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Compatibility with Pisces in love, life, sex, communication, friendship & trust

Cosmic Compatibilities

Aries Compatibility

Taurus Compatibility

Gemini Compatibility

Cancer Compatibility

Leo Compatibility

Virgo Compatibility

Libra Compatibility

Scorpio Compatibility

Sagittarius Compatibility

Capricorn Compatibility

Aquarius Compatibility

Pisces Compatibility

Pisces and Aries
Pisces and Taurus
Pisces and Gemini
Pisces and Cancer
Pisces and Leo
Pisces and Virgo
Pisces and Libra
Pisces and Scorpio
Pisces and Sagittarius
Pisces and Capricorn
Pisces and Aquarius
Fish and Fish

Pisces and Aries

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 20%

Aries and Pisces are two signs that really struggle to connect. The beginning of all things is at 0° Aries and their end at 29° Pisces. Their connection is like a “little death” that gives way to everything new, untamed and unexperienced. It is difficult for them to bond, just as it is difficult for all of us to transcend, to go beyond our physical bodies and become one with the Universe. That said, we can understand the difficulty their sexual natures have in accepting each other.

Aries represents instinctive sex. The sign of Pisces represents orgasm. Although Aries cares about his orgasm, he won't make an art out of it. Pisces would rather satisfy themselves than be with someone who doesn't understand the art of orgasm. When they end up together, it can be torture for both, because they don't understand what each other needs. Aries would even come to understand the need for tenderness and physical contact, but what Pisces wants is like an inaccessible wonderland that no one needs. In fact, they simply don't understand what they need. Aries is like an inexperienced child to their Pisces partner, and while this may open the door for Pisces to enter this relationship, they don't feel so good when they realize that this isn't about to change any time soon.

If they are both open enough to find their intimate language, their sex life has to be weird and kinky if they want to succeed. Pisces will feel stifled in anything ordinary and less satisfying than what they know they deserve, while Aries is usually not very interested in sharing emotions all night and waking up the afternoon.

Trust: 1%

With Aries' head-high attitude, flirtatious, direct attitude, and libido, it's not easy for sensitive Pisces to miss these signals from all around. This will immediately reflect on the level of their confidence. It's hard to open up when you don't trust your partner, so Pisces will stay in their own little world as long as they can, just to avoid being hurt and lied to. Aries will see their partner's world as a false, unclear image that they don't need, and will find their Pisces partner shady and unworthy of their trust.

Communication and intelligence: 70%

Aries and Pisces can find plenty to talk about if they open up to each other's support and advice. Although they are interested in completely different things most of the time, they are still connected as neighboring signs and have a way of relying on each other. Through their relationship, they must learn to know their own weaknesses and fix them to be whole. It's not exactly like they complement each other, but the effect they have on each other can be like the right medicine.

Aries tends to not look back, question the past, or be too quick and fast with relationships. They might also have an ego with a shotgun, waiting for any potential partner to come by and kill their desire to even think about dating an Aries, let alone being serious in a relationship with them.

Pisces is sensitive enough to explain to Aries how they should soften while still maintaining their boundaries. Pisces represents a dreamland for Aries and they are able to show them that they can have a mission and a higher purpose, instead of just chasing life.

In return, the Aries partner will help their Pisces partner find their feet. They won't be very gentle about it, guaranteed, but might be realistic just enough to show Pisces how important it is to have initiative and build something you dream of in the real world. If they begin their intimate relationship on these grounds, they might easily discover their common ground for other segments of their relationship.

If they are not as open to change and looking for someone to help them create, they will hardly share topics that they both find interesting.

Emotions: 5%

Their emotional worlds are like two different planets that rule their signs - Mars and Neptune. While Mars, the ruler of Aries, is a rust-covered, red-colored desert with volcanoes, canyons, and bad weather, Neptune is a cold, wind-whipped blue gas giant much farther from the Sun. This is exactly how their emotions differ. Those that Aries cherish most are well defined, strong, protected and colored with the color of passion. Pisces, on the other hand, has a windy and changeable emotional world, colored blue as the color of sadness and vision, and is easily cooled as soon as it feels disappointment.

Values: 35%

It's strange how they both value honesty and have such trust barriers when they are together. When they get involved, trust somehow becomes the sole purpose of their entire relationship.

They also both love fairy tale heroes and value the usual storyline of pride, chastity and bravery. However, the core of these values ​​is different for each of them. Representatives of Aries will appreciate them for this feeling of strength, power and for the role of the one and only hero, smarter and more courageous than all the others. Pisces appreciates them for their ideals, happy endings and these utopian relationships between a few worthy men and women.

Shared activities: 40%

They could share a walk in the forest, or indulge in water sports. Other activities that Aries would happily take on aren't "spiritual" enough for Pisces. Pisces always needs a "second perspective" and this can seem crazy to their Aries partner. Yes, the Pisces partner knows that sports are healthy, but they need to connect them to something in their infinite world. So, water sports are perfect, because of all the secrets of water, the view of the ocean, being underwater and contemplating the purpose of life, or a dip in the swimming pool. Forest walks can be beautiful because they allow you to hear the birds, the trees saying "hello" and to wait for two owls to rest on your shoulders. In the Aries world, things are really much simpler and if they want to enjoy something, they will just go and enjoy it. In the same way, they run when they run, train when they train, and look at the ocean when they look at the ocean.

Summary: 29%

It is a relationship troubled primarily by the lack of trust and the ability of both parties to open up to their partner. Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet that rules our first chakra, responsible for our ability to set good boundaries. Pisces is ruled by Neptune, responsible for our entire aura and our permeability to external stimuli. Since they are both responsible for our boundary with the outside world, it is difficult to say which partner should relax and allow the other to get closer. Their only chance for a happy ending is if the Aries partner dives and the Pisces partner wakes up.

Pisces and Taurus

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 99%

Both Taurus and Pisces are pleasure-loving beings. Taurus represents the art of making love, tenderness and sensuality. The sign of Pisces represents the culmination of a sexual encounter - orgasm. It is a place where Venus is exalted, magical, mysterious and incredibly satisfying for the ruler of Taurus. They have the ability to lose themselves in each other, realize their dreams, and satisfy each other through pure existence.

When it comes to sex, Taurus can easily find themselves in a rut if their partner isn't inspiring or creative enough. They don't care, as long as their emotional needs are met and their physical body is respected. Pisces, on the other hand, gets lost in sexual experiences, and may even find them toxic if their impressions of others are unrealistic. When they meet the right Taurus partner, they may be intrigued and relieved by their nature, because what they see is actually what they get.

Due to the emotional nature of the Pisces sign and their deep sense of purpose, Taurus will feel loved to the point of losing themselves in their partner's sexuality. They will both pay very little attention to their own pleasure because of all these feelings that guide them. It is almost always a giving relationship where both partners are equally satisfied when it comes to sex.

Trust: 80%

Due to Pisces' tendency to approach every relationship with an idealistic approach, there's a good chance they'll open up to their Taurus partner as soon as they realize how stable and secure they seem. The beauty of their contact is that when they are together, they both lose their need to hide and let their emotions develop with ease.

The sign of Pisces is a mutable quality sign, and they can change unexpectedly, for no clear reason. If this happens, Taurus will know that trust is lost, regardless of how their relationship looked just a few minutes ago. It's a deep feeling of broken intimacy, lost in Pisces' need for emotional exaltation. Basically, when the Pisces partner is bored, they start thinking of excuses and lies, even before realizing that their relationship is over. It is up to Taurus to understand the fragility of his partner. When they do, they can either accept the situation and fight for love or end the relationship and move on.

Communication and intelligence: 95%

Taurus and Pisces probably won't need to talk much. Instead, they will understand each other through all types of nonverbal communication, curious about each other's next move. The subtlety of Pisces is something truly inspiring to Taurus and they will feel the need to get to know every detail of their partner's behavior. These two signs are not very talkative and Pisces even led Mercury to its fall. This is why they really need to create a strong emotional bond and listen to each other through very few words.

The scope of talent and creative energy that Pisces carries goes well with Taurus' need for beauty. Unfortunately, they can get lost in the world of Pisces and really lose that grip they have on reality. At first it will be like a drug, an addiction, something they have been waiting for their whole life. Over time, the feeling will no longer be as good, because they will lose touch with themselves and feel like they no longer know who they are. The most important thing for Taurus in a relationship with Pisces is to hold on and stick to their common sense, practicality and their usual need to live in reality.

Emotions: 99%

Taurus and Pisces have a magical emotional connection. As long as Pisces doesn't change their mind and swim away, their relationship should be filled with love and wonder. As Pisces exalts Venus, the ruler of Taurus, it is not just about love but adoration. Taurus will feel, for a while, like the center of someone's world, loved and cherished to the point of being unbearably beautiful. If this feeling continues, they could stay in a great relationship for a very long time.

As soon as the Pisces partner feels this beautiful emotion fading, he will make a spontaneous maneuver to move away from his Taurus partner. The funny thing is that in most cases Taurus won't be hurt at all. This simple feeling of inadequacy will be enough for both of them to let the distance take its course. Even though Taurus tends to bond emotionally with their partner, their potential separation from Pisces will be more of a reality check than a devastating event.

Values: 85%

Taurus is turned towards a material reality and Pisces towards an emotional reality. Their values ​​differ greatly, but the one they share is incomparable to others - love. No other zodiac sign can truly understand the way these two value love, especially when they are in love with each other.

Shared activities: 70%

The main problem with these signs is that Taurus is a fixed sign and Pisces is mutable. This can lead to a lack of understanding when it comes to how they want to spend their time together. At first, they will enjoy the same things, but the Pisces partner will get bored very quickly if the decor doesn't change. It's not like them to stay in one place for too long. When Taurus finds himself in a beautiful situation, he will want to stay there forever, clinging to the first image even when the beauty of it fades. This will slow down any movement and could really annoy their Pisces partner.

Summary: 70%

This is a relationship that is based on love and is full of it while it lasts. They both crave romance and beauty in their lives, and will do whatever is necessary to keep beauty between them. Taurus will give their Pisces partner a chance to connect to the real world, showing them how to ground their creativity, while Pisces will lift Taurus up and make him a little softer and more flexible. They seem to be on a mission to convince them that true love exists. When their relationship is over, they will both know it instantly and, very often, a conversation about the breakup will be superfluous. If they savor their trust and nurture the beauty of the love they share, their relationship can last and be as inspiring as a dream come true.

Pisces and Gemini

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 15%

It's a good thing that Gemini's approach to sex is so creative, otherwise they would really struggle to form any sort of intimate connection with Pisces. They may be attracted to each other due to the fact that they are ruled by Mercury and Jupiter, the same planets that rule their opposite signs. However, there is a good chance that they do not recognize each other as sexual beings or keep a certain distance from each other.

Geminis have great creative potential, but aren't exactly looking for their one and only love to have sex. Pisces, on the other hand, exalts Venus, and they only want to have sex with the love of their life, unless they've been disappointed too many times. If they meet after these many disappointments, Gemini will not find Pisces very attractive, because they will no longer have any energy or childish charm.

If their sex life is going to be functional, both of them will have to find a way to be a little more down to earth than they normally are. Gemini will have to realize the truth behind their own emotional nature and give in to true intimacy, while Pisces will have to accept their partner's differences instead of looking for a soul mate with predefined qualities.

Trust: 1%

Trust is already a weak point in almost any relationship these two can have and when they get together, there's a chance they will have no idea how to create any trust between them . They have completely different ways of dealing with their emotional relationships and self-image issues, and they will think of many different ways to twist the truth when they are together. Unfortunately, when one of them lies, they don't have much success. Gemini is too intelligent to let their Pisces partner lie to them, and Pisces senses their Gemini partner's state too well not to realize that he is not telling the truth. In fact, they both delve into each other's unconscious and see each other in ways neither of them see each other.

Communication and intelligence: 20%

There are always a fairy tale or two to share between them and something to enjoy when they go out. They'll laugh together, but it's a strange connection with a lack of real communication. Gemini may decide to make a joke and Pisces will laugh without really thinking about it. Pisces will then say something to tease Gemini and the latter will laugh without thinking about it. It's like they never really listen to each other and sink into a strange pool of superficial relationships and small talk.

If they start discussing their deep thoughts and feelings, they may find themselves in a conflict that neither of them anticipated. You could say they idealize each other, but only to a point of recognition. Neither Gemini nor Pisces will think of each other as their true love, unless they actually are each other's true love. They will therefore have this image of the other which is deviated from reality, due to the fact that they do not really listen to each other. The only possible way for them to have an in-depth conversation is in a situation where they have absolute emotional intimacy, as is usually the case with family members.

Emotions: 1%

Gemini is one of the most rational signs of the zodiac and Pisces is the incurable romantic and one of the most emotional signs. When they fall in love, they are rarely on the same frequency and often only one of them has real emotions for the other. They represent the ideal candidates for an unrequited love scenario and can be a nuisance to everyone around them if they find themselves in a relationship without emotional balance.

Values: 5%

They both value what they stand for, and while Gemini appreciates someone listening to them and loving them unconditionally, that doesn't match the passionate love that the Pisces partner wants to have. In general, they will both cling to what they know best and Gemini will appreciate intellectual strength and will not be very perturbed by dishonesty as long as their image of the relationship is not disrupted. Pisces will appreciate their partner's reliability, and trust is at the top of their priority list.

Nevertheless, there is one thing they will share, hidden in the fact that they both appreciate someone's creative ability. Even though this arises from different views of creation, it can bind them together in the act of creation. Pisces will provide the talent and inspiration and Gemini their ingenuity and practicality.

Shared activities: 15%

When we talk about Gemini and Pisces, we must keep in mind that these two signs are mutable. Although their interests may be very different, they might find activities to share because of their mutual need for movement of any kind. In general, Pisces dreams of movement rather than moving, and that's exactly what Gemini could teach them: how to take the first step.

Summary: 10%

Gemini and Pisces are square signs that often don't have much in common. They are both positive enough to have a superficial, pleasant relationship and go well together in large social gatherings. They can both forget to call each other when they agreed, and they can both change their minds in two seconds, but they just don't share the same goals. As a strongly mental and strongly emotional sign, their lack of understanding can be hurtful to Pisces and sometimes both of them. If they fall in love and begin a romantic relationship, chances are it won't last very long.

However, there is a beauty in the creative side of this relationship and if Gemini decides to really listen to Pisces, they could help them use their talent constructively. In most situations, Pisces will only drain energy from their Gemini partner, especially if they find themselves in their fragile, needy mode that some other signs might understand much better than Gemini. If they want to succeed in their persistence in being together, they should work together and socialize a lot. The most important thing for both of them in this relationship is to reach into their emotional hearts and surrender to true intimacy, otherwise they will never be able to communicate.

Pisces and Cancer

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 85%

Cancer and Pisces are almost always brought together by romantic love. Their sexual connection is usually primarily emotional. Pisces' partner may seem a little weird and perverted to Cancer, but they should have a feeling for each other, strong enough for both to enrich their sexual relationship with their own quality.

Cancer will bring intimacy into their sex life and the meaning behind the act. They will care for their partner and care about their pleasure, providing a stable and safe approach to a healthy sex life. Pisces will bring change, creativity, inspiration and probably a lot of sensuality, as it is the sign that exalts Venus. The beauty of this connection lies in the emotion they share and the way they cherish each other and respect each other's sensibilities.

Their main problem may be that Cancer can be somewhat traditional when it comes to sex and Pisces' partner doesn't really understand that. Pisces' need to connect and feel love is greater than any rules humanity has established for love. However, in most cases, they will be tender enough to inspire their Cancer partner to let go of their rigid attitudes and shame, and surrender to the beauty of the sexual exchange of emotions.

Trust: 70%

It's a good thing that Cancer is generally not aggressive or pushy, or he could easily elicit dishonesty from Pisces in response to their tendency to create intimacy and a happy home at all costs. Pisces doesn't really understand marriage except as part of a fairy tale ending or because of all that lace, and Cancer will generally want marriage as the crowning achievement of a romantic relationship. This can be recognized as pressure at some point and it can lead to the Pisces partner becoming afraid.

When Pisces is afraid, they won't tell the truth, even about stupid things in their life, because they feel the need to distance themselves from any pressure they might feel. It's a good thing that Cancer understands this and easily separates lies from intimacy. Whatever the situation, they'll both probably be patient enough to trust each other just enough to make their relationship work.

Communication and intelligence: 85%

As changeable as Pisces are, they always have something to say. This can be a source of inspiration or irritation for Cancer who might prefer to deal with "real information." In general, they communicate very well, but there are situations in which they might float on an idea made up of words. Cancer is looking for someone who is clear about the usefulness and practicality of everything they mention. Pisces is anything but practicality-oriented in most everyday situations.

If the Pisces partner learns to be quieter, trust his feelings, and starts to fight for what he wants, he could brush off his Cancer. Unfortunately, their entire relationship won't last very long if words are spoken but actions don't follow. The opposite sign of Cancer is after all - Capricorn, and they need a partner who can use things, situations and emotions constructively.

Emotions: 99%

Cancer can understand the sensitive nature of their Pisces partner better than anyone. Everything that seems easy-going and positive can have a hidden negative note in the Pisces world, and Cancer feels rather than listens, making them a perfect companion for someone like Pisces. When feeling this deep understanding, the Pisces partner will reciprocate with absolute tenderness and finally open up to their Cancer partner. When they find that common point of intimacy where true emotions are shared, it will affect every other segment of their relationship and be fuel for it to have a fairy tale ending.

Values: 25%

This is where the difference in character between the two is really highlighted. Although they both appreciate being loved and cared for, Cancer will appreciate a stable emotional situation and a comfortable home to come to, while Pisces will probably appreciate any possibility of an emotional roller coaster more. Pisces are often said to idealize partners and different things in life, but in fact they get depressed when there is no magic and perfect beauty around them. If their daily life with a Cancer partner seems like a boring routine, they will find a way to escape, find a lover, or create any sort of really exciting circumstance.

Shared activities: 70%

When they meet and start their relationship, they probably have a lot going on together. A relationship with a Pisces partner is always exciting and inspiring, and Cancer will give it strength, stability and roots. At first this may seem like a great arrangement, but over time Pisces might want too much activity for what the Cancer partner really needs. It wouldn't be a big deal if they told their partner without worrying about one of them getting hurt. If they start to twist the truth, Cancer will feel that their trust is starting to fade and this could trigger a series of problems between them, which could have easily been avoided.

Summary: 72%

As two water signs, Cancer and Pisces connect through emotions, usually as soon as they look at each other. This is one of the typical combinations of zodiac signs for love at first sight. Their main challenge lies in the changing nature of the Pisces sign, not because it is there, but because they may be afraid to show it. Their biggest problem lies in the fact that they prioritize different types of love in their lives. If passion and sensual, sexual love are not there, Pisces will rarely be satisfied with the love they receive from their family, and Cancer would find life without a family nest very depressing. A fine balance must be struck between excitement and stability, and they could make one of the most wonderful couples in the zodiac - inspired Cancer and Pisces with a sense of home.

Pisces and Leo

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 1%

It's incredible that two signs that represent love can be so poorly matched to each other. Leo will seem like a bully, selfishly caring about his own needs, incapable of forming an intimate relationship with anyone, much less Pisces. While this isn't true, it could be the obvious reality for Pisces if they find themselves in a relationship with a Leo partner. In return, Leo will think that Pisces is weak and unrealistic, completely separated from their own desires and the strength of their body or emotions.

The truth is that they can both be amazing lovers, but they will rarely discover it together. Their roles and characters seem to be too different for them to find a way to coexist in a satisfying sexual relationship. The main problem in their relationship is that the sign of Leo is a falling sign of the ruler of Pisces, Neptune. In a practical sense, this means that Leo will burst Pisces' bubble and endanger their sensitivity, their idealism and go against their beliefs. This will ruin the romance between them and prevent them from finding any magic when they are together.

Leo's openness and directness will make Pisces feel ashamed and rushed, and their sex life may be delayed indefinitely until Pisces' partner feels safe enough to bare. Because of the differences in their approach to sex, Leo will in most cases come across as an insensitive bully, unless Pisces begins to understand their emotional depth, even though it is so different from theirs. The best way for these partners to find language that can support their sex lives is to establish emotional trust first and worry about sexual satisfaction second.

Trust: 1%

Neptune is the planet of all deception and mistrust in the world, making things around us seem foggy, unclear and false. Pisces is the sign ruled by Neptune, and Leo brings it to its downfall. It's a difficult combination of signs to reach a point of mutual trust. They will both seem dishonest to each other, not because they are lying, but because their characters seem unreal. Leo will think of Pisces as if they are still on drugs, and Pisces will feel sorry for Leo and his lack of confidence.

Communication and intelligence: 35%

Pisces' ideals could be shattered by Leo's approach if they get too close to each other. They might share many interests due to the creative power of both signs. Pisces will easily give inspiration to Leo, but the problem is in how Leo might use it. The best way to create a safe environment for both partners is to stick to the topic that interests them individually.

Leo is a warm sign, very passionate about their actions and desires. Pisces will rarely show the same initiative to achieve their dreams and this is their biggest difference. As Leo always highlights our virtues and flaws, he will not miss an opportunity to show his Pisces partner how unrealistic he is. This could help Pisces build a more realistic approach, but it could also affect their confidence and hurt them with a difficult perception of the world.

Emotions: 15%

These two individuals are extremely emotional, each in their own way. The Fire element to which Leo belongs makes him passionate and gives him the need to fight for his loved one and their emotions. Pisces is a Water sign, and is much more passive, showing their passion through the flow of emotions. They will rarely fight for anything, believing that perfection need not be fought for and that true treasures are spontaneous and conflict-free.

The midpoint for these partners lies in their awareness that not everything needs to be earned, just as not everything needs to be without influence. Although true emotions are supposed to develop without difficulty, life sometimes tests us to see if we really care. Still, it's not something that happens all the time, and sometimes things have to be left aside because they don't belong to us, and we don't belong to them.

Values: 20%

It's interesting how much these two partners value clarity and honesty. The Pisces partner understands the necessity of lies, but still lives for clarity of mind and realization of one's true inner Self. A great connection between their worlds of values ​​is found in Leo's heroic nature which seems to have roots in a Pisces fairy tale. Although they both value their individual beliefs, they will be able to find common ground in Leo's grandiose character and Pisces' idealizing nature.

Shared activities: 10%

As a fixed and mutable sign, they will have difficulty synchronizing their need for changes and new activities. Although Leo is a Fire sign, always ready to start something new, he will like to stick to his routine and show up in all the usual places every day. Pisces wants to be invisible and they will often change their scenery so people don't recognize them. Although they may share certain interests and have activities that they would like to share, they will rarely stay in the same place and actions for very long.

Summary: 14%

Leo and Pisces seem to have been put on this Earth to spread entirely different types of love. The problem lies not in their element or quality, as much as in their connection through the fall of Neptune, the ruler of Pisces. If they are attracted to each other, they will be subject to the risk of great damage to their beliefs, their inner faith and will generally succumb to a lack of mutual respect due to a simple lack of understanding. The beauty of their relationship could be developed through Pisces' fairy tale approach, if they build the heroic image of their Leo partner to the point that other differences between them fade away.

Pisces and Virgo

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 99%

Virgo and Pisces are opposite signs and their attraction is very strong. As they also represent the axis of Venus' fall and exaltation, we can conclude that their relationship always has a lesson about Venus to teach. These partners are tasked with finding the place of physical intimacy in which they will both relax into being exactly who they are.

The Virgo partner will usually be shy, trying to show their sexuality through rational behavior, and Pisces will see through all of this. On the other hand, Pisces will be afraid of a close physical connection with another person, which Virgo will practically ignore. When they both learn that they cannot hide who they are, they will have no choice but to free themselves from all fear and shame, surrendering to the wonderful sexual experience that Venus has to offer.

This is a couple who will never have instinctive sex, no matter how passionate it may be. Virgo's analytical mind will not allow them to act "like animals", and this is something that Pisces will find so human and attractive. Virgo will be especially attracted to the purity of sex with Pisces, who truly approach it as an act of love, without prejudice and following their inner feeling, wherever it leads.

Trust: 65%

Virgo may have serious trust issues that Pisces won't help them overcome. In order to have a healthy relationship where they trust each other, they will both need to be secure and confident enough to be honest. Both of these partners will easily give in to dishonesty, although their beliefs are the opposite of their behavior. It can be torture for both of them if one partner tells a lie. Fortunately, they are both aware that a little secrecy could even boost their relationship and give it more passion. This is why they usually overcome small lapses in intimacy in order to trust each other on a higher level.

Communication and intelligence: 85%

They complement each other best through communication and intellectual stimulation. When they begin their relationship, they realize how similar they are, even though they seem so different. The mutable quality of their signs will allow them to move from one topic to another, both remaining interested in the flow and outcome of their conversations.

The best person to pull Virgo out of her obsessive analysis is Pisces, with their smile and broader vision. Pisces will give their Virgo partner faith, teach them how beliefs can shape reality, and help them free themselves from too much caution and fear of failure. Virgo often has this inner battle in which nothing they know, think, or do is good or valuable enough. Pisces is capable of inspiring and finding value in everything in life, and these Virgo insecurities and emotional issues can seem like something unnecessary that hurts the self-esteem of everyone around them . They will do their best to help their partner reach the point of inner security in which they understand their worth. In return, Virgo will help Pisces achieve real materialization of their incredible talents. She may do this through constant remarks and criticism, but in the end, Pisces will have a lot to be grateful for.

Not only does this relationship represent the axis of exaltation and fall of Venus, but it also represents the axis of exaltation and fall of Mercury. As much as Virgo has issues with Venus, Pisces has issues with practical Mercury and their minds can send mixed signals making them lost and confused. Virgo will help them build an inner sense of intellectual security, in exchange for their emotional security.

Emotions: 95%

No other zodiac sign can awaken the emotional depths of Virgo better than Pisces. The understanding between them could reach points of perfection and that is something that both of them will probably be unable to find with anyone else. However, it is important that they do not build too many expectations around this idea of ​​perfection, because no one can meet these demands in real life.

If they stray, losing touch with their partner's true personality, they will be easily disappointed and feel the need to end the relationship. With two mutable signs, everything moves quickly and changes are inevitable. If they want to stay in a stable relationship, they must find a fine balance between rationality and emotion, reality and dreams and love themselves as if they are perfect just the way they are.

Values: 75%

They share a great love of perfection. As much as Virgo will appreciate a perfect mind, Pisces will appreciate a perfect emotion. This is their meeting point and it can make them divine, or constantly dissatisfied with the need to change everything about their partner. Both of these partners will appreciate flexibility, someone's ability to adapt and change, and they will most certainly appreciate the love they receive from their partner. Yet their differences in approach to each other's beliefs and convictions can be enormous, and acceptance between them must be unconditional.

Shared activities: 99%

Virgo may be reluctant to do anything from a Pisces fairy tale, but they will follow through out of curiosity. After all, they are ruled by Mercury, and have this need to see and feel everything Earth has to offer. Once they enter the magical world of Pisces, they might discover the beauty of life that they were completely unaware of. When these partners are together, they make each other feel like anything is possible, because Pisces understands infinite possibilities as much as Virgo realizes things, understanding reality better than many others.

Summary: 86%

Virgo and Pisces represent the axis of exaltation and fall of Venus and Mercury. This makes them partners with the greatest challenges and potential for love in the entire zodiac. They must find a subtle balance between rationality and emotions, each individually and together through their relationship. In many cases, this is not a couple that will last very long, as their mutable quality makes them changeable enough to quickly discard the entire relationship if they are not satisfied. They must realize that the perfection they seek may not come in the form they expect. If they stay together long enough to understand the benefits of their contact, they might discover that the love between them is the only true love they could find in this life.

Pisces and Libra

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 50%

Air and Water, Libra and Pisces seem to have almost nothing in common. However, we must not forget their connection through Venus, the ruler of Libra, exalted in Pisces. As they touch each other through this sensual and loving planet, they can find true sexual satisfaction together. They can both be selfless lovers, caring more about their partner's satisfaction than their own.

Tenderness shouldn't be a problem here, because neither partner will like too much aggression and brutality anyway. They might discover many different sexual preferences that they weren't aware of before, through a connection of very different kinds. If they were not connected by Venus, it would be very difficult for them to form a relationship of any kind, because their approach to life and sexuality is completely different.

The Libra partner wants someone strong, passionate, and confident, while the Pisces partner wants someone gentle, compassionate, and aware of their feelings. Libra will want sexual experiences that are quick and exciting, while Pisces will want them slow and sensual. The main problem of speed is usually overcome by the quickly changeable nature of Pisces, except in cases where they are too shy to embark on a sexual relationship with someone as overtly sexual as Libra.

Trust: 1%

They will not understand each other well enough to share much trust. Libra's need to be accepted and appreciated by others will be misinterpreted by Pisces, because they do not understand how a person's self-confidence can be so low. The bubbly, ever-loving, childish and flirtatious nature of Pisces will be a huge obstacle for Libra, who will not be able to trust someone who openly shows interest in others. The only way for these partners to stay in a trusting relationship is to approach it casually and build their understanding and trust from scratch, as if they had never had a relationship before this one.

Communication and intelligence: 5%

In many cases, Libra will appreciate the optimism and naive, childlike nature of their Pisces partner. Unfortunately, she will often want to help him grow and change who he is so that he can be "happier". The problem here lies in Libra not knowing or trying to figure out what would make Pisces truly happy. This is a fundamental lack of respect that could ruin the foundations of their relationship. The main challenge here is to stay in a respectful bond, no matter how crazy Pisces may seem to their Libra partner, or as rigid and boring as Libra may seem to Pisces.

Their communication can be inspiring as long as they don't try to change each other, explain to the other how they should think or feel in certain situations, or worse, teach them how to include. The Pisces partner can be quite direct and spontaneous, which can endanger the image that Libra is trying to maintain in the eyes of others. If they find each other's actions inspiring in any way, they might reach a point where they truly communicate without judgment.

Emotions: 15%

Their emotional connection is primarily presented through the worship of Venus in the sign of Pisces. It's an eternal love waiting to happen, and the kind that could arise between these partners if they can both overcome their egos. This will be a rare event and their rationalities will weigh on them, because Libra exalts Saturn, and Pisces is ruled by Jupiter. Their minds will likely be filled with all sorts of irrelevant information until they decide it's just too difficult for them to be together.

If they move beyond the stage of disrespect and establish strong boundaries, encouraging each other's individuality and self-sufficiency, they could reach the stage of emotional interaction. As if they don't have enough challenges to face, it will usually happen at a different time. Libra will rush into an emotional show, realizing they've found love, but Pisces won't feel any love until the dust settles and they have time to close their eyes and feel. If the timing is wrong, they will likely end their relationship on good terms, without expecting much from each other in the future.

Values: 60%

They will both value love, and that is what will connect them above all else. With Venus at the center, they will both need to be loved and cherish those who know how to show it, who know how to enjoy life, food and sex, and who know how to make their loved ones satisfied. This could give them a solid basis for a sexual relationship if they are attracted to each other in the first place. The rest of their characters will be very different and while Libra will value consistency and stability, Pisces will value spontaneity and the ability to follow one's heart. If they both believe they have a mission here on Earth, and their missions happen to intersect, they might inspire each other to fight for what they value most - their names in the stars.

Shared activities: 40%

Indecisive Libra is exactly what their Pisces partner doesn't need in order not to feel completely lost in life and in all the activities they have chosen. The problem is that the moment Libra decides to do something or not, Pisces changes their mind five times, not knowing if it's the best thing for them, for their relationship, for the purpose and mission of their lives, etc. Libra's questioning will arouse Pisces' suspicions with painful ease. They will manage to find activities that they both enjoy, and if nothing else works, they can always turn to any art form. The real question is whether they will want to do anything when they are together. They could drain so much strength and confidence from each other just by trying to make a plan for the night.

Summary: 29%

Libra and Pisces have a meeting point in the beauty of Venus. However, they perceive it in two different ways and often, they do not respect each other enough to find the beauty of Venus in the other. They might have real difficulty adjusting to their partner's pace, and the mutable quality of Pisces will often not help them open up more quickly to build a relationship at the pace that would suit their Libra partner. Both Libra and Pisces can take a selfless interest in their partner's satisfaction, and this should help them stay on the good side of their relationship, no matter what happens between them. If they get past the disrespect and unrealistic expectations of each other's personalities, they might discover that they share true love.

Pisces and Scorpio

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 70%

As both water signs, Scorpio and Pisces find it very important that emotions are the most intense part of their sexual experiences. Scorpio is a sign that represents sex, as well as sexual repression, and depending on upbringing and previous sexual experiences, he can be a bit harsh with his sensitive Pisces partner. On the other hand, Pisces is the sign of orgasms, strange sexual experiences, and all things sexual oddities. If they understand Scorpio's emotional depth, they might be much more resilient than we assume.

The biggest challenge for these partners is their relationship with Venus, the planet of sensual physical satisfaction. Scorpio doesn't care much for Venus, leading her to his detriment, while Pisces adores her out of exaltation. It can be very unfortunate if Scorpio pushes aside this emotional need of Pisces to be satisfied and loved at the same time. If Scorpio's partner is aware of their animal nature and instinctive sexual desires, and in touch with their feminine side ready to come forward, Pisces will easily find a way to blend into their sexual world.

Trust: 65%

A suspicious Scorpio can easily become a control freak in a relationship with a Pisces. However, they will both be looking for the perfect love, which should bond them with a certain honesty. As soon as one of them is cheated or disappointed, their relationship should end, because neither of these partners can bear the tarnished image of love. The trust between them will be maintained as long as Pisces has an idealistic approach, doing everything for their one true love. When their image becomes clearer and they realize who they are with and what their relationship is like, it could be very difficult for them to keep up with Scorpio's expectations of honesty.

Communication and intelligence: 90%

Possible communication problems between Scorpio and Pisces are either Scorpio's harshness or Pisces' excessive sensitivity. With these two combined, it will be almost impossible to have a healthy conversation in which there is no hurt, distance or anger. They will rarely argue, because the Pisces partner usually has no reason to argue with anyone, but they might have a lot of misunderstandings that would lead to their separation quite quickly.

If the Scorpio partner is tender enough and the Pisces partner has the necessary boundaries, their communication can be quite exciting and magical. These two signs are linked to different types of magic, and they will both be interested in the "behind the scenes" view of everything around them. When they start to communicate and come out of their silence zone, they could easily lose their temper on topics that most signs wouldn't understand.

Approaching all aspects of their lives emotionally will help them understand themselves when it comes to making rational choices. The most superficial experiences will become something incredible to talk about, and the truth behind everything in life will be fascinating. They should hold on to their fascination with each other, instead of giving in to their weaknesses.

Emotions: 99%

If there's another sign that Scorpio can understand, it's Pisces. There is an emotional depth to Scorpio that not everyone is ready to face and Pisces is ready to face anything in the realm of emotions. The sign of Pisces represents our oceans and seas, while Scorpio represents rivers. Every river flows into the ocean or sea, and this reflects the emotional connection between these signs in the best possible way.

The Pisces partner will have the ability to disperse the intensity of their Scorpio partner's emotions. This will allow them both to breathe easier, as long as they don't cross the line and endanger the part of that depth that Scorpio loves. This is a special connection in which the Scorpio partner needs to focus their emotions and the Pisces partner needs to give them a purpose. As difficult and dark as it may be, they will share a deep emotional understanding that should be followed to see where their relationship will lead.

Values: 75%

As much as Scorpio appreciates the strength of character and depth of a person, Pisces appreciates sensitivity and breadth. Yet their mutual love for a connection with emotions, and the depth of their emotional connection, will give them just enough shared values ​​to hold on to. Scorpio is a sign ruled by Mars and there is always a certain admiration for chivalry. Pisces represents all the fairy tales in which a prince becomes a hero and marries a beautiful girl. The Pisces partner is on a mission to teach Scorpio how to achieve their fairy tale through chivalry, and they should both stay focused on creating their shared dreamland, royalty or not.

Shared activities: 85%

When it comes to activities they might share, they'll probably be inseparable no matter what they do. If Scorpio becomes attached to their Pisces partner, it could become tiring for both, as too much of Pisces' scattered activity can be irritating to focused Scorpio and Scorpio's obsessive nature could take its toll on Pisces. However, they will have enough energy to follow each other and it should be easy for them to find common interests. The main problem with their time together could be the Scorpio partner's unconscious negativity. It could endanger the positive, happy image of the world that Pisces wants to convey and it could push the Pisces partner away if their emotional connection isn't strong enough to keep them together.

Summary: 81%

When Scorpio and Pisces meet, this relationship will likely give them both new perspectives on emotional possibilities. They will easily get carried away by the image of a fairytale love, and this image could keep them together for a very long time, even if they are not happy. As two water signs, they will rely on their emotional judgments and understand this about each other, creating true intimacy. The challenge here is for Scorpio's nature not to obsess and stifle their changeable partner, and for Pisces to stop running away from negative emotions.

Pisces and Sagittarius

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 30%

If they ever manage to have a physical relationship, they will have a lot of fun. As two mutable signs, there will be no end to their creativity and changes in positions, settings, and levels of commitment and intimacy. Their sex life will experience ups and downs, excitements and disappointments, too many expectations and many surprises. The best thing about their relationship is the positivity that both partners share, as well as the lots of laughter and fun that they will share in their sex life.

Unfortunately, the level of intimacy will rarely be satisfactory for either partner. As they are both ruled by Jupiter, they will be confronted with their rational nature and beliefs. The main reason why their sexual relationship rarely comes to fruition is the overthinking of both partners. Sagittarius will wait for a big emotion, grand gesture, or any sort of passionate initiative from Pisces, while Pisces will wait for all the pieces of the puzzle to fit into their perfect position. In most cases, none of these things will happen and they won't go further than a platonic relationship.

Trust: 1%

It will be very difficult for Sagittarius and Pisces to trust each other, but they will probably accept it as a perfectly normal thing. That's the beauty of Jupiter's rule - everything has meaning in their relationship. The Sagittarius partner is too passionate and likes to have a lot of options when it comes to relationships. They will rarely settle down with someone who doesn't have a strong decision to win them over. Pisces, on the other hand, will be too sensitive when trying to show off their imaginary strength. They might end up following their Sagittarius partner on adventures they aren't ready for, sad because of their partner's lack of emotional understanding, and ready to open up to someone else. Regardless of the purpose of every little thing they do, they will often have twisted expectations of each other, leading to unintentional dishonesty.

Communication and intelligence: 85%

Excluding the emotional and physical aspects of their relationship, a Sagittarius and a Pisces will be best friends, almost inseparable, for a while. There is no way to determine how long their relationship will last, and unless supported by fixed signs in their personal chart, they will rarely stay together for long.

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, and traditionally, so is Pisces. It is the largest planet in the solar system and as such has a great influence on the personality of these signs. They will share the same optimism, the same vision and almost the same delusions. These partners will be linked by extremely beneficial influences and they will almost certainly share the same sense of humor, operate at the same speed and learn a lot from each other, regardless of the length of their union. Jupiter is a planet of knowledge, and they will be fascinated by the unknown they can share with each other.

In time, they will realize their differences in the most unusual ways. Sagittarius is a sign of convictions and will be more rational and more reliable than their Pisces partner. At some point, Sagittarius will begin to distance themselves because of unmet expectations and the irresponsible and detached behavior of their Pisces partner. In return, Pisces will have the simple feeling that this is no longer where they want to be. Both of them may never understand why, but they will simply separate, without bad intentions, and probably without much anger or hurt. The beginning of their separation lies in the lack of respect for each other's beliefs and personality.

Emotions: 30%

Their relationship will be a rollercoaster of emotions for both partners, but it will rarely last very long. The relationship they will build through communication and understanding each other's world will arouse emotions through excitement and the unexpected. They will laugh with each other heartily and share wonderful emotions as long as they are at the beginning of their relationship. As soon as problems arise, they will both feel their emotions fade away, as if the whole relationship is superficial.

Whatever the circumstances, it is important that they both remember that there is nothing superficial about this contact. The learning process and the beauty of their relationship should not be forgotten, but kept as a basis for all their future relationships. They love each other in a strange way, idealizing each other, disappointing each other, choosing to stay apart even when they want to be together. This is a complicated emotional contact because both partners fall in love easily, and the deepening of their relationship can tip them both over the edge. If the relationship ends disrespectfully, they might both lose some of their faith in love.

Values: 65%

The biggest difference here is the value the Pisces partner places on emotions, because often Sagittarius doesn't really understand this approach. If they connect through deep love, they will overcome this with ease and the emotions they share will allow Sagittarius to understand their partner. Generally, they will agree on many things. They will appreciate each other's utopias, people with big hearts, knowledge, broad perspectives and travel. They will understand the other's feeling of not belonging and share the feeling of a higher power.

Shared activities: 90%

As long as they are in a fascination phase of their relationship, they will be inseparable. Both have the need to seize everything that is offered to them and to leave nothing joyful unused, unsaid and left for tomorrow. It's as if they're both hungry for happiness in a dark world they stumbled upon, and when they meet someone so fascinating, it would be a shame to miss the chance to enjoy. Over time, they will realize that although they share the same need for movement and a change of scenery, they may not need the same content in their lives and Sagittarius will gravitate towards activity physics, philosophy and travel, while Pisces will usually return to creative work and the pursuit of love.

Summary: 50%

It's a relationship between two soulmates that often doesn't last very long. At first, it will be difficult for them to leave the platonic zone and start building a physical relationship. Once they are close to each other, their learning process will begin and both partners will be fascinated by each other, thinking that their relationship could never end. They will easily idealize each other, thinking of their relationship as perfect love, but this infatuation will not last very long due to their changeable natures. The fact is, their relationship represents a moment in time where they both deserved to smile. As long as it lasts and they are happy, they will both cherish it.

Pisces and Capricorn

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 99%

There's probably no better way for a Capricorn to relax than entering into a relationship with a Pisces partner. Their sexual relationship is the contact of two powerful individuals, one of them extremely strict and rational, and the other flexible and emotional but sure of his convictions. The differences between them will create a strong attraction, almost as if they are opposite signs.

The sex life these partners may share is inexplicable when their characters are observed superficially. But in a different way than Cancer, Pisces can reach the emotional depth of Capricorn through simple feeling. It is not a question of compassion, but a question of their deep inner truths. Capricorn is not devoid of emotions, although his coldness is evident, and Pisces can be quite rational, even if they seem lost in their emotions. They can awaken each other's best qualities and share strong intimacy through deep emotional and rational understanding.

Their sex life will evolve in a strangely spontaneous way. Capricorns will be inspired to let go and open up to their partner, while Pisces will easily base their affection and find a way to show it through physical contact. Capricorn will feel more relaxed and Pisces will start to pull together. If they stay together long enough, they could form a perfect blend of stability, trust, and emotional excitement.

Trust: 85%

Often, they understand each other well enough to respect their relationship and protect it from dishonesty. This is not always the case, and Capricorn's possible harshness can sometimes tempt Pisces to tell a lie or two. On the other hand, if Capricorn is closed off and inaccessible, trust will be disrupted by the simple fact that they don't know each other well at all. The beauty of their relationship is their approach to trust when they realize who they are dealing with. As both partners do not trust the world to open up easily, they will have to earn it, day after day, with each other. It may seem like a game or a competition to gain their partner's trust.

Communication and intelligence: 65%

If anyone can inspire a Capricorn, it's their Pisces partner. They may both worry a lot about communication in their relationship, but their bond will allow them to stop talking and start listening. They are both shy in a way, and in order to get to know each other, they will have to pay close attention to each other. It's a good thing that they both want to do it, intrigued by the nature of their partner, excited by the idea of ​​getting to know each other in depth.

The problem in their communication may arise when Capricorn gives in to their rigid opinions and beliefs. The sign of Capricorn brings Jupiter to its fall, and Jupiter is traditionally the ruler of Pisces. This could really endanger their entire relationship, as Capricorn's strict and rational nature can damage Pisces' faith and beliefs through simple disbelief. The Pisces partner will rarely abandon their belief system, since that is what they live for, but they might question it and feel alone because of their partner's lack of understanding. “What will be, will be” could become “I decide what will be” and this can stifle the spontaneity and inspiration that the Pisces partner carries within them.

Emotions: 90%

These partners share a deep emotional connection that can be built for years until it truly blossoms. The most wonderful part of their relationship is the expectation of emotions, constant growth and their ability to bring out the best in each other. However, this doesn't mean that any of them will actually change their habits, even if they try their best. Capricorn may remain grumpy, while Pisces may remain eccentric and unreliable. When they are too set in their ways, they can end up annoying each other, as Capricorn stifles Pisces' beliefs and magic, and Pisces disappoints reliable, down-to-earth Capricorn.

Values: 45%

There is a certain consistency in the way they approach their values. It's strange that a person like Pisces can place so much importance on stable emotions, but these help them to finally rest their mind and heart when they are in a stable emotional relationship. Capricorn will surprisingly appreciate a person's ability to be in touch with their emotions and have a clear vision of a positive outcome.

Unfortunately, they will have a real problem approaching the use of beliefs and emotions in everyday life, and while Capricorn will appreciate cold thinking and the ability to be rational, Pisces will appreciate the opposite. They will sometimes be too different, with Pisces dreaming of perfect love, Capricorn knowing it's impossible, Pisces imagining a God with a golden beard, Capricorn believing in this moment, or visiting a church out of tradition rather than out of belief. It won't be easy, but they might like each other enough to overcome their differences.

Shared activities: 70%

At the beginning of their relationship, they will want to do everything together. Even though their interests are generally very different, Capricorn will be inspired to enter the world of Pisces, just as Pisces will want to solve their Capricorn partner's equation. Over time, their activities will separate, as they realize that the things Capricorn wants to do are boring to Pisces, while the things Pisces likes to do drive Capricorn crazy - without a plan, intention or any other form of apparent utility. Yet they will both need to cling to tradition, Capricorn for respect for tradition itself, and Pisces for romantic reasons, and this should help them build enough joint activities over time. time.

Summary: 76%

A Capricorn and Pisces relationship tells a story about the possibilities of inspiration. If someone like Capricorn can be drawn into a crazy, exciting and unpredictable love story, it has to be done by Pisces. In return, Capricorn will offer his Pisces partner stability, peace and a little rest from his usual emotional tornadoes. Capricorn can help Pisces be more realistic and practical, while also feeling more cheerful and optimistic themselves.

Yet there are challenges in their contact, mainly represented by their love of Jupiter. It might be difficult for them to reconcile their different approaches to religion, faith and their different belief systems. To overcome this, it is best for them both to ask themselves if their belief system is working. And does their partner’s work too? If they understand the answers to these questions, they might find enough respect to leave each other's Jupiter intact.

Pisces and Aquarius

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 50%

The sign of Aquarius exalts Neptune, the ruler of Pisces. There is a strong connection between these two signs, and in their sexual relationship, things will definitely never be boring. At first glance, they don't really go well together, one being romantic, looking for the perfect love, while the other is distant, looking to be free of all emotion. Still, their sex life can be quite amazing if Pisces doesn't get too attached and finds a way to keep their distance until their partner shows emotion.

As a mutable sign, Pisces understands constant change and the exhilaration and excitement of the sexual act. Aquarians will follow happily, with a little less enthusiasm because they are, after all, rational. The beauty of their sex life could lie in the creativity, the play of emotion and the perpetual questioning which will bring even more excitement and emotion to the whole relationship.

Unfortunately, in many cases, Pisces just wants their emotions to flow and they end the relationship, rather than deal with constant disappointments. The best chance for a satisfying sex life between an Aquarius and a Pisces partner is in a scenario where the Aquarius already has some emotions to share, before their relationship even begins. They need a good starting point and the Aquarius' ability to show their emotions from time to time in a way that their partner will understand.

Trust: 50%

Trust is the most important issue for this couple and it can go from one extreme to the other. Depending on the state of their intimacy, they may find themselves covered in lies or completely devoid of them. Aquarius' nature can be a little aggressive from time to time and their personal needs for rebellion don't really help Pisces feel safe enough to share intimate thoughts. Pisces' potential emotional dependence may cause the Aquarius partner to give in to their lying skills in order to feel freer.

The only way for them to establish unconditional trust is to use their ability to sense the other's true core. If Pisces understands Aquarius' soft side, the one that lies far beneath the surface, they won't run away from telling the truth. When intimacy is found, Aquarius will finally be able to stop running away from commitment and the problem of lack of freedom will automatically be resolved.

Communication and intelligence: 35%

They can dream together, but unfortunately they will almost never realize any dreams. The lack of reality in their relationship could hurt them both and they might not even know where the problem lies, while they feel frustrated with their relationship. The sign of Pisces should be able to anchor the ideas of the Aquarius partner, since its element is closer to earth. However, they often get lost on the path to doing something concrete, especially when they feel like it doesn't align with their own mission.

The understanding between them is not always very deep and, although they can have a lot of fun together, they will have different approaches to the same things that interest them. For example, if they start talking about religion, they will find themselves in a philosophical battle with no real value. In the end, Pisces will feel bad because they even tried to rationalize their faith, and Aquarius will feel like they spoke to a foggy image about something resembling an opinion.

Emotions: 1%

Aquarius is distant and impersonal while Pisces is eager to attach their fairytale love to someone. Their relationship could be exhausting for the Pisces partner if they try too hard to find the answer to the feelings they might be experiencing. Their partner's distance will most certainly exhilarate them and create a special emotional roller coaster for Pisces that could lead straight to disappointment.

They will be able to create a safe emotional environment for each other only if the initiative comes only from the Aquarius partner. Pisces should be completely silent, uninvolved, feminine and responsive. As soon as idealization appears, the beautiful balance will be shaken and Aquarius' feeling of freedom will be disrupted.

Values: 50%

The connection between these signs simply does not allow them to stray too far from each other and their values ​​will be largely the same, but entirely different in their realization. They will both appreciate freedom in all its forms, love of humanity, excitement, change, inspiration, their ideas and their dreams. For Aquarius, this love of humanity means absolute justice, equality and freedom of expression. For Pisces, this would mean the eternal sound of the ocean as a blessing that brings us here. If we apply this significant character difference to all the other things they enjoy together, we will see that they will need a lot of deep understanding to overcome their differences.

Shared activities: 40%

It's a good thing that the Pisces sign is always open to change, because Aquarius will be happy to provide it. Their interests may be quite similar and with some compromises, they could find lots of things to do together. Pisces will happily go to an art exhibition, but why not make a modern one so Aquarius can be just as interested? Their problem lies in the perception of romance and disagreements about things couples should do together. The Pisces partner will want things that are unusual, surprising and exciting, but followed by romance, physical pleasure and deep emotional understanding. The Aquarius partner, on the other hand, will want inspiring conversations, intellectual stimulation, and preferably some extreme activities included.

Summary: 38%

Like all neighboring signs, Aquarius and Pisces don't necessarily have the best understanding of each other's personalities. However, the sign of Aquarius exalts Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, and this gives them a strong bond across the planet of all magic. It's not easy to create the fairy tale version of this contact, but once they find emotional balance and the fundamental truth for each other, they will have no problem maintaining their fairy tale alive, day after day.

Fish and Fish

Sexual and intimate compatibility: 75%

At first glance, two Pisces representatives might make a perfect couple, but scratching beneath the surface we might see that they have real difficulties getting close to each other. Their sex life can be magical, but in many cases they won't even get to physical contact, keeping their relationship imperceptibly platonic. This is not the result of a lack of initiative, but rather of their own need to stay in the bubble of emotional perfection and their fear of bursting that bubble by entering into a physical relationship that requires facing physical imperfections.

When they begin a physical relationship, they may both be too cautious about the choices of sexual activities they propose to each other. Their relationship could strangely inhibit both of them, due to the possibility of unrealistic expectations and fear of disappointment. Fortunately, their mutable natures will in most cases allow them to progress and make enough adaptations and changes to make their sex lives work. They will then find the exact amount of tenderness and sexual freedom they both need, and understand each other's needs before expressing them.

Trust: 50%

Trust is a very difficult topic when two Pisces representatives begin a romantic relationship. Their main problem is that they know each other too well. They can both recognize their own unstable and unreliable nature in their partner, so instead of building trust and changing them both for the better, they will easily get caught in a circle of attempts to be honest and dishonest, without any need to change their scatterbrained nature. The best way for them to create an atmosphere of safety and trust is to communicate in a meaningful way, which they usually find outdated.

Communication and intelligence: 60%

Pisces is the sign of falling Mercury and these individuals will often be too closed off or lost to have good practical communication. Although they share their dreams with each other, and probably inspire each other in many ways, it will be difficult for them to have discussions about the day-to-day things in their lives. They will both have their own image of what is important for their partner to know about them. It's a good thing they have such a strong feeling about each other, because they probably would never meet if there wasn't an emotional connection between them.

They will tend to not move from a certain point, both being intensely focused on the idea of ​​love, rather than actual activities. This will easily lead them to a place where there's really nothing else to share and talk about, especially if they don't share the same group of friends, or if they don't have other activities common areas that they can discuss on a daily basis. If they lead separate lives, they might find themselves in a relationship where they simply don't know each other and want to be closer to someone else.

Emotions: 99%

Pisces is the sign that exalts Venus, the planet of love. Not only does Venus rule the sign of Libra, which speaks to our relationships, but she is also the ruler of Taurus and represents physical pleasures and satisfaction of the physical body. The sign of Pisces has a great responsibility to exalt the planet which is linked to all aspects of a romantic relationship. Emotional contact between two Pisces partners will rarely materialize, because both partners are looking for someone who needs inspiration, and both don't need that from their partner.

When they fall in love, it is a fairytale romance and their emotional touch is something no other sign can achieve. Two of the representatives of the exaltation of Venus in the same relationship is love multiplied. Their tenderness and the way they nurture their emotions towards each other, will be a true inspiration to everyone around them. There is no better partner for understanding the emotional nature of a Pisces partner, than another Pisces. Their mutable quality will manifest in emotional changes and seeming inconsistency, but in truth, they will know exactly when to break up and when to be together so that their love remains exciting and beautiful.

Values: 80%

With their exalting Venus sign, it's difficult to talk about their values ​​when they're in a relationship. They will both appreciate a person's talent, ability to remain faithful, and flexibility in the outside world. However, two Pisces partners might realize that they don't share the same values ​​when they are together. The problem lies in the fact that they are too similar and that they will reveal each other's deficiencies by their simple existence. This will lead to misunderstandings and the conviction of both partners that they do not have the same values. Not because their values ​​differ that much, but because their priorities may be different.

Shared activities: 75%

They will definitely have a lot of fun. Two Pisces partners can never be bored. Their relationship will be satisfying to all their senses, and they will spend many romantic nights, as well as exciting days, in each other's arms. That is, if they manage to meet. If one of them shows up at the agreed time, the other gets lost, misses a turn or shows up at the previous meeting point. When they finally manage to meet again, after several hours of delay, they may go in opposite directions without realizing it, because they did not speak to each other initially. In general, their joint activities depend a lot on their physical contact, because if they have it, they can at least hold hands so as not to lose each other.

Summary: 73%

Two Pisces partners will have difficulty trusting each other. Their changing natures will cause their relationship to continually evolve, and only if they share enough love will they be able to handle these changes and stay together. In most cases, they will not fall in love, due to their inner need to inspire their partner and help them grow. They don't need this for each other, because they already inspire each other. When romantic love arises between them, they can experience a true fairytale story, complete with unicorns, rainbows and everlasting love.

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