embark on a sexual relationship with someone as overtly sexual as Libra.

Trust: 1%

They will not understand each other well enough to share much trust. Libra's need to be accepted and appreciated by others will be misinterpreted by Pisces, because they do not understand how a person's self-confidence can be so low. The bubbly, ever-loving, childish and flirtatious nature of Pisces will be a huge obstacle for Libra, who will not be able to trust someone who openly shows interest in others. The only way for these partners to stay in a trusting relationship is to approach it casually and build their understanding and trust from scratch, as if they had never had a relationship before this one.

Communication and intelligence: 5%

In many cases, Libra will appreciate the optimism and naive, childlike nature of their Pisces partner. Unfortunately, she will often want to help him grow and change who he is so that he can be "happier". The problem here lies in Libra not knowing or trying to figure out what would make Pisces truly happy. This is a fundamental lack of respect that could ruin the foundations of their relationship. The main challenge here is to stay in a respectful bond, no matter how crazy Pisces may seem to their Libra partner, or as rigid and boring as Libra may seem to Pisces.

Their communication can be inspiring as long as they don't try to change each other, explain to the other how they should think or feel in certain situations, or worse, teach them how to include. The Pisces partner can be quite direct and spontaneous, which can endanger the image that Libra is trying to maintain in the eyes of others. If they find each other's actions inspiring in any way, they might reach a point where they truly communicate without judgment.

Emotions: 15%

Their emotional connection is primarily presented through the worship of Venus in the sign of Pisces. It's an eternal love waiting to be experienced, and the kind that could arise between these partners if they both manage to overcome their egos. This will be a rare event and their rationalities will weigh on them, because Libra exalts Saturn, and Pisces is ruled by Jupiter. Their minds will likely be filled with all sorts of irrelevant information until they decide it's just too difficult for them to be together.

If they move beyond the stage of disrespect and establish strong boundaries, encouraging each other's individuality and self-sufficiency, they could reach the stage of emotional interaction. As if they don't have enough challenges to face, it will usually happen at a different time. Libra will rush into an emotional show, realizing they've found love, but Pisces won't feel any love until the dust settles and they have time to close their eyes and feel. If the timing is wrong, they will likely end their relationship on good terms, without expecting much from each other in the future.

Values: 60%

They will both value love, and that is what will connect them above all else. With Venus at the center, they will both need to be loved and cherish those who know how to show it, who know how to enjoy life, food and sex, and who know how to make their loved ones satisfied. This could give them a solid basis for a sexual relationship if they are attracted to each other in the first place. The rest of their characters will be very different and while Libra will value consistency and stability, Pisces will value spontaneity and the ability to follow one's heart. If they both believe they have a mission here on Earth, and their missions happen to intersect, they might inspire each other to fight for what they value most - their names in the stars.

Shared activities: 40%

Indecisive Libra is exactly what their Pisces partner doesn't need in order to not feel completely lost in life and in all the activities they choose. The problem is that the moment Libra decides to do something or not, Pisces changes their mind five times, not knowing if it's the best thing for them, for their relationship, for their purpose and their mission in life, etc. Libra's questioning will arouse Pisces' suspicions with painful ease. They will manage to find activities that they both enjoy, and if nothing else works, they can always turn to any art form. The real question is whether they will want to do anything when they are together. They could drain so much strength and confidence from each other just by trying to make a plan for the night.

Summary: 29%

Libra and Pisces have a meeting point in the beauty of Venus. However, they perceive it in two different ways and often, they do not respect each other enough to find the beauty of Venus in the other. They might have real difficulty adjusting to their partner's pace, and the mutable quality of Pisces will often not help them open up more quickly to build a relationship at the pace that would suit their Libra partner. Both Libra and Pisces can take a selfless interest in their partner's satisfaction, and this should help them stay on the good side of their relationship, no matter what happens between them. If they get past the disrespect and unrealistic expectations of each other's personalities, they might discover that they share true love.

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